法人別リリース Thu, 15 Sep 2022 14:00:00 +0900 hourly 1 東京・大阪の共同観光プロモーション 【東京⇆大阪ええ旅、いい旅】キャンペーン /release/202209146480 Thu, 15 Sep 2022 14:00:00 +0900 東京観光財団   2022年9月15日 東京⇆大阪 ええ旅、いい旅 事務局 東京都、公益財団法人東京観光財団および、公益財団法人大阪観光局は、令和2年度から、3者で連携し、相互送客の促進を目的に、観光プロモーショ... 2022年9月15日
東京⇆大阪 ええ旅、いい旅 事務局

東京と大阪のコロナ禍にオープンした新スポットなどを「食、体験、宿泊」のコンテンツ別に紹介することで、 「東京から大阪へ旅に出かける」、「大阪から東京へ旅に出かける」 といった両都市間の相互送客を促し、東京、大阪それぞれから出かけた際のメッセージとして、『東京⇆大阪 ええ旅、いい旅』と題して、観光プロモーションを実施いたします。
主 催:東京都、公益財団法人東京観光財団、公益財団法人大阪観光局
(1)本プロモーションの特設サイトをオープン ・特設サイトURL https://tokyoosakatabi.com/
・2022年9月15日(木) 14:00 オープン。
・「東京⇆大阪 ええ旅、いい旅」特設サイトでは、是非注目してほしいスポットを「食、体験、宿泊」とテーマ別にコンテンツを紹介していますので、併せてご覧ください。
(2)東京・大阪の旅行を盛り上げるプロモーションを実施 ・「東京⇆大阪 ええ旅、いい旅」をテーマにしたキャンペーンビジュアルで、東京メトロと大阪メトロの主要駅及びWEBサイト、SNSで告知展開します。
(3)SNS投稿キャンペーン ・公式SNSアカウントにて、第1弾「東京⇆大阪 ええ旅、いい旅」、第2弾「東京⇆大阪 ええグルメ、いいグルメ」と東京と大阪の旅行について、SNS投稿キャンペーンを展開します。 別紙1,別紙2も併せてご覧ください。
(4)東京・大阪の旅行の魅力を発信する記事掲載および、タイアップページをオープン ・旅行・おでかけメディア「RETRIP(リトリップ)」と連携し、女子旅、カップル旅にオススメな東京・大阪の旅行のアイデアを紹介する記事を発信いたします。別紙3も併せてご覧ください。
・グルメ情報サイト「ぐるなび」と連携し東京・大阪の旅先で楽しめるご当地グルメランキングや、ランキング対象メニューを取り扱うお店を紹介するタイアップページを公開します。 別紙3も併せてご覧ください。
「東京⇆大阪 ええ旅、いい旅」 ゛まずはどこ行く?”キャンペーン 1 概要
または、公式Twitterアカウント(@tokyoosakatabi) をフォローいただき、東京または大阪の行きたい場所のエリア名を投稿いただくと抽選で素敵なプレゼントが当たります。
2 応募方法
1. サイト内の応募フォームに必要事項をご記入いただき東京で行きたいエリア名「(例)渋谷」、または、大阪で行きたいエリア名「(例)難波」をコメント送信することで応募完了。
1. Instagramアカウントをお持ちであること。
2. 「東京⇆大阪 ええ旅、いい旅」公式Instagramアカウント(@tokyoosakatabi)をフォローしていること。
3. 対象の公式投稿に、東京で行きたいエリア名、または、大阪で行きたいエリア名をコメントすることで応募完了。
例:「東京の渋谷」 「大阪の難波」など
1. Twitterアカウントをお持ちであること。
2. 「東京⇆大阪 ええ旅、いい旅」公式Twitterアカウント(@tokyoosakatabi)をフォローしていること。
3. 対象の公式投稿に、東京で行きたいエリア名、または、大阪で行きたいエリア名をコメントした引用ツイートをすることで応募完了。
例:「#東京 渋谷」 「#大阪 難波」など
※ 詳しい応募方法は、特設サイトもしくは、公式アカウントのキャンペーン投稿をご覧ください。
3 賞品
 A賞:東京伝統工芸品 江戸切子 藍 オールドグラス 市松に七宝紋 2個セット・・10名様
 A賞:大阪製ブランド 彩り障子 空間を彩る、伝統を繋ぐ建具・・10名様
 B賞:大阪周遊パス 1日券(大人のみ)・・10名様
4 応募期間
・2022年9月15日(木) 14:00 ~2022年10月16日(日) 23:59
『東京⇆大阪 ええグルメ、いいグルメ』 フォトキャンペーン  
2 応募方法
1. Instagramアカウントをお持ちであること
2. 「東京⇆大阪 ええ旅、いい旅」公式Instagramアカウント(@tokyoosakatabi)をフォローしていること
3. 「東京⇆大阪 ええ旅、いい旅」公式Instagramアカウント(@tokyoosakatabi)へのメンションと、東京または大阪旅行中に食べたグルメ写真を指定ハッシュタグ「#東京ええ旅」、「#大阪いい旅」、「#東京ええグルメ」、「#大阪いいグルメ」をつけて、投稿していただくことで応募完了
1. Twitterアカウントをお持ちであること
2. 「東京⇆大阪 ええ旅、いい旅」公式Twitterアカウント(@tokyoosakatabi)をフォローしていること
3. 東京または大阪旅行中に食べたグルメ写真を指定ハッシュタグ「#東京ええ旅」、「#大阪いい旅」、「#東京ええグルメ」、「#大阪いいグルメ」をつけて、投稿していただくことで応募完了
3 賞品
・応募者の中から、東京、大阪に関するグルメ賞品を抽選で20名様にプレゼン ト
4 応募期間
・2022年10月17日(月) 10:00 ~2022年11月17日(木) 23:59
1 概要
・掲載サイトURL(1回目記事) https://rtrp.jp/articles/135033
・1回目記事リリース 2022年 9月15日(木) 14:00~
・2回目記事リリース 2022年10月17日(月) 12:00~
・3回目記事リリース 2022年11月18日(金) 12:00~
■第2弾キャンペーンにあわせて、グルメ情報サイト「ぐるなび」と連携し、東京・大阪の旅先で楽しめるご当地グルメランキングや、ランキング対象メニューを 取り扱うお店をタイアップページにて紹介します。
1 概要
・掲載先 ぐるなび
・掲載サイトURL https://pr.gnavi.co.jp/promo/gourmet-trip/
・サイトリリース  2022年10月17日(月) 10:00~
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Establishes “Tokyo Tourism Representative” in Taiwan and ... /release/201904225660 Wed, 24 Apr 2019 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau announced that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has established ... Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Establishes
“Tokyo Tourism Representative” in Taiwan and Malaysia,
Covering Both Thailand and Singapore,
Sydney and Seoul Take on New Representatives
Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau announced that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has established “Tokyo Tourism Representatives” in Europe, America, Australia and Asia for the purpose of promoting Tokyo as a premier destination for international leisure travel. The “Tokyo Tourism Representative” provides the latest media information and sales activities in Tokyo to local media and travel agencies, and attracts interest from local citizens, media and travel operators to Tokyo.

