法人別リリース Mon, 17 Apr 2017 08:30:24 +0900 hourly 1 世界初! お抹茶と組み立て式の茶筅が入った「茶禅 一服カード」を新発売 /release/201704160952 Mon, 17 Apr 2017 08:30:24 +0900 茶禅 株式会社茶禅は、4月17日(月) 世界で初めて組み立て式茶筅をカードにした「茶禅一服カード」を発売開始します。 株式会社 茶禅
世界初! お抹茶と組み立て式の茶筅が入った「茶禅 一服カード」を新発売
お抹茶と世界初の組み立て式の茶筅が入った「茶禅 一服カード」を新発売

株式会社茶禅(所在地:東京都中央区、主宰:竹田理絵、以下、当社)は、4月17日(月) 世界で初めて組み立て式茶筅をカードにした「茶禅一服カード」を発売開始します。

開発の背景 当社は、訪日外国人旅行客が増加している昨今、日本の伝統文化「茶道」を世界中にお伝えしていきたいと思い、東京 銀座に体験型のお茶室を構え、国内外のお客様に茶道や日本文化の体験プログラムを開催しています。
パッケージデザインから飲みやすくて美味しいお抹茶の厳選まで、当社の主宰者である茶道家 竹田理絵がプロデュースしました。

特長 1. 世界初の組み立て式茶筅 (特許出願中)

2. パッケージは日本文化をデザイン

3. 贈り物や販促グッズとして

製品概要 名称   :茶禅一服カード
発売開始日 : 2017年4月17日
販売価格  : 850円(税抜)
販売店   : 銀座 茶禅
サイズ : 縦170mm×横120mm×幅5mm    
デザイン : 着物柄2種類
内容物 :
1. 着物(裏 畳柄)シート一枚
2 .帯一枚
3. 帯を後ろ側で留めるシール一枚
4. 組み立て式茶筅シート一枚
5. 抹茶スティック一包(一杯分 約2g)
6. メッセージカード一枚
7. 封筒一枚
※組み立て式茶筅シート 特許出願中


会社概要 社名:株式会社 茶禅
所在地:東京都中央区銀座4-12-17 銀座石川ビル 5F



New Tea Ceremony Room "GINZA CHAZEN" to Open on Oct. 8 for Foreign Tourists /release/201510024246 Mon, 05 Oct 2015 14:00:16 +0900 Chazen CHAZEN & Co. will open a new tea ceremony room "GINZA CHAZEN" especially designed for foreign tourists who wish to experience traditional Japanese culture. Opening Date: Thursday, October 8, 2015 ... CHAZEN & Co.
New Tea Ceremony Room "GINZA CHAZEN" to Open on Oct. 8 for Foreign Tourists
CHAZEN & Co. will open a new tea ceremony room "GINZA CHAZEN" especially designed for foreign tourists who wish to experience traditional Japanese culture.
Opening Date: Thursday, October 8, 2015
Address: 5F Ginzaishikawa Bldg. 4-12-17 Ginza, Chuo Ward, Tokyo 104-0061, JAPAN

After stepping into the "GINZA CHAZEN," a special space far away from the hustle and bustle of the metropolitan area, you can experience the ultimate in hospitality through Japanese tea ceremony.

(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/ 201510024233/)
(Youtube: http://youtu.be/Ogu2myUlAUg)

From our many years of experience giving tea ceremony demonstrations overseas, we now offer the foreign tourists an authentic tea ceremony experience.

The program includes:
1. The Master's lecture.
2. Grind green tea leaves into "Matcha" powder.
3. The Master's demonstration.
4. Seasonal Japanese Matcha flavored sweets
5. Make your own Matcha
6. Receive your own certificate

(Tea ceremony experience)
Watch an authentic tea ceremony demonstrated by tea master, RIE TAKEDA.
Ms. Takeda has over 30 years of experience performing tea ceremony.

You will not only enjoy Japanese tea, but will also make tea through the "Chahiki" process of grinding tea leaves

Open hours: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Duration: 45 minutes.
Participation Fee: 3,500 Japanese yen / Person
Reservation: by 6 p.m. , one day before the program.  

(Japanese tea ceremony & Japanese culture experience)
Enjoy Japanese culture through a variety of combination programs:
- Stroll through Ginza wearing a kimono
- "Sushi" chef serves special "Sushi," prepared JUST FOR YOU in the tearoom.
- Samurai Ninja experience.

(Corporate Group and Individual rates)
Japanese participants are also welcome. Enjoy learning a tea ceremony manner and deepen your knowledge of Japanese culture.

You can freely join us during a break from shopping, eating out and watching "Kabuki" play with your family and friends.

Please feel free to contact us for more details.

