法人別リリース Fri, 08 Mar 2019 14:00:00 +0900 hourly 1 Conduct Activities to Raise Disease Awareness during World Glaucoma Week, March 10 to 16 /release/201902283729 Fri, 08 Mar 2019 14:00:00 +0900 Santen Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Santen”) announced on March 8 that as part of its init... Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Santen to Conduct Activities to Raise Disease Awareness
during World Glaucoma Week, March 10 to 16
Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Santen”) announced on March 8 that as part of its initiatives to increase public awareness of glaucoma, it will sponsor activities to be conducted worldwide during World Glaucoma Week (hereinafter “WGW”) from March 10 to 16, 2019.

(Image: /img/201902283729-O1-R3TSUEqy)

To encourage early detection and continued treatment of glaucoma, the World Glaucoma Association has defined one week in March every year as WGW, and holds various events and awareness-raising activities around the world during the week.

During WGW this March, Santen plans to conduct various awareness-raising activities focusing on the disease. In Asia, for example, Santen will assist local glaucoma-related academic societies and medical institutions supporting the activities of those societies in conducting PR activities, holding public lectures, and performing free screenings to increase public awareness of glaucoma. In Europe, Santen will cooperate with the World Glaucoma Association in running a quiz-based glaucoma awareness-raising campaign and issuing media releases. In Japan, Santen will use digital signage to deliver information about “Light-up in Green!” events held by the Japan Glaucoma Society to foster public awareness of the disease, with the aim of helping this activity spread further. As a global initiative to encourage glaucoma awareness among many more people, Santen offers a glaucoma-focused mobile app simulating vision field narrowing that is easy to use for everyone, from patients to medical professionals. In addition, Santen also conducts activities targeting its employees; the company held glaucoma study meetings for employees in Japan in February, and during WGW will conduct an activity whereby all employees will share information about glaucoma with people close to them, including family members and friends.

Santen has also made sustained efforts to raise public awareness of glaucoma. In November 2018, it hosted an event targeting glaucoma patients to emphasize the importance of continued glaucoma treatment.

Early detection and early start of treatment can prevent glaucoma patients from losing their eyesight over the course of their lifetime. It is important to share with as many people as possible information about glaucoma, including the fact that early detection and treatment are essential for reducing the number of glaucoma patients who lose their eyesight.

Santen also continues to regard WGW as a period for employees to learn about glaucoma on their initiative and impart their learning to their loved ones, including family members and friends. The company will devote further efforts to encouraging all employees, including those working around the world, to deepen their understanding of glaucoma.

About Santen
As a specialized company dedicated to ophthalmology, Santen carries out research, development, marketing and sales of pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter products and medical devices. Santen is the market leader for prescription ophthalmic pharmaceuticals in Japan and its products now reach patients in over 60 countries. With scientific knowledge and organizational capabilities nurtured over a nearly 130-year history, Santen provides products and services to contribute to the well-being of patients, their loved ones and consequently to society. For more information, please visit Santen’s website (www.santen.com).
3月10日~16日の世界緑内障週間に、疾患啓発の取り組みを実施 /release/201903073994 Fri, 08 Mar 2019 14:00:00 +0900 参天製薬 参天製薬株式会社(本社:大阪市、代表取締役会長兼CEO:黒川明、以下参天製薬)は、緑内障疾患の啓発活動の一環として、2019年3月10日から3月16日に世界各地で行われる緑内障疾患啓発活動に協賛するこ... 参天製薬株式会社
代表取締役社長兼CEO 黒川 明
(コード番号 4536 東証第1部)

世界緑内障連盟(World Glaucoma Association)は、緑内障の早期の発見と治療継続を喚起するために、毎年3月に世界緑内障週間(World Glaucoma Week)を設定し、世界中でさまざまなイベントや啓発活動を実施しています。





Santen Hosts Event to Raise Public Awareness of Importance of Continued Glaucoma Treatment /release/201901292640 Wed, 30 Jan 2019 15:00:00 +0900 Santen As part of its efforts to raise public awareness of glaucoma, Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (herei... Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Santen Hosts Event to Raise Public Awareness of Importance of
Continued Glaucoma Treatment Prior to
Sponsoring World Glaucoma Week in March
As part of its efforts to raise public awareness of glaucoma, Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Santen”), based in Osaka, will sponsor glaucoma awareness-raising activities to be conducted around the world during the World Glaucoma Week, from Sunday, March 10, to Saturday, March 16, 2019.