Recently, Tokyo Tourism Representatives have been set up in Taiwan and Malaysia, bringing to 14 the number of Tokyo Tourism Representatives appointed around the world. The Representative in Malaysia is the first Tokyo Tourism Representative in Southeast Asia and has administration over Thailand and Singapore as well. FLP YOMIKO MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. is appointed as the Malaysia Representative. JINN’S PUBLISHERS CO. LTD. is appointed as the Taiwan Representative. Tourism Garden Pty. Ltd. has been newly appointed as the Sydney Representative, and FINE ZONE has been newly appointed as the Seoul Representative.

The current list of Tokyo Tourism Representatives:

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau will use the local network and knowledge acquired by the Tokyo Tourism Representatives to extend contribution to the Tokyo tourism promotion aiming to increase the number of tourists visiting Tokyo.
Logo and Slogan Promoting Tokyo’s Charms Abroad; "Tokyo Tokyo Old meets New" Campaign Ongoing in... /release/201805284350 Fri, 01 Jun 2018 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is holding a campaign to promote Tokyo’s charms overseas and also ... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Logo and Slogan Promoting Tokyo’s Charms Abroad; "Tokyo Tokyo Old meets New" Campaign Ongoing in Russia
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is holding a campaign to promote Tokyo’s charms overseas and also in a broad scope in Russia using the logo and slogan "Tokyo Tokyo Old meets New."

(Logo: /img/201805284350-O1-T0j6c6rK)

The key messages -- "Unparalleled Excitement" and "Your Next Kick" – have appeared at airports and on trains as well as various media outlets such as newspapers and magazines since June 1, 2018, as part of this full-scale promotional campaign. Also, along with promoting Tokyo’s charms effectively to travelers around the world, it is spreading the image of Tokyo as a tourist destination worldwide.

The message conveyed by the logo and slogan:

Traditions passed on from the Edo period coexist with cutting-edge culture
The "Tokyo Tokyo Old meets New" slogan raises expectations for many surprises to be sent out to the rest of the world and along with that for new values to be created in Tokyo, where traditions continuing for 400 years from the feudal Edo (Tokyo today) period and cutting-edge culture born from the never-stopping evolution meet and merge together.

The design is made from brush and gothic fonts -- by repeating "Tokyo" using two different font types puts a strong emphasis on the image and identity of Tokyo where traditions and innovations are coexistent. Also, the black and blue colors used in the logo express the traditions and the sky that spreads towards the future, while the signature in the middle is based on the image of one tourist spot -- the Shibuya crossing.

The Metropolitan Government inquired citizens of Tokyo about their opinion on both the logo and slogan and officially decided on them in April 2017.

"Tokyo Tokyo Old meets New" official website: https://tokyotokyo.jp/
"Tokyo Tokyo Old meets New" promotional video:
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Launched to Experience Charms of Tokyo and Hiroshima Prefecture /release/201802050613 Tue, 20 Feb 2018 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB In an effort to encourage individual foreign travelers in Tokyo to venture on to the Chugoku and Shi... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Launched to Experience Charms of Tokyo and Hiroshima Prefecture
In an effort to encourage individual foreign travelers in Tokyo to venture on to the Chugoku and Shikoku regions with little stress, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has mapped out sightseeing routes originating from Tokyo and is promoting public relations featuring the diverse characteristics of these destinations in western Japan.

