法人別リリース Thu, 31 Mar 2022 19:25:02 +0900 hourly 1 近畿大学 令和4年度入学式 2年ぶりつんく♂さん登壇 /release/202203319431 Thu, 31 Mar 2022 18:30:00 +0900 近畿大学                       報道関係者各位 令和4年(2022年)3月23日 近畿大学   令和4年度入学式を挙行 つんく♂さんの初講義を実施 新入生約4000人の「大阪締め!」 一... 近畿大学https://www.kindai.ac.jp/ceremony/special/
報道関係者各位 令和4年(2022年)3月23日
令和4年度入学式を挙行 つんく♂さんの初講義を実施 新入生約4000人の「大阪締め!」 一体感を高め門出を祝う      
【 本件のポイント 】
● 感染予防の観点から新入生約8,000人を2回に分け、対面形式の入学式を挙行 
● 新入生にとっての初講義をOBで音楽プロデューサーのつんく♂さんが行う
● 全員で大阪締めを行い、一体感を高めるとともに大阪らしい形で門出を祝う
【 本件の内容 】
【 開催概要 】
日  時: 令和4年(2022年)4月2日(土)
                    午前の部 10:00~11:15 <取材受付 9:00~>
                    午後の部 15:00~16:15 <取材受付 14:00~>
場 所: 近畿大学東大阪キャンパス 記念会館(大阪府東大阪市新上小阪3-4)
出席者: 午前の部 情報学部、法学部、理工学部、薬学部、国際学部、
               午後の部 経済学部、経営学部、建築学部、文芸学部、医学部、
【 当日プログラム 】
- つんく♂さん/音楽プロデューサー
- 月亭文都さん/落語家、吉本興業所属
- 寺川綾さん/スポーツキャスター、ロンドン五輪競泳銅メダリスト、ミズノ所属
- 宮川陽香さん/タレント、松竹芸能所属
- 谷川亜華葉(たにがわ あげは)
            第74回国民体育大会 女子400m個人メドレー(少年A) 優勝
 2021年:第97回 日本選手権水泳競技大会
                  東京オリンピック 女子400メートル個人メドレー 出場
アカデミックシアターPR動画 by マイクロドローン版 第2弾は驚きの逆再生映像 7月5日(金)22時公開 /release/201907038278 Wed, 03 Jul 2019 02:30:00 +0900 近畿大学 近畿大学(大阪府東大阪市)は、東大阪キャンパスに平成29年(2017年)4月にオープンした施設「アカデミックシアター」を舞台にしたPR映像を制作しています。撮影には超小型のマイクロドローンを使用し、自... 近畿大学
アカデミックシアターPR動画 by マイクロドローン撮影版完成!


1. 本件のポイント
    ● 注目の施設「アカデミックシアター」を舞台に、学生約230人が出演
    ● 図書スペースや24時間利用可能な自習室などの様々な施設を紹介
    ● マイクロドローンを使い、様々な仕掛けを使った逆再生映像で施設の魅力を伝える

2. 本件の内容
東大阪キャンパスに、平成29年(2017年)4月にオープンしたアカデミックシアターは、漫画約2万2千冊を含む7万冊の蔵書を近大独自の図書分類「近大INDEX」で配架した図書スペース「BIBLIOTHEATER(ビブリオシアター)」を中心に、女性専用室を含む24時間利用可能な自習室や、ニュース専門チャンネルCNNがプロデュースする「CNN Cafe」などが併設された、これまでの日本の大学にはない新しい施設です。



本動画の完全版をYouTubeで公開するとともに、短縮版を朝日放送「ABC天気予報」(毎週金曜日20:54から 初回の7月5日は21:48から)で放送します。



3. 概要
   公開日: 令和元年(2019年)7月5日(金)22:00
    U R L: https://youtu.be/ibGtnwsio-E

4. 本資料の配布先   大阪科学・大学記者クラブ、東大阪市政記者クラブ
Kindai University to Hold “Kindai EXPO in Taiwan” to Celebrate 50th Anniversary of Student ... /release/201812051087 Thu, 06 Dec 2018 14:00:00 +0900 Kindai University Kindai University, based in Higashiosaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan, will hold “Kindai EXPO in Ta... Kindai University
Kindai University to Hold “Kindai EXPO in Taiwan” to Celebrate
50th Anniversary of Student Exchanges between Kindai and Taiwan
Kindai University, based in Higashiosaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan, will hold “Kindai EXPO in Taiwan” at the Taipei International Convention Center on Dec. 21 (Friday), 2018, as an event to mark the 50th anniversary of the start of its student exchanges with Taiwan and deepen friendly relations further through exchanges with Taiwan’s universities and companies.

Image: Event leaflet

Key points of the project
- Kindai University to hold an event in Taipei to mark the 50th anniversary of the start of its exchanges with Taiwan.
- It will showcase Kindai’s latest research at a business forum and a workshop on research seeds.
- It will provide an opportunity for young people interested in Japan to deepen their understanding of Kindai by setting up a counseling booth for foreign students and introducing school clubs.