"One bowl of Matcha gives you a sense of peace and fills the world with warmth and smiles."

President: RIE TAKEDA

Company website: http://chazen-us.com
Company website (Japanese): http://www.chazen-co.jp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chazen2013

Source: CHAZEN & Co.
New Tea Ceremony Room "GINZA CHAZEN" to Open on Oct. 8 for Foreign Tourists /release/201510024233 Mon, 05 Oct 2015 14:00:08 +0900 Chazen CHAZEN & Co. will open a new tea ceremony room "GINZA CHAZEN" especially designed for foreign touris... CHAZEN & Co.
New Tea Ceremony Room "GINZA CHAZEN"
to Open on Oct. 8 for Foreign Tourists
CHAZEN & Co. will open a new tea ceremony room "GINZA CHAZEN" especially designed for foreign tourists who wish to experience traditional Japanese culture.
Opening Date: Thursday, October 8, 2015
Address: 5F Ginzaishikawa Bldg. 4-12-17 Ginza, Chuo Ward, Tokyo 104-0061, JAPAN

After stepping into the "GINZA CHAZEN," a special space far away from the hustle and bustle of the metropolitan area, you can experience the ultimate in hospitality through Japanese tea ceremony.

(Youtube: http://youtu.be/Ogu2myUlAUg

From our many years of experience giving tea ceremony demonstrations overseas, we now offer the foreign tourists an authentic tea ceremony experience.

The program includes:
1. The Master's lecture.
2. Grind green tea leaves into "Matcha" powder.
3. The Master's demonstration.
4. Seasonal Japanese Matcha flavored sweets
5. Make your own Matcha
6. Receive your own certificate

(Tea ceremony experience)
Watch an authentic tea ceremony demonstrated by tea master, RIE TAKEDA.
Ms. Takeda has over 30 years of experience performing tea ceremony.

You will not only enjoy Japanese tea, but will also make tea through the "Chahiki" process of grinding tea leaves

Open hours: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Duration: 45 minutes.
Participation Fee: 3,500 Japanese yen / Person
Reservation: by 6 p.m. , one day before the program.  

(Japanese tea ceremony & Japanese culture experience)
Enjoy Japanese culture through a variety of combination programs:
- Stroll through Ginza wearing a kimono
- "Sushi" chef serves special "Sushi," prepared JUST FOR YOU in the tearoom.
- Samurai Ninja experience.

(Corporate Group and Individual rates)
Japanese participants are also welcome. Enjoy learning a tea ceremony manner and deepen your knowledge of Japanese culture.

You can freely join us during a break from shopping, eating out and watching "Kabuki" play with your family and friends.

Please feel free to contact us for more details.

"One bowl of Matcha gives you a sense of peace and fills the world with warmth and smiles."

President: RIE TAKEDA

Company website: http://chazen-us.com
Company website (Japanese): http://www.chazen-co.jp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chazen2013
10/8(木)訪日外国人の為の茶道体験茶室「銀座 茶禅」オープン /release/201510014167 Thu, 01 Oct 2015 11:18:25 +0900 茶禅 株式会社茶禅(所在地:東京都中央区、主宰:竹田理絵、以下、当社)は、10月8日(木)、銀座4丁目に訪日外国人の為の茶道体験茶室「銀座 茶禅」をオープンします。 当社の主宰者である茶道歴30年以上の茶道... 株式会社 茶禅
10/8(木)訪日外国人の為の茶道体験茶室「銀座 茶禅」オープン
株式会社茶禅(所在地:東京都中央区、主宰:竹田理絵、以下、当社)は、10月8日(木)、銀座4丁目に訪日外国人の為の茶道体験茶室「銀座 茶禅」をオープンします。

当社の主宰者である茶道歴30年以上の茶道家・竹田理絵は、1995年以降、国内・海外での茶道デモンストレーションなど、のべ5,000名以上に一碗のお茶を点ててまいりました。日本政府の取り組みを背景に、今後ますます増加が見込まれる訪日外国人旅行者のニーズに対応すべく、今後は「銀座 茶禅」にて、日本の伝統文化であり究極のおもてなしともいえる茶道の本格体験プログラムを常時提供してまいります。アジア随一の繁華街といわれる銀座の喧騒から隔離された場所で小宇宙と呼ばれるお茶室をコンセプトとしております。


・営業時間:9時~21時  / 年中無休 ※年末年始を除く

■主宰 竹田 理絵 プロフィール

社名:株式会社 茶禅
所在地:東京都中央区銀座4-12-17 銀座石川ビル 5F

オフィシャルサイト:(英語版) http://chazen-us.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chazen2013

株式会社茶禅 広報担当 岩佐
住所:〒 104-0061東京都中央区銀座4-12-17銀座石川ビル5F