It is pleased to announce the launch of 360-degree virtual reality videos, which provide immersive experiences, as an initiative to further strengthen the information dissemination of “CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO,” a website that introduces recommended tourist routes.

360-degree VR videos:
“360-degree CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO” is a project to introduce the charms of Tokyo and the regions of Chugoku and Shikoku as a combination of must-see wonders.

This edition consists of the “Grill/HIROSHIMA” and “Day walk/HIROSHIMA” segments.
- Grill/HIROSHIMA: Teppanyaki grill (Tokyo) / Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki (Japanese layered pancakes) (Hiroshima)
- Day walk/HIROSHIMA: Asakusa (Tokyo) / Onomichi City (Hiroshima)

URL: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/virtualtour/

Recommended tourist route:
After taking in the metropolitan sights of the Tokyo Bay coastal area, take a journey to the Itsukushima Shrine, a World Heritage Site looking like floating in the sea. Then head to Onomichi, at the crossroads of the Seto Inland Sea. A trip to experience a Japan encompassed by the sea as the gentle ocean breeze blows around you.
URL: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/route_13/

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201802050613/?images)

The website presenting the diverse charms of Tokyo and the regions of Chugoku and Shikoku to audiences worldwide: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/

The website presenting tourism information about different regions of Japan to audiences worldwide: http://www.tourism-alljapanandtokyo.org/?lang=en
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Launched to Experience Charms of Tokyo and Shimane Prefecture /release/201802050616 Mon, 19 Feb 2018 16:00:00 +0900 TCVB In an effort to encourage individual foreign travelers in Tokyo to venture on to the Chugoku and Shi... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Launched to Experience Charms of Tokyo and Shimane Prefecture
In an effort to encourage individual foreign travelers in Tokyo to venture on to the Chugoku and Shikoku regions with little stress, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has mapped out sightseeing routes originating from Tokyo and is promoting public relations featuring the diverse characteristics of these destinations in western Japan.

It is pleased to announce the launch of 360-degree virtual reality videos, which provide immersive experiences, as an initiative to further strengthen the information dissemination of “CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO,” a website that introduces recommended tourist routes.

360-degree VR videos:
“360-degree CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO” is a project to introduce the charms of Tokyo and the regions of Chugoku and Shikoku as a combination of must-see wonders.

This edition consists of the “Landmark/SHIMANE” and “Underwater/SHIMANE” segments.
- Landmark/SHIMANE: Tokyo Station (Tokyo) / Matsue Castle (Shimane)
- Underwater/SHIMANE: Sunshine Aquarium (Tokyo) / Oki Islands (Shimane)

URL: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/virtualtour/

Recommended tourist route:
Harajuku is a birthplace for many of Japanese fashion trends well known as “kawaii culture” in Tokyo. Especially, the Takeshita-dori Street is gathered by young people from all over Japan and the world to look for latest “kawaii” trends. Leave from the spot of latest cultural trends, then head to a historical place, the Izumo-Taisha Great Shrine where it is believed that all of the myriad deities throughout the country gather to this consecrated place in Shimane Prefecture. Great trip to have enough traditional cultural experiences and to see what's like latest Japanese trends.
URL: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/route_10/

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201802050616/?images)

The website presenting the diverse charms of Tokyo and the regions of Chugoku and Shikoku to audiences worldwide: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/

The website presenting tourism information about different regions of Japan to audiences worldwide: http://www.tourism-alljapanandtokyo.org/?lang=en
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Launched to Experience Charms of Tokyo and Tottori Prefecture /release/201802050614 Mon, 19 Feb 2018 16:00:00 +0900 TCVB In an effort to encourage individual foreign travelers in Tokyo to venture on to the Chugoku and Shi... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Launched to Experience Charms of Tokyo and Tottori Prefecture
In an effort to encourage individual foreign travelers in Tokyo to venture on to the Chugoku and Shikoku regions with little stress, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has mapped out sightseeing routes originating from Tokyo and is promoting public relations featuring the diverse characteristics of these destinations in western Japan.

It is pleased to announce the launch of 360-degree virtual reality videos, which provide immersive experiences, as an initiative to further strengthen the information dissemination of “CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO,” a website that introduces recommended tourist routes.

360-degree VR videos:
“360-degree CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO” is a project to introduce the charms of Tokyo and the regions of Chugoku and Shikoku as a combination of must-see wonders.

