法人別リリース Mon, 18 Oct 2021 10:00:00 +0900 hourly 1 Showcasing sustainable low-carbon silk “the International Sustainable Fashion Expo Autumn”, /release/202110181767 Mon, 18 Oct 2021 10:00:00 +0900 Yugen Press Release by Yugen Co.,Ltd. (October 14, 2021)   Showcasing sustainable low-carbon silk made in... Yugen Co., Ltd
Press Release by Yugen Co.,Ltd. (October 14, 2021)
Showcasing sustainable low-carbon silk made in Nagahama at “the International Sustainable Fashion Expo Autumn”, held for three days starting October 18.
necos1S吉田精練工場での写真3 ちりめん白生地画像1 (007)necos2
~Silk that cuts carbon dioxide emissions by 3 kg per suit~
Yugen Co.,Ltd, organizer of JTEX, a trade organization dedicated to international markets, is pleased to introduce NecoS (Nagahama Ecology Silk), a silk material developed by Yoshimasa Orimono Co.,Ltd, at "the International Sustainable Fashion Expo Autumn".
NecoS reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 3 kg per suit, compared to a silk suit produced using conventional methods.
With the globalization of the supply chain, there is a growing awareness that the textile industry is one of the most concerned with sustainability in terms of waste, water and energy consumption, pesticides, plastics, working conditions and human rights. Through the development of NecoS, we hope to contribute to reducing the use of resources in the fashion supply chain.
- Dates: 18 (Mon) - 20 (Wed) October 2021 (3 days) 10:00 - 17:00
-Venue: Tokyo Big Sight, West Exhibition Halls [A2-40].
- Featured Product: Sustainable silk fabrics from Yoshimasa Orimono Co.,Ltd.
NecoS [Nagahama Ecology Silk]: Chirimen crepe produced with a chemical-free degumming process.
The innovative NecoS technology reduces carbon dioxide emissions by lowering the amount of water and heavy oil consumption, while reducing the need for soda ash.
A patent application has been filed for this technology along with Shiga Prefecture.
By eliminating the use of soda ash, carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by 8.7 kilograms per 200 square meters of normal degguming volume per batch.
It also reduces the use of water and heavy oil. By replacing boiling water with room temperature water for the pre-treatment and finishing process, the carbon dioxide emission is reduced by another 93 kg.
Thus, the total reduction in carbon dioxide emissions is 101.7 kg.
In addition, the method also makes it possible to cut down on:
・Water: 2,000 liters
・Heavy oil: 17 liters
・Soda ash: 22 kg
These figures were calculated by the Northeast Industrial Research Center of Shiga Prefecture, based on the "Guidelines for Regional Global Warming Plans" and the "List of Calculation Methods and Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gases" of the Ministry of the Environment (https://ghg-santeikohyo.env.go.jp/files/calc/itiran_2020.pdf).
The journey to the development:
Silk fabric is made using a process called "degumming" to remove sericin, the natural protective molecule of silk yarn. Sericin is also used in cosmetics. In the conventional method, we applied hot, slightly alkaline water from Lake Biwa. In the past, we used to use the water as if it were unlimited. But when we finally realized what was at stake, we decided to take action.
It was very challenging to go back to the ancient method, because of the costs and the way to implement it in mass production. But we finally succeeded in commercializing NecoS last year. The production volume is still limited, but we have already started selling it in Europe, where sustainability is considered one of the priorities.
Since it is made without any bleaching agent, you can fully enjoy the natural shine, beauty and touch of silk.
~Message from Kazuo Yoshida, President ~
I am Kazuo Yoshida, president of Yoshimasa Orimono