法人別リリース Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:00:37 +0900 hourly 1 On July 23, we will start featuring a series of articles about the Olympics. /release/201407162317 Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:00:37 +0900 NIKKANSPORTS NEWS The Nikkan Sports News (Tokyo office : 3-5-10 Tsukiji Chuo-ku Tokyo, Japan. Executive Chairman : Kazuyuki Kawata) will start weekly feature of Olympic stories on July 23. It will be ... The Nikkan Sports News
What happened in the Tokyo 1964 Olympics ?
What will happen in the Tokyo 2020 games ?

On July 23, we will start featuring a series of articles about the Olympics.
It will be every Wednesday and continue for 6 years until the Tokyo 2020 games.
The Nikkan Sports News (Tokyo office : 3-5-10 Tsukiji Chuo-ku Tokyo, Japan. Executive Chairman : Kazuyuki Kawata) will start weekly feature of Olympic stories on July 23. It will be 2 color pages on every Wednesday edition of our newspaper. It is unprecedented project for Nikkan Sports News , because of its length.( for 6 years until 2020. about 300 times, 600 pages )

# "Beat" Takeshi Kitano speaks.
Main article features trendy person or topic every time. On July 23, "Beat" Takeshi Kitano speaks about Olympics from his original view.

#summary of this project
If you continue reading our Olympic stories, you can be excited for 6 years and be prepared for the Tokyo 2020 games. We want to be such an existence. That is main reason for this project.

We will report from history to recent movement related to Olympics.
(1)Review of past Olympics. For example, the Tokyo 1964 games where Kokichi Tsuburaya won bronze medal.
(2)We plan "relay of columns by 300 people". OB ( OG) who played in Olympics, people related to , and celebrities write columns for Nikkan Sports News. First writer is gold medal swimmer Kosuke Kitajima.
(3)We will report about "next generation athlete" looking for playing in the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics.
(4)Stories about volunteers who participate to the games.
(5)Pictures of Olympic facilities, now and then. So we can know the changes of Tokyo.
(6)We are paying attention to not only Tokyo, but other cities like areas affected by the earthquake, and their effort to 2020.
(7)Olympic stories about special "numbers" related to the games.

#News from Tsukiji
Our Tokyo head office is in Tsukiji, the center of the Tokyo 2020 games. 15 minutes by walk to Harumi where the athletes village will be constructed. So we will provide most detailed, most interesting news faster than any other media, with our motto "from the center of the Tokyo Olympics to the world".
2020年東京五輪に向けて7月23日から毎週水曜日にまるまる6年間の特集をスタート /release/201407162312 Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:00:26 +0900 日刊スポーツ 日刊スポーツ新聞社は、6年後の2020年7月24日に開幕する東京オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会に向けて、週1回の特集ページを7月23日(水)付からスタート(東京本社および北海道本社版)いたしました。まるまる6年間、約300回・600ページのロングラン連載です。 日刊スポーツ新聞社
1964年東京五輪 何があったのか
2020年東京五輪 何が起こるのか
 日刊スポーツ新聞社(東京本社:東京都中央区築地 代表取締役会長兼社長:川田員之)は、6年後の2020年7月24日に開幕する東京オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会に向けて、週1回の特集ページを7月23日(水)付からスタート(東京本社および北海道本社版)いたしました。過去に例のない20年までまるまる6年間、約300回・600ページのロングラン連載です。