This edition consists of the “Fly/TOTTORI” and “High/TOTTORI” segments.
- Fly/TOTTORI: YOMIURI LAND (Tokyo) / Tottori Sand Dunes (Tottori)
- High/TOTTORI: Tokyo Skytree (Tokyo) / Sanbutsu-ji Temple on Mount Mitoku (Tottori)

URL: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/virtualtour/

Recommended tourist route:
After gazing upon the sprawling skyscrapers of Tokyo from the observation floor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building in Shinjuku, have some fun with sand dune art and activities in Tottori Prefecture, home of the largest sand dunes in Japan which can be visited by tourists. There is still much of Japan that you have yet to discover.
URL: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/route_11/

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201802050614/?images)

The website presenting the diverse charms of Tokyo and the regions of Chugoku and Shikoku to audiences worldwide: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/

The website presenting tourism information about different regions of Japan to audiences worldwide: http://www.tourism-alljapanandtokyo.org/?lang=en
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Launched to Experience Charms of Tokyo and Tokushima Prefecture /release/201802050618 Thu, 08 Feb 2018 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB In an effort to encourage individual foreign travelers in Tokyo to venture on to the Chugoku and Shi... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Launched to Experience Charms of Tokyo and Tokushima Prefecture
In an effort to encourage individual foreign travelers in Tokyo to venture on to the Chugoku and Shikoku regions with little stress, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has mapped out sightseeing routes originating from Tokyo and is promoting public relations featuring the diverse characteristics of these destinations in western Japan.

It is pleased to announce the launch of 360-degree virtual reality videos, which provide immersive experiences, as an initiative to further strengthen the information dissemination of “CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO,” a website that introduces recommended tourist routes.

360-degree VR videos:
“360-degree CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO” is a project to introduce the charms of Tokyo and the regions of Chugoku and Shikoku as a combination of must-see wonders.

This edition consists of the “Nature/TOKUSHIMA” and “Festival/TOKUSHIMA” segments.
- Nature/TOKUSHIMA: Mt. Takao (Tokyo) / Yoshino River (Tokushima)
- Festival/TOKUSHIMA: Sanja Matsuri festival (Tokyo) / Awa Odori folk dance (Tokushima)

URL: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/virtualtour/

Recommended tourist route:
The Hama-rikyu Gardens are among the most famous gardens in Tokyo, a quiet oasis surrounded by tower buildings. After enjoying beautiful landscaped gardens, visit the Kazurabashi Bridge of Iya in Tokushima Prefecture, a suspension bridge over a gorge used for dairy services. The scenery of majestic nature you will see while crossing this bridge is simply magnificent. This journey will allow you to thoroughly enjoy the pleasures of scenic beauty.
URL: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/route_5/

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201802050618/?images)

The website presenting the diverse charms of Tokyo and the regions of Chugoku and Shikoku to audiences worldwide: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/

The website presenting tourism information about different regions of Japan to audiences worldwide: http://www.tourism-alljapanandtokyo.org/?lang=en
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Launched to Experience Charms of Tokyo and Ehime Prefecture /release/201802050617 Thu, 08 Feb 2018 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB In an effort to encourage individual foreign travelers in Tokyo to venture on to the Chugoku and Shi... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Launched to Experience Charms of Tokyo and Ehime Prefecture
In an effort to encourage individual foreign travelers in Tokyo to venture on to the Chugoku and Shikoku regions with little stress, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has mapped out sightseeing routes originating from Tokyo and is promoting public relations featuring the diverse characteristics of these destinations in western Japan.

It is pleased to announce the launch of 360-degree virtual reality videos, which provide immersive experiences, as an initiative to further strengthen the information dissemination of “CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO,” a website that introduces recommended tourist routes.

360-degree VR videos:
“360-degree CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO” is a project to introduce the charms of Tokyo and the regions of Chugoku and Shikoku as a combination of must-see wonders.

This edition consists of the “Relax/EHIME” and “Cycling/EHIME” segments.
- Relax/EHIME: Public Baths (Tokyo) / Dogo Onsen hot spring resort (Ehime)
- Cycling/EHIME: Central Tokyo (Tokyo) / Shimanami Kaido route above sea (Ehime)

URL: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/virtualtour/

Recommended tourist route:
Asakusa is one of the best sightseeing areas in Tokyo. After experiencing Tokyo's traditional culture, take a trip to Dogo Onsen, the oldest Japanese hot spring resort, and stroll around the area. The atmosphere created for you to feel as if taking you back to the Japanese good old days. Refresh your mind and body through the traditions of old Japan that are still alive in their lifestyle.
URL: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/route_17/

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201802050617/?images)

The website presenting the diverse charms of Tokyo and the regions of Chugoku and Shikoku to audiences worldwide: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/

The website presenting tourism information about different regions of Japan to audiences worldwide: http://www.tourism-alljapanandtokyo.org/?lang=en
New Logo and Slogan Promoting Tokyo’s Charms Abroad; "Tokyo Tokyo Old meets New" ... /release/201712229362 Fri, 05 Jan 2018 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is holding a campaign to promote Tokyo’s charms overseas and also ... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
New Logo and Slogan Promoting Tokyo’s Charms Abroad; "Tokyo Tokyo Old meets New" Campaign Ongoing in South Korea As Well
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is holding a campaign to promote Tokyo’s charms overseas and also in a broad scope in South Korea using the logo and slogan "Tokyo Tokyo Old meets New."

(Logo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/img/201712229362-O1-cgC19i6e)

The key message "Every Moment Is History. Where Will You Find Yourself Next?" has been spread in airports, buses, and various media such as magazines since January 1, 2018, as part of this promotion campaign. Also, along with promoting Tokyo’s charms effectively to travelers around the world, it is spreading the image of Tokyo as a tourist destination worldwide.

