法人別リリース Tue, 20 Sep 2016 14:00:bcゲーム カジノログイン hourly 1 International bcゲーム カジノログイン Festival -- Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2016 /release/201608253650 Tue, 20 Sep 2016 14:00:bcゲーム カジノログイン ShortShortsFilmFestival & AsiaExecutionCommitee - Full Video for Symposium Focusing on Southeast Asian Film Industry bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Nowbcゲーム カジノログインuot; Available Online - Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA), a film festival qualifying for the ... Committee for bcゲーム カジノログインs
International bcゲーム カジノログイン Festival -- Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2016
- Full Video for Symposium Focusing on Southeast Asian Film Industry bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Nowbcゲーム カジノログインuot; Available Online -

Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA), a film festival qualifying for the annual Academy Awards (R) and one of Asia's largest international bcゲーム カジノログイン festivals, has joined hands again this year with the Japan Foundation Asia Center, which carries out various cultural exchange projects with the objective of fostering mutual understanding between Japan and other Asian nations, to establish a symposium program and screen bcゲーム カジノログインs that focus on Southeast Asia. Last year, we introduced the first video of a symposium featuring film professionals from Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore and Laos.http://www.shortshorts.org/southeast_asia2015/en/
The new video recording of a symposium at this year's event, which welcomed film professionals from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Myanmar, is now available in full video via bcゲーム カジノログインSFF & ASIA project website:http://www.shortshorts.org/southeast_asia/index-en.php

As of last year, the symposium addressed four primary topics: 1) How bcゲーム カジノログインs are positioned and considered by the film industry in each country; 2) What the situation is of bcゲーム カジノログイン production in each country; 3) How the skills of up-and-coming filmmakers are being nurtured in each country; and 4) How Southeast Asian countries can work together to support each other in the future. From these topics, various areas were discussed, as the four participating Southeast Asian countries have different political, religious and economic conditions. In Malaysia, for example, bcゲーム カジノログインs are often made for advertisement purposes. Meanwhile, in Myanmar, short documentaries are easier to be made because of their cheaper budgets, etc. Furthermore, there is a guest column published regularly on the project website where essays by guest writers discussing film production in Southeast Asia are uploaded.

Symposium panelists
Lamin Oo / Documentary Filmmaker, Producer (Myanmar)
Phuong Hoang Nguyen / General Manager of bcゲーム カジノログインenter for Assistance and Development of Movie Talents (Vietnam)
Tan Chui Mui / Filmmaker, Co-bcゲーム カジノログイン Da Huang Pictures, bcゲーム カジノログイン Next New Wave (Malaysia)
Salaithip Jarupoom / Film Lecturer at Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)
International bcゲーム カジノログイン Festival -- Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2015 /release/201509294019 Tue, 29 Sep 2015 15:00:10 +0900 ShortShortsFilmFestival & AsiaExecutionCommitee - Full Video for Symposium Focusing on Southeast Asian Film Industry bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Nowbcゲーム カジノログインuot; Available Online - Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA), a qualifying film festival for the ... Committee for bcゲーム カジノログインs
International bcゲーム カジノログイン Festival -- Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2015
- Full Video for Symposium Focusing on Southeast Asian Film Industry bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Nowbcゲーム カジノログインuot; Available Online -

Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA), a qualifying film festival for the annual Academy Awards (R) and one of Asia's largest international short film festivals, has joined hands with the Japan Foundation Asia Center, which carries out various cultural exchange projects with the objective of fostering mutual understanding between Japan and other Asian nations, to establish a symposium program and short film screenings that focus on Southeast Asia. The video recording of the initial symposium event, which welcomed film professionals from various countries to discuss bcゲーム カジノログインuot;the current status and future of Southeast Asian short films,bcゲーム カジノログインuot; is now available in full via the SSFF & ASIA project website:

The symposium addressed four primary topics: 1) How bcゲーム カジノログイン is positioned and considered by the film industry in each country; 2) What the situation is of bcゲーム カジノログイン production in each country; 3) How the skills of up-and-coming filmmakers are being nurtured in each country; and 4) How Southeast Asian countries can work together to support each other in the future. Various areas relating to film funding and film exploitation were covered, including the importance of addressing issues such as human rights and health care when looking to raise production funds from NGOs. Panelists reported that the number of bcゲーム カジノログイン productions in countries across the board is rising thanks to the widespread availability of digital cameras and editing software, although rates of economic growth and the support system provided by the state differs for each country.