Overview of the project
Kinki Univervsity will hold an event aimed at further deepening friendly relations through exchanges with Taiwan’s universities and companies in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Kindai starting exchanges with Taiwan. Kindai started exchanging with Taiwan through its Correspondence Division in 1968. Even though diplomatic relations between Japan and Taiwan were severed in 1972, Kindai has been building close relations with Taiwan by resuming accepting students in 1973 and providing schooling on the sea in Taiwan, among other efforts. Kindai has continued to exchange with Taiwan and accepted 1,680 students from the island so far as it concluded agreements with Taiwan’s universities and so forth in recent years.

On the day of the event, a total of 300 people, including graduates, enrolled students and staff from Japan, Mainland China and the U.S., will converge in Taiwan to pump up the event. Apart from a filleting display and tasting of “Kindai Tuna,” the bluefin tuna that Kindai has successfully farm-raised for the first time in the world, there will be must-attend programs for businesspeople such as a speech by Kindai University General Affairs Director Ishihiro Seko, known for his book titled “Shingekiteki Daigaku (Aggressive University), and a workshop on research seeds. Among other programs are e-sports competitions involving Naoki Sugimura, a Kindai student who represented Japan in sports video game "Winning Eleven 2018” and won the gold medal at the Asian Games, as well as a counseling booth for foreign students and a program for introducing school clubs. Furthermore, “KINDAI GIRLS,” a performance unit for Kindai’s entrance ceremony produced by Tsunku, a former producer for all-girl group Morning Musume, will put on spectacular performances. There will be plenty of other programs, including a booth for Japanese cuisine and a raffle draw.

- Date: Dec. 21 (Fri.), 2018
- Place: Taipei International Convention Center (Exit 1 at Taipei 101-World Trade Center)
- People who can attend: General public, high school/university students, Kindai University graduates (free admission)
- How to apply: Applications can be filed through the website http://www.kindaiexpo2018.com/

Please make advance notice and cover the event on the day. If covering the event, please notify Public Relations Office in advance.

Main programs
- Opening ceremony
KINDAI GIRLS’ performances and others
- Business forum
-- “Shingekiteki Daigaku” (Aggressive University) by Kindai University General Affairs Director Ishihiro Seko
-- “e-sports competitions” by 4th- year Kindai University students and Naoki Sugimura
-- “History of Kindai Tuna” by Shukei Masuma at Kindai University Fisheries Laboratory
- Entertainment
-- “Kindai Tuna” filleting display
   14:30: Hand-rolling of tuna sushi starts
-- Manzai performance by “Manzai Bonbon” from Yoshimoto Kogyo
-- Performance by world latte art champion Hiroshi Sawada (1992 graduate from Kindai University)
-- Talk show by former Taiwanese baseball player Lin Wei-Chu (2003 graduate from Kindai University)
-- Performances by clubs (karate, tea ceremony, brass band and cheering)
-- Booth for Japanese cuisine ( “okonomiyaki” or hot plate-cooked pancake, “udon” noodles, etc )

- Raffle draw
-- Prizes include an observation tour of Kindai University campus and goods related to the university.
The campus tour is for two days and limited to 3 persons.
It will come with a meal at Kindai University Fisheries Laboratory, a restaurant where one can eat “Kindai Tuna.”

- Workshop on research seeds.
Kindai University’s latest research to be announced. There will be an exhibition booth for industry-academia collaboration products.

- Road to Kindai University
Introduction of the university, information session on entrance examinations, and counseling service

(Photo: /release/201812051087?p=images)

Please feel free to use the images on the project provided on the following website.
Kindai University Selling “Kindai Mango Soft Candy” in Taiwan /release/201811280850 Fri, 30 Nov 2018 15:00:00 +0900 Kindai University - Commemorative Event Marking 50th Anniversary of Exchanges between Kindai University and Taiwan Als... Kindai University
Kindai University Selling “Kindai Mango Soft Candy” in Taiwan
- Commemorative Event Marking 50th Anniversary of Exchanges between Kindai University and Taiwan Also Set to Be Held to Promote Friendly Relations -

Kindai University based in Higashiosaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan, has been selling “Kindai Mango Soft Candy,” an agriculture-commerce collaboration product developed jointly by Kindai and UHA Mikakuto Co., Ltd., at 7-Eleven convenience stores in Taiwan since late October 2018.

Image: Product package

Points of the project
- Kindai and UHA Mikakuto have been selling the product for the first time in Taiwan.
- The project is designed in part to showcase the results of practical learning ahead of “Kindai EXPO in Taiwan.”
- It is aimed at building recognition in Taiwan of Kindai by selling the soft candy using “Kindai Mango” raised at Kindai’s experimental farm.

Outline of the project
“Kindai Mango Soft Candy” was jointly developed by Kindai and UHA Mikakuto through industrial-academic collaborative efforts with the participation of teachers and students from laboratories of Kindai’s faculties of pharmacy, literature, arts and cultural studies, and business administration. The undertaking, featuring the combination of humanities and sciences, took advantage of each area of expertise to achieve the whole process ranging from extracting and analyzing collagen to designing the package and promoting the product. The mango used in the product is “Kindai Mango” (cultivar: Irwin) grown on Kindai’s experimental farm.