The message conveyed by the logo and slogan:

Traditions passed on from the Edo period coexist with cutting-edge culture
The "Tokyo Tokyo Old meets New" slogan raises expectations for many surprises to be sent out to the rest of the world and along with that for new values to be created in Tokyo, where traditions continuing for 400 years from the feudal Edo (Tokyo today) period and cutting-edge culture born from the never-stopping evolution meet and merge together.

The design is made from brush and gothic fonts -- by repeating "Tokyo" using two different font types puts a strong emphasis on the image and identity of Tokyo where traditions and innovations are coexistent. Also, the black and blue colors used in the logo express the traditions and the sky that spreads towards the future, while the signature in the middle is based on the image of one tourist spot -- the Shibuya crossing.

The Metropolitan Government inquired citizens of Tokyo about their opinion on both the logo and slogan and officially decided on them in April 2017.

"Tokyo Tokyo Old meets New" Official website: https://tokyotokyo.jp/
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between... /release/201710066593 Fri, 13 Oct 2017 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist att... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between Tokyo, Sendai
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist attractions in the Tohoku region to publicize diverse allures in these two regions and encourage individual foreign tourists visiting Tokyo to travel further to Tohoku.

In this connection, the Metropolitan Government has added new sightseeing routes from Tokyo to the Tohoku region recommended on its “TOHOKU x TOKYO” website.

The Metropolitan Government will invite journalists with overseas media outlets and influential popular bloggers specializing in travel to journey on these routes and write from the viewpoint of foreigners about what they see en route as well as at tourist attractions they visit during their trip.

Recommended routes:
After exploring Nihonbashi, an area that prospered as the center of Edo (today’s Tokyo), visit Sendai, the gateway to the Tohoku region. Here, you will visit the vibrantly colored Zuihoden mausoleum, which is dedicated to the legendary feudal lord Date Masamune, once the ruler of this land. Follow the footsteps of history still left in the city.

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201710066593/?images)

TOHOKU x TOKYO -- a website that sends out information on various attractions in both Tokyo and Tohoku to the world: http://www.tohokuandtokyo.org/

Tourism of ALL JAPAN -- a website that sends out information on tourism across Japan to the world: http://www.tourism-alljapanandtokyo.org/?lang=en
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between... /release/201710066591 Fri, 13 Oct 2017 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist att... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between Tokyo, Yamagata
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist attractions in the Tohoku region to publicize diverse allures in these two regions and encourage individual foreign tourists visiting Tokyo to travel further to Tohoku.

In this connection, the Metropolitan Government has added new sightseeing routes from Tokyo to the Tohoku region recommended on its “TOHOKU x TOKYO” website.

The Metropolitan Government will invite journalists with overseas media outlets and influential popular bloggers specializing in travel to journey on these routes and write from the viewpoint of foreigners about what they see en route as well as at tourist attractions they visit during their trip.

Recommended routes:
This route introduces a wondrous pilgrimage journey that transports visitors to Tokyo’s shitamachi (traditional downtown) culture, which is overflowing with human warmth, as well as to Shonai (northern Yamagata) traditional culture, together with faith and food.

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201710066591/?images)

TOHOKU x TOKYO -- a website that sends out information on various attractions in both Tokyo and Tohoku to the world: http://www.tohokuandtokyo.org/

Tourism of ALL JAPAN -- a website that sends out information on tourism across Japan to the world: http://www.tourism-alljapanandtokyo.org/?lang=en
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between... /release/201710066592 Thu, 12 Oct 2017 16:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist att... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between Tokyo, Fukushima
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist attractions in the Tohoku region to publicize diverse allures in these two regions and encourage individual foreign tourists visiting Tokyo to travel further to Tohoku.

In this connection, the Metropolitan Government has added new sightseeing routes from Tokyo to the Tohoku region recommended on its “TOHOKU x TOKYO” website.

The Metropolitan Government will invite journalists with overseas media outlets and influential popular bloggers specializing in travel to journey on these routes and write from the viewpoint of foreigners about what they see en route as well as at tourist attractions they visit during their trip.

Recommended routes:
Visitors can get a feel for the future by experiencing high technology in Tokyo, and vicariously experience history and culture through the “Samurai City” of Aizu.

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201710066592/?images)

TOHOKU x TOKYO -- a website that sends out information on various attractions in both Tokyo and Tohoku to the world: http://www.tohokuandtokyo.org/

Tourism of ALL JAPAN -- a website that sends out information on tourism across Japan to the world: http://www.tourism-alljapanandtokyo.org/?lang=en
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between... /release/201710066590 Thu, 12 Oct 2017 16:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist att... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between Tokyo, Miyagi
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist attractions in the Tohoku region to publicize diverse allures in these two regions and encourage individual foreign tourists visiting Tokyo to travel further to Tohoku.

In this connection, the Metropolitan Government has added new sightseeing routes from Tokyo to the Tohoku region recommended on its “TOHOKU x TOKYO” website.

The Metropolitan Government will invite journalists with overseas media outlets and influential popular bloggers specializing in travel to journey on these routes and write from the viewpoint of foreigners about what they see en route as well as at tourist attractions they visit during their trip.