Glaucoma is an eye disease that causes damage to the optic nerve, resulting in progressive visual field loss. Although this disease can lead to loss of vision when left untreated, early treatment often allows patients to maintain visual field throughout their lifetime. Therefore, early detection through regular ophthalmic consultation is the desirable starting point when treating glaucoma. The World Glaucoma Association, of which Santen is an Associate Glaucoma Industry Member, defines one week every March as the World Glaucoma Week and hosts various events and awareness-raising activities around the world to encourage people to detect and begin treating glaucoma as early as possible.

Santen has also implemented various initiatives to increase public awareness of the importance of early detection and continued treatment of glaucoma. As part of such initiatives, Santen hosted the disease awareness-raising event “Recommendations for Continued Treatment and Care” targeting glaucoma patients in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan, on November 17, 2018. This event included a makeup lesson given by facial therapist Ms. Reiko Kazki (hereafter “Ms. Kazki”), a pioneer in rehabilitation makeup*, and a lecture by glaucoma specialist Dr. Aiko Iwase (Director of Tajimi Iwase Eye Clinic, hereafter “Dr. Iwase”).

Photo: /prwfile/release/M105326/201901292640/_prw_PI1im_hkGVy617.jpg

Although many types of eye drops are available for treating glaucoma, they can sometimes bring about adverse effects, such as hyperpigmentation (abnormal coloring) around the eyes and deepening of the upper eyelid sulcus (sunken eyes).

An important challenge of glaucoma treatment is that some patients hesitate to receive continued treatment out of concern about such side effects or stop using eye drops based on their own judgment. This event was held to provide such patients with the opportunity to overcome their feelings about the adverse effects and increase their awareness of the importance of continued treatment.

At the event venue, Ms. Kazki’s demonstration of rehabilitation makeup* aimed at making the adverse effects of eye drops for glaucoma inconspicuous met with cries of surprise from both female and male audience members. Ms. Kazki also gave a hands-on makeup lesson to some in the audience. Dr. Iwase explained in her lecture, “Continued glaucoma treatment allows patients to maintain vision field. Drug side effects sometimes inevitably accompany glaucoma treatment, and discourage some patients to continue receiving treatment. My strong desire to change this situation motivated me to participate in this event.”

Santen also continues to regard the World Glaucoma Week as a period for employees to learn about glaucoma on their own initiative and impart their learning to their loved ones, including family members and friends. The company will devote further efforts to encouraging all employees, including those working around the world, to deepen their understanding about glaucoma.

* Rehabilitation makeup: Makeup for nullifying a defect or helping return to the original condition

About Santen
As a specialized company dedicated to ophthalmology, Santen carries out research, development, marketing and sales of pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter products, and medical devices. Santen is the market leader for prescription ophthalmic pharmaceuticals in Japan and its products now reach patients in over 60 countries. With scientific knowledge and organizational capabilities nurtured over a nearly 130-year history, Santen provides products and services to contribute to the well-being of patients, their loved ones and consequently to society. The company’s Chairman and CEO is Akira Kurokawa. For more information, please visit Santen’s website (www.santen.com).

Source: Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
参天製薬は、3月の世界緑内障週間に協賛に向け、継続治療を啓発するメイクアップイベントを開催 /release/201901302669 Wed, 30 Jan 2019 15:00:00 +0900 参天製薬 参天製薬株式会社(本社:大阪市、代表取締役会長兼 CEO:黒川明、以下、当社)は、緑内障疾患の啓発活動の一環として、2019年3月10日(日)から3月16日(土)の世界緑内障週間に世界各地で行われる緑... 参天製薬株式会社
参天製薬株式会社(本社:大阪市、代表取締役会長兼 CEO:黒川明、以下、当社)は、緑内障疾患の啓発活動の一環として、2019年3月10日(日)から3月16日(土)の世界緑内障週間に世界各地で行われる緑内障疾患啓発活動に協賛します。


当社が協賛する世界緑内障連盟(World Glaucoma Association)では、緑内障の早期の発見と治療を喚起するために、毎年3月に世界緑内障週間(World Glaucoma Week)を設定し、世界中でさまざまなイベントや啓発活動を実施しています。