The product has been sold ahead of the “Kindai EXPO in Taiwan,” an event marking the 50th anniversary of the start of exchanges between Kindai and Taiwan, to be held on December 21 (Friday), 2018. On the day of the event, “Kindai Mango Soft Candy” and other industry-academia collaboration products will be sold, providing an opportunity not only for foreign students who are interested in Japan but also for businesspeople to know about the university’s latest research.

Product name: Kindai Mango Soft Candy
Designation (by category): Soft candy
Net weight: 62 g (including wrapping paper)
Sales: 10,800 packages (as of late November)
Release date: Late October 2018
Place: 7-Eleven convenience stores in Taiwan

Brief overview of “Kindai Mango Soft Candy”
It is a product using “Kindai Mango” (cultivar: Irwin) raised on Kindai’s experimental farm called “Yuasa Farm.” Taking advantage of relatively warm weather, the farm, established in 1952, has been engaged in research on mango cultivation since 1987. ”Kindai Mango” is a fruit brand characterized by the smoothness on the palate and rich sweetness.

It is made of soft candy using puree based on “Kindai Mango” coupled with “puchi puchi gummy” -- the main characteristic of the product -- in such a way as to make one feel the smoothness and rich sweetness. The package design features the “sizzle” to communicate the soft candy and Kindai’s collaborative effort to consumers.

Photo1: “Kindai Mango” fruit

Photo2: Students growing fruit (Kindai University’s experimental “Yuasa Farm”)

Brief overview of “Kindai EXPO in Taiwan”
It is an event aimed at further deepening exchanges between Taiwan and Japan through exchanges with Taiwan’s universities and companies on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Kindai accepting students from Taiwan. Besides a business forum, a workshop on research seeds and a consulting corner will be set up.
Date: Dec. 21 (Friday), 2018
Place: Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)
Website: http://www.kindaiexpo2018.com/

Brief overview of Kindai University
Address: 3-4-1 Kowakae, Higashiosaka City, Osaka Pref., Japan
Board of Directors Yoshihiro Shimizu, President Yoshihiko Hosoi
Founded: 1925
Number of teachers: 9,788 (entire school)
Number of students: 53,379 (entire school) as of May 1, 2018
Website: https://www.kindai.ac.jp/english/

Brief overview of UHA Mikakuto Co., Ltd.
Address: 4-12 Kanzaki-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Pref., Japan
Representative: President and CEO Yasumasa Yamada
Number of employees: 400
Sales amount: 33 billion yen
Website: https://www.uha-mikakuto.co.jp/english/

Please feel free to use the images on the project provided on the following website.
マイクロドローンが学生ギリギリに迫る驚きの映像 /release/201807276434 Fri, 27 Jul 2018 18:30:00 +0900 近畿大学 近畿大学は、東大阪キャンパスに今年4月にオープンした施設「アカデミックシアター」を舞台にしたPR映像を制作しました。撮影には超小型のマイクロドローンを使用し、自習室、図書スペース、カフェなどを飛び回ります。本動画は、平成30年(2018年)7月27日(金)22:00にYouTubeで公開します。 近畿大学

● 注目の施設「アカデミックシアター」を舞台に、学生約150人が出演する動画を制作
● 図書スペース「BIBLIOTHEATER(ビブリオシアター)」や、24時間利用可能な自習室など、様々な施設を動画内で紹介
● 学生ギリギリに迫るマイクロドローンならではの迫力ある映像で施設の魅力を伝える

 東大阪キャンパスに、平成29年(2017年)4月にオープンしたアカデミックシアターは、漫画約2万2千冊を含む約7万冊の蔵書を近大独自の図書分類「近大INDEX」で配架した図書スペース「BIBLIOTHEATER」を中心に、女性専用室を含む24時間利用可能な自習室や、ニュース専門チャンネルCNNがプロデュースする「CNN Cafe」などが併設された、これまでの日本の大学にはない新しい施設です。第27回日本建築美術工芸協会賞や2018年照明デザイン賞優秀賞を受賞するなど、建築物としても高い評価をいただいています。
 今回、アカデミックシアターを舞台に、マイクロドローンで撮影したPR動画を制作しました。アカデミックシアターの各所で、自習や読書をしている学生、ダンスしているKINDAI GIRLS、屈強なラグビー部員、チアリーダー部のパフォーマンス、マーチング演奏中の吹奏楽部やジャグリングをする奇術部の学生などの間ギリギリをすり抜けるようにマイクロドローンが飛行し、フィナーレでは10人連続テーブルクロス引きに挑戦します。
 監督は「おんせん県おおいた シンフロ篇」など話題の作品を数多く手がける、山本ヨシヒコ氏が務め、撮影はマイクロドローンで迫力あるミュージックビデオなどを手がける、株式会社シネマレイの増田勝彦氏が担当しました。

■公 開 日:平成30年(2018年)7月27日(金)22:00
■U  R  L :https://youtu.be/v6rCj95joZM

<本資料配布先> 大阪科学・大学記者クラブ、東大阪市政記者クラブ