Recommended routes:
The Kabukiza Theatre is not only a place to watch Japanese traditional performing art, Kabuki performances, but also to be able to experience Japanese culture in various ways. After participating in a “Tea ceremony” there, you will visit Matsushima, one of the Three Most Scenic Spots of Japan. It is simply overwhelming. This new experience on this trip will excite all of your senses.

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201710066590/?images)

TOHOKU x TOKYO -- a website that sends out information on various attractions in both Tokyo and Tohoku to the world: http://www.tohokuandtokyo.org/

Tourism of ALL JAPAN -- a website that sends out information on tourism across Japan to the world: http://www.tourism-alljapanandtokyo.org/?lang=en
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between... /release/201710066581 Wed, 11 Oct 2017 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist att... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between Tokyo, Akita
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist attractions in the Tohoku region to publicize diverse allures in these two regions and encourage individual foreign tourists visiting Tokyo to travel further to Tohoku.

In this connection, the Metropolitan Government has added new sightseeing routes from Tokyo to the Tohoku region recommended on its “TOHOKU x TOKYO” website.

The Metropolitan Government will invite journalists with overseas media outlets and influential popular bloggers specializing in travel to journey on these routes and write from the viewpoint of foreigners about what they see en route as well as at tourist attractions they visit during their trip.

Recommended routes:
Get up close and familiar with streets on foot, introduced through this route aimed at active tourists, as well as illumination events in Tokyo and the feel of powder snow at the Tazawa Lake Ski Resort in Akita.

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201710066581/?images)

TOHOKU x TOKYO -- a website that sends out information on various attractions in both Tokyo and Tohoku to the world: http://www.tohokuandtokyo.org/

Tourism of ALL JAPAN -- a website that sends out information on tourism across Japan to the world: http://www.tourism-alljapanandtokyo.org/?lang=en
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between... /release/201710066580 Wed, 11 Oct 2017 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist att... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between Tokyo, Iwate
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist attractions in the Tohoku region to publicize diverse allures in these two regions and encourage individual foreign tourists visiting Tokyo to travel further to Tohoku.

In this connection, the Metropolitan Government has added new sightseeing routes from Tokyo to the Tohoku region recommended on its “TOHOKU x TOKYO” website.

The Metropolitan Government will invite journalists with overseas media outlets and influential popular bloggers specializing in travel to journey on these routes and write from the viewpoint of foreigners about what they see en route as well as at tourist attractions they visit during their trip.

Recommended routes:
This route primarily introduces the Shibuya Scramble pedestrian crosswalk, which is symbolic of the dynamism of Tokyo, and the Hiraizumi World Heritage Site that was built centuries ago to pray for peace and conveys the glory of the past to the present.

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201710066580/?images)

TOHOKU x TOKYO -- a website that sends out information on various attractions in both Tokyo and Tohoku to the world: http://www.tohokuandtokyo.org/?language=th

Tourism of ALL JAPAN -- a website that sends out information on tourism across Japan to the world: http://www.tourism-alljapanandtokyo.org/?lang=en
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between... /release/201710066577 Wed, 11 Oct 2017 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB he Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist attr... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Tokyo to Invite Bloggers, Journalists to Travel on Recommended Routes to Enjoy Contrast between Tokyo, Aomori
he Tokyo Metropolitan Government is developing sightseeing routes from Tokyo to various tourist attractions in the Tohoku region to publicize diverse allures in these two regions and encourage individual foreign tourists visiting Tokyo to travel further to Tohoku.

In this connection, the Metropolitan Government has added new sightseeing routes from Tokyo to the Tohoku region recommended on its “TOHOKU x TOKYO” website.

The Metropolitan Government will invite journalists with overseas media outlets and influential popular bloggers specializing in travel to journey on these routes and write from the viewpoint of foreigners about what they see en route as well as at tourist attractions they visit during their trip.

Recommended routes:
After enjoying a stroll around the Meiji Jingu Shrine, a spot surrounded by nature despite its location in central Tokyo, travel to the Oirase Stream dotted with moss-covered rocks in Aomori and take in the colorful scenery of majestic nature while time passes gently.

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201710066577/?images)

TOHOKU x TOKYO -- a website that sends out information on various attractions in both Tokyo and Tohoku to the world: http://www.tohokuandtokyo.org/

Tourism of ALL JAPAN -- a website that sends out information on tourism across Japan to the world: http://www.tourism-alljapanandtokyo.org/?lang=en
東京都 伊豆・小笠原諸島で電子地域通貨導入 /release/201709225982 Fri, 22 Sep 2017 14:16:02 +0900 東京観光財団 東京都は、2017年10月2日より、伊豆諸島や小笠原諸島の計11島で宿泊や観光に、旅先で使えるお得なプレミアム付き宿泊旅行商品券を発行開始いたします。 また、既存の東京島めぐりPASSPORT(しまぽ)でスタンプラリーと連携し、さらにお得な特典や島ならではのサービスを提供いたします。 公益財団法人 東京観光財団
既存の東京島めぐり PASSPORT(以下「しまぽ」という。)との連携を図ることで、

