法人別リリース Mon, 06 Jul 2015 16:00:19 +0900 hourly 1 RAPAS Ginza to Open on Tuesday, July 14, First Official Store for RAPAS Co., Rapidly Growing Company /release/201507061735 Mon, 06 Jul 2015 16:00:19 +0900 RAPAS - Marking Sensational Debut to Skincare Cosmetics Market with Newly Launched Brands; RAPAS Expanding Its Beauty/Health Support Business - RAPAS Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, RAPAS) announced on July 6 that it ... RAPAS Co., Ltd.
RAPAS Ginza to Open on Tuesday, July 14, First Official Store for RAPAS Co., Rapidly Growing Company with Success in China
- Marking Sensational Debut to Skincare Cosmetics Market with Newly Launched Brands; RAPAS Expanding Its Beauty/Health Support Business -

RAPAS Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, RAPAS) announced on July 6 that it will open RAPAS Ginza, its first official store, on Tuesday, July 14. RAPAS is a mail-order service provider of beauty and health products and also provides environmental technology solutions.

RAPAS centers its businesses around domestic mail-order service. One of its main health products targeting women in their 30s to 40s, Super Reperfe LALA slim, has been extremely well-received by a wide range of age groups. With the product's concept, "improving your internal balance with regular ingestion," the product became successful in China by word-of-mouth communication and has attracted attention from other countries as well. Today 70% of the total sales are generated in China by loyal customers.

At the new official Ginza store, RAPAS aims to embody its brand concept, "total beauty support," with the Reperfe and Super Reperfe series as well as the newly developed skin care cosmetic brands, LALA Reset and CHERAD BELLE BEAUTE. Upon the opening of the store, RAPAS also renews its commitment to support every woman's health and beauty by standing side by side with each customer and to reflect their demands on further product development.

-- Store Overview
The first floor of the store will feature the entire collection of RAPAS' health food and cosmetic products with samples and counseling services. Available at the store will be both of the main health food products, Reperfe (2 items, 3,430 yen and 9,330 yen, tax excluded) and Super Reperfe (17items, ranging from 6,700 yen to 58,000 yen, tax excluded), with the addition of a new series of functional beauty products, LALA Reset (4 items, ranging from 9,000 yen to 48,000 yen, tax excluded), and a series of high-end beauty products, CHERAD BELLE BEAUTE (9 items, ranging from 6,500 yen to 35,000 yen, tax excluded).
Also, for our Chinese customers, a shop with selected beauty and health products will be located in the basement floor by this summer to enable a one-stop shopping experience.

-- Location
Address: 1F, Ginza Renga Dori Fukujin Building, 1-5-6, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Access: 1 minute walk from Ginza-itchoume Station on Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line
Website: http://www.rapas.co.jp/
"美腸のサプリ"が中国で爆発的人気!!高成長のRAPASが「RAPAS銀座店」をオープン /release/201507031723 Fri, 03 Jul 2015 20:45:56 +0900 RAPAS 健康食品の通信販売および環境に関するソリューション技術を提供するRAPAS株式会社(所在地:滋賀県草津市、代表取締役:北村啓子)は、初の直営・路面店舗となる「RAPAS銀座店」を7月14日(火)に開業します。 RAPAS株式会社
当社は、国内において通信販売を中心に事業を展開し、主力健康食品である「スーパーリパーフェ ララスリム」は、30~40代女性をメインターゲットに、20代後半~60代と幅広い層に支持されています。また、「習慣的な摂取で身体のバランスを改善する」というコンセプトが、中国に口コミで広がり、国外でも注目されるようになりました。現在は、リピーターのお客様によって全売上に占める7割が中国市場となっています。
今回の銀座店のオープンには、国内のみならず全ての女性の美と健康をサポートするブランドとして、より一層お客様のそばに寄り添い、お客様の声を反映した商品開発にも取り組んでいく当社の思いを込め、健康食品「リパーフェ」「スーパーリパーフェ」シリーズのほか、新たに開発したスキンケア化粧品ブランド「ララ リセット」「シェラード・ベル・ボー」を展開し、トータル・ビューティー・サポートというコンセプトを体現できる店舗を目指します。

1階には、RAPASの健康食品および化粧品全シリーズラインアップ。商品のお試しやカウンセリングを行いながら、主力の健康食品「リパーフェ(2品目、税抜価格3,430円、9,330円)」「スーパーリパーフェ(17品目、税抜価格6,700円~58,000円)」に加え、新たな機能性美容ライン「ララ リセット(4品目、税抜価格9,000円~48,000円)」、高級美容ライン「シェラード・ベル・ボー(9品目、税抜価格6,500円~35,000円)」を販売します。

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