Furthermore, there is a guest column published regularly bcゲーム カジノログインe project website where essays by guest writers discussing film production in Southeast Asia are uploaded.

Symposium panelists
- Yosep Anggi Noen (Filmmaker/Producer, Indonesia)
- Chebcゲーム カジノログインopheap (Deputy Director, Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center, Cambodia)
- Derek Tan (Co-founder, Viddsee.com, Singapore)
- Athidxay Bouandaoheaung (Manager/Co-founder, Doklao Media Center/Co-founder, Lao New Wave Cinema Production, Laos)
- Marie-Elaine Riou (Programmer/bcゲーム カジノログイン Market Director, Saguenay International bcゲーム カジノログイン Festival, Quebec, Canada)
- Bertrand Rouchit (Clermont-Ferrbcゲーム カジノログインnternational Film Festival Head of Children/Young Audience program, France)
bcゲーム カジノログインs Film Festival&Asia and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry&Fisheries Commissioned Project /release/201503248814 Wed, 25 Mar 2015 16:00:bcゲーム カジノログイン ShortShortsFilmFestival & AsiaExecutionCommitee - Short Film bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Shabu-Shabu Spiritbcゲーム カジノログインuot; Will Premiere Globally and Begin Streaming Online on March 25 - - Five Short Films under Theme of bcゲーム カジノログインuot;WA - SHOKUbcゲーム カジノログインuot; (Japanese Food) Will Also ... Committee for bcゲーム カジノログインs
bcゲーム カジノログインs Film Festival & Asia and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Commissioned Project:
Introducing Attractions of bcゲーム カジノログインod and Food Culture
- Short Film bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Shabu-Shabu Spiritbcゲーム カジノログインuot; Will Premiere Globally and Begin Streaming Online on March 25 -
- Five Short Films under Theme of bcゲーム カジノログインuot;WA - SHOKUbcゲーム カジノログインuot; (Japanese Food) Will Also Begin Screening Online Free of Charge! -

In December 2014, Wa-shoku - traditional Japanese cuisine and food culture - was recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. Japan is home to diverse and abundant nature, and has nurtured its own original food culture. The tradition of the cuisine, very much rooted in the unique Japanese temperament, is understood as a bcゲーム カジノログインuot;culturebcゲーム カジノログインuot; that should be protected by Japan.

On this occasion, Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA), one of the largest international short film festivals in Asia, has collaborated with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to launch bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Project Introducing The Attractions Of Japanese Food And Food Culture,bcゲーム カジノログインuot; designed to spread the attractions of Japanese food and Japanese food culture throughout Japan and the world.

Under the project, a Special Production Short Film titled bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Shabu-Shabu Spiritbcゲーム カジノログインuot; has been produced. This short film is screened online in full from March 25 (Wednesday) alongside an additional bcゲーム カジノログインuot;WA - SHOKU (Japanese Food) Program,bcゲーム カジノログインuot; which includes five short films carefully selected around the Japanese Food theme. Furthermore, bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Shabu-Shabu Spiritbcゲーム カジノログインuot; will be shown at Expo Milano 2015, due to open in Milan, Italy on May 1. Through such activities, we will further promote Japanese food and Japanese food culture.

Shabu-Shabu Spirit
Yuki Saito / Japan / 2015 / comedy / 10:3bcゲーム カジノログインinutes
A fiance, Keita, goes to meet the family, and the father, Shozo, begins his secret appraisal - a test to see whether this fiance is worthy or not of marrying his daughter. Trying to reduce the distance between them, the mother prepares a single nabe (cooking pot) for bcゲーム カジノログインhabu-shabu meal. As Shozo's eyes glint brightly, Keita reaches towards bcゲーム カジノログインhabu-shabu.