■名称    :プレミアム付き宿泊旅行商品券(しまぽ通貨)
■発行総額  :1,200,000,000 円
■発行数   :120,000 セット
■発行者   :公益財団法人東京観光財団
■額面    :1 セットあたり 10,000 円
        (宿泊利用 7,000 円+宿泊商品等利用 3,000 円)
■販売価格  :7,000 円
■プレミアム額:3,000 円
■販売開始日 :平成29年10月2日
■販売期間  :販売開始日より平成 30 年 3月末まで
■販売方法  :クレジットカード決済
■利用可能店舗:●大島 ●利島 ●新島 ●式根島 ●神津島 ●三宅島
        ●御蔵島 ●八丈島 ●青ヶ島 ●父島 ●母島
竹芝の宿泊施設・ 小売店等
■購入限度額 :一人につき一度に 4セットまで同時購入可能
        累計8 セットまで購入可能
■利用可能期間:購入日から 60 日間


※別添 チラシ(PDF形式:7.4MB)"
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Promote Travel to Tokyo & Kochi, Japan /release/201709145726 Fri, 15 Sep 2017 15:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released 360-degree virtual reality videos via the CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO Website. This Japan travel website introduces recommended locations in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions of ... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Promote Travel to Tokyo & Kochi, Japan
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released 360-degree virtual reality videos via the CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO Website. This Japan travel website introduces recommended locations in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions of Japan as well as Tokyo. The new virtual tour videos offer future tourists more immersive introductions to recommended locations.

In addition to recommended location information, the site also suggests easy overnight trips from Tokyo to encourage travelers to venture beyond Tokyo to the Chugoku and Shikoku regions and experience more aspects of Japan. These two fascinating regions are particularly well-known throughout Japan for their historically significant sites as well as more contemporary cultural attractions.

Two immersive 360-degree virtual reality videos promote recommended locations in Kochi Prefecture, in Japan's Shikoku region on the southern side of Honshu Island, as well as Tokyo:
1. Stay / Kochi features Camp (Kochi) and Capsule Hotel (Tokyo).

2. Food / Kochi features Hirome Ichiba (Kochi) and Sushi (Tokyo).

Virtual Tours of Kochi Prefecture and Tokyo in 360-degree Virtual Reality Video:


CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO Website: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/?language=fr

Travel Information from Tokyo to All Regions:
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Promote Travel to Tokyo & Kagawa, Japan /release/201709145725 Fri, 15 Sep 2017 15:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released 360-degree virtual reality videos via the CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO Website. This Japan travel website introduces recommended locations in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions of ... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
360-degree Virtual Reality Videos Promote Travel to Tokyo & Kagawa, Japan
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released 360-degree virtual reality videos via the CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO Website. This Japan travel website introduces recommended locations in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions of Japan as well as Tokyo. The new virtual tour videos offer future tourists more immersive introductions to recommended locations.

In addition to recommended location information, the site also suggests easy overnight trips from Tokyo to encourage travelers to venture beyond Tokyo to the Chugoku and Shikoku regions and experience more aspects of Japan. These two fascinating regions are particularly well-known throughout Japan for their historically significant sites as well as more contemporary cultural attractions.

Two immersive 360-degree virtual reality videos promote recommended locations in Kagawa Prefecture, in Japan's Shikoku region on the southern side of Honshu Island, as well as Tokyo:
1. Temple / Kagawa features Henro (Kagawa) and Taishakuten (Tokyo).

2. Noodle / Kagawa features Udon (Kagawa) and Ramen (Tokyo).

Virtual Tours of Kagawa Prefecture and Tokyo in 360-degree Virtual Reality Video:


CHUGOKU+SHIKOKU x TOKYO Website: http://www.chushikokuandtokyo.org/?language=fr

Travel Information from Tokyo to All Regions: http://www.tourism-alljapanandtokyo.org/?lang=en
New Website Introduces Enjoyable Tour Route from Tokyo to Oita Prefecture, Contrasting... /release/201709015263 Thu, 14 Sep 2017 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released recommended routes via the KYUSHU x TOKYO website to ... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
New Website Introduces Enjoyable Tour Route from Tokyo to Oita Prefecture, Contrasting Both Regions
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released recommended routes via the KYUSHU x TOKYO website to encourage travelers to venture beyond Tokyo to the Kyushu region and take advantage of both areas’ wide ranges of features. These two fascinating regions are particularly well-known throughout Japan for their historically significant sites as well as their more contemporary cultural attractions.

The website suggests easy trips from Tokyo, and has also invited influencers from abroad such as media representatives and famous travel bloggers to cover these routes. Their travel reports, sharing their experiences from a non-Japanese viewpoint, are coming soon.

KYUSHU x TOKYO Website: http://www.kyushuandtokyo.org/

Recommended routes:
Hop on a water taxi from Sumida river and enjoy your night cruise with beautiful night view of Tokyo's metropolis skyline. Then take a trip to the Hita Hot Spring Resort, famous for its cormorant-fishing and dinner on the houseboat. Fantastic trip with reflection of the lights on the water.