オフィスワーカーを対象にした疫学調査「Osaka Study」 ドライアイがもたらす労働生産性の低下 /release/201403249281 Tue, 25 Mar 2014 15:30:15 +0900 参天製薬 ●そもそもドライアイとは ~オフィスワーカーへの影響を懸念~ 「ドライアイ」とは、涙の量や成分の異常により、目の表面(角膜や結膜)に傷がついてしまう疾患です。ドライアイの症状としては、目の乾き以外にも... ドライアイ研究会
オフィスワーカーを対象とした疫学調査「Osaka Study」により判明
●そもそもドライアイとは ~オフィスワーカーへの影響を懸念~

そこで、オフィスワーカーにおけるドライアイの実態を調べるために、ドライアイ研究会(世話人代表 坪田 一男医師)と参天製薬株式会社(本社:大阪市、代表取締役社長 兼CEO 黒川 明 以下:参天製薬)は、共同研究にて大規模な疫学調査「Osaka Study」を2011年に実施しました。その調査データを様々な角度から分析、解析を行った結果、「オフィスワーカーの約6割がドライアイ(確定または疑い)である」ことや「ドライアイが労働生産性を低下させる」、「睡眠の質や幸福度に影響を及ぼす」、「メタボリックシンドロームと関連する」という新しい知見が得られ、昨秋より「Osaka Study」の研究成果が権威ある世界の医学誌に順次発表されています。(掲載論文一覧は参考資料をご参照)

ドライアイは単なる目の乾き、疲れ目の原因だと思われてきましたが、今回の研究により仕事や日々のQOL(Quality of Life)への影響が大きい疾患であることが明らかになりました。本研究で算出されたドライアイによる労働生産性の低下率を、日本人1人当たりの平均勤務時間に換算してみると、約3日間/年欠勤しているのと同様の損失時間が認められました。なお、参考までに対象企業における1人当たりの年間売上金額に換算すると年間生産性低下額は約48万7千円、1人当たりの年間所得低下額では約9万3千円に換算されました。

「Osaka Study」とは
ドライアイ研究会と参天製薬の共同研究として、オフィスワーカーを対象に行った大規模なドライアイの疫学研究です。ドライアイの有病率だけでなく、様々な生活関連のアンケートを実施し、ドライアイの危険因子などを調査しました。また、これらの研究は、ドライアイの専門医のみによって行われました。調査の実施場所である参天製薬の所在地(本社)より、本疫学調査を「Osaka Study」と命名いたしました。

●調査期間: 2011年8月29日~9月1日(4日間)
●対象: 672名(参天製薬本社勤務者)
●調査参加者: 561名
●検査内容: ドライアイ専門医による細隙灯顕微鏡検査(眼表面、涙の精密検査)
         ・全身疾患 (高血圧・糖尿病)、内服薬服用有無






■「Osaka Study」の研究成果を発表した論文一覧
雑誌:American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2013 Oct;156(4):759-66.
タイトル:Prevalence of Dry Eye Disease and its Risk Factors in Visual Display Terminal Users:
The Osaka Study
著者:Uchino M, Yokoi N, Uchino Y, Dogru M, Kawashima M, Komuro A, Sonomura Y, Kato H, Kinoshita S, Schaumberg DA, Tsubota K

雑誌:American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2014 Feb;157(2):294-300
タイトル:Dry Eye Disease and Work Productivity Loss in Visual Display Users: The Osaka Study
著者:Uchino M, Uchino Y, Dogru M, Kawashima M, Yokoi N, Komuro A, Sonomura Y, Kato H, Kinoshita S, Schaumberg DA, Tsubota K

雑誌:British Journal of Ophthalmology. 2014 Mar;98(3):418-20.
タイトル:Decreased Tear Volume in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome: The Osaka Study
著者:Kawashima M, Uchino M, Yokoi N, Dogru M, Uchino Y, Komuro A, Sonomura Y, Kato H, Kinoshita S, Tsubota K

雑誌:JAMA Ophthalmology(in press)
タイトル:Alteration of Tear MUC5AC in Office Workers Using Visual Display Terminals: The Osaka
著者:Uchino Y, Uchino M, Yokoi N, Dogru M, Kawashima M, Okada N, Inaba T, Tamaki S,   Komuro A, Sonomura Y, Kato H, Argueso P, Kinoshita S, Tsubota K

※その他、海外の医学誌に「Osaka Study」の研究結果に関する論文5報を現在投稿中です。