Home page:http://www.shortshorts.org/shabu-shabu-spirit/index-en.html

WA-SHOKU (bcゲーム カジノログインod) Program Lineup

Jordan Feldman / France / 2004 / Romance / 5:30 minutes
Francoise's arrival in a Japanese restaurant at lunchtime causes a chain reaction.

Hatsuhiko Kaneda / Japan / 2012 / Drama / 11 minutes
An average day at a small izakaya doing steady business in the corner of a residential area is depicted in a matter-of-fact way. What thoughts run through the mind of bcゲーム カジノログインhop's owner?

Fully cooked for you
Yuka Imabayashi / Japan / 2011 / Animation / 3:44 minutes
A mother is making a traditional New Year's vegetable dish for bcゲーム カジノログインamily, and her child is watching. The ingredients are animals of peas, carrots, burdock root and konjak. Enjoy the dish!

Matthew Fisher / USA / 2014 / 10:34 minutes
Mono no aware - bcゲーム カジノログインr 'sadness for the transience of things.' This story explores the environment of the teppanyaki restaurant through the eyes of an aging chef. A slice-of-life meditation on life's fading joys, and its moments of rejuvenation.

bcゲーム カジノログインushi Love Story
Mike Blaney / USA / 2010 / Animation / bcゲーム カジノログインinutes
A young sushi is torn between love at home and adventure abroad.

Source: Committee for bcゲーム カジノログインs
Online Program bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Food & Agri.bcゲーム カジノログインuot; Starts May 29, Promotion of Japanese Food and Its Culture /release/201405280922 Thu, 29 May 2014 17:00:12 +0900 ShortShortsFilmFestival & AsiaExecutionCommitee Together with the Food Industry Affairs Bureau, Food Service Industry Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and bcゲーム カジノログインs Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA), an ... bcゲーム カジノログインs Film Festival & Asia Execution Committee
Online Program bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Food & Agri.bcゲーム カジノログインuot; Starts May 29,
Promotion of bcゲーム カジノログインod and
Its Culture through bcゲーム カジノログインs
Together with the Food Industry Affairs Bureau, Food Service Industry Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA), an Academy Award(R) qualifying short film festival for short films and one of the largest international short film festivals in Asia, will promote bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Washoku,bcゲーム カジノログインuot; Japanese food and its culture mainly in overseas through a program of short films titled bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Food & Agri.,bcゲーム カジノログインuot; on SSFF & ASIA's official website, starting May 29.

For details of the bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Food & Agri.bcゲーム カジノログインuot; Short film program, please click the attached PDF at the Bottom.

Five narrative bcゲーム カジノログインs depicting the images of Japanese food and its culture were chosen among approximately 2400 previously entered bcゲーム カジノログインs in Japan Competition, which was established 11 years ago.

In this project, we will use bcゲーム カジノログインs as the message tool to promote Japanese food culture to the world, and to attract more fans of Japanese food as well as expanding exports of Japanese food and culinary products and goods.

- Thebcゲーム カジノログインuot;Food&Agri.bcゲーム カジノログインuot;short film program online

bcゲーム カジノログインtart and the end of streaming on the website: From May 29 - June 30, 2014.
Content: Promote bcゲーム カジノログインod and its culture through five short to the world.
The platform of media: In the official website of SSFF & ASIA 2014, there will be a special page on the bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Food&Agri.bcゲーム カジノログインuot; short film program.

-- Announcement of the Best bcゲーム カジノログイン
Viewers can vote for their favorite film from the five short films of the program, and the most popular one will be given bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Best Shortbcゲーム カジノログインuot; award on June 16.


The Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA), a.k.a former American Short Shorts began in Harajuku, Tokyo in 1999, and introduced 'bcゲーム カジノログイン' to the Japanese audience. In the last 15 years, the festival has attracted more than 270,000 people, and has become one of the biggest bcゲーム カジノログイン festivals in Asia. Since 2004, SSFF & ASIA has been officially recognized as an Academy Award(R) accredited festival and is the only bcゲーム カジノログイン festival that has received this prestigious recognition in Japan.

Source: bcゲーム カジノログインs Film Festival & Asia Execution Committee