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201709015263/?images)

Travel Information from Tokyo to All Regions:
New Website Introduces Enjoyable Tour Route from Tokyo to Kagoshima Prefecture, Contrasting... /release/201709015265 Thu, 14 Sep 2017 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released recommended routes via the KYUSHU x TOKYO website to ... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
New Website Introduces Enjoyable Tour Route from Tokyo to Kagoshima Prefecture, Contrasting Both Regions
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released recommended routes via the KYUSHU x TOKYO website to encourage travelers to venture beyond Tokyo to the Kyushu region and take advantage of both areas’ wide ranges of features. These two fascinating regions are particularly well-known throughout Japan for their historically significant sites as well as their more contemporary cultural attractions.

The website suggests easy trips from Tokyo, and has also invited influencers from abroad such as media representatives and famous travel bloggers to cover these routes. Their travel reports, sharing their experiences from a non-Japanese viewpoint, are coming soon.

KYUSHU x TOKYO Website: http://www.kyushuandtokyo.org/

Recommended routes:
After appreciating Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji, a masterpiece of one of the most famous ukiyo-e painter, Hokusai Katsushika at the Sumida Hokusai Museum where possesses and exhibits his works, head to Sakurajima, active volcanoes in Kagoshima prefecture. Amazing trip to feel power of the earth.

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201709015265/?images)

Travel Information from Tokyo to All Regions:
New Website Introduces Enjoyable Tour Route from Tokyo to Kumamoto Prefecture, Contrasting... /release/201709015262 Thu, 14 Sep 2017 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released recommended routes via the KYUSHU x TOKYO website to ... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
New Website Introduces Enjoyable Tour Route from Tokyo to Kumamoto Prefecture, Contrasting Both Regions
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released recommended routes via the KYUSHU x TOKYO website to encourage travelers to venture beyond Tokyo to the Kyushu region and take advantage of both areas’ wide ranges of features. These two fascinating regions are particularly well-known throughout Japan for their historically significant sites as well as their more contemporary cultural attractions.

The website suggests easy trips from Tokyo, and has also invited influencers from abroad such as media representatives and famous travel bloggers to cover these routes. Their travel reports, sharing their experiences from a non-Japanese viewpoint, are coming soon.
KYUSHU x TOKYO Website: http://www.kyushuandtokyo.org/?language=fr

Recommended routes:
New discoveries await in the nostalgic shopping district of Yanesen, where the atmosphere of Tokyo’s old Shitamachi remains. In Kumamoto is Japan’s foremost hot spring destination, Uchimaki Onsen, a hot spring paradise where you can experience springs of different water qualities. Discover its charm.

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201709015262/?images)

Travel Information from Tokyo to All Regions:
New Website Introduces Enjoyable Tour Route from Tokyo to Nagasaki Prefecture, Contrasting... /release/201709015261 Thu, 14 Sep 2017 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released recommended routes via the KYUSHU x TOKYO website to ... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
New Website Introduces Enjoyable Tour Route from Tokyo to Nagasaki Prefecture, Contrasting Both Regions
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released recommended routes via the KYUSHU x TOKYO website to encourage travelers to venture beyond Tokyo to the Kyushu region and take advantage of both areas’ wide ranges of features. These two fascinating regions are particularly well-known throughout Japan for their historically significant sites as well as their more contemporary cultural attractions.

The website suggests easy trips from Tokyo, and has also invited influencers from abroad such as media representatives and famous travel bloggers to cover these routes. Their travel reports, sharing their experiences from a non-Japanese viewpoint, are coming soon.
KYUSHU x TOKYO Website: http://www.kyushuandtokyo.org/?language=fr

Recommended routes:
After appreciating artworks and its architectural and historical building at The National Museum of Western Art in the Ueno Park, Tokyo, take in the Oura Tenshudo, a Catholic church located in Nagasaki prefecture. It's considered the oldest existing Christian church in Japan, and was the first Western building designated as a national treasure. This journey will fully gratifies you with the historic beauty of arts and buildings.

Photo1: The National Museum of Western Art
In 2016, “The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, an Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement,” including the National Museum of Western Art, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Photo2: Oura Tenshudo

Travel Information from Tokyo to All Regions:
New Website Introduces Enjoyable Tour Route from Tokyo to Saga Prefecture, Contrasting... /release/201709015260 Thu, 14 Sep 2017 14:00:00 +0900 TCVB The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released recommended routes via the KYUSHU x TOKYO website to ... Tokyo Metropolitan Government
New Website Introduces Enjoyable Tour Route from Tokyo to Saga Prefecture, Contrasting Both Regions
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has released recommended routes via the KYUSHU x TOKYO website to encourage travelers to venture beyond Tokyo to the Kyushu region and take advantage of both areas’ wide ranges of features. These two fascinating regions are particularly well-known throughout Japan for their historically significant sites as well as their more contemporary cultural attractions.

The website suggests easy trips from Tokyo, and has also invited influencers from abroad such as media representatives and famous travel bloggers to cover these routes. Their travel reports, sharing their experiences from a non-Japanese viewpoint, are coming soon.

KYUSHU x TOKYO Website: http://www.kyushuandtokyo.org/?language=fr

Recommended routes:
After you join a workshop for making Edo-Kiriko cut glass, one of the Tokyo's traditional handicrafts at the Sumida Edo Kiriko-kan, visit to Ookawachiyama, famous village for the Imari-yaki Pottery. This journey will have enough of attractive both handicrafts.

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201709015260/?images)

Travel Information from Tokyo to All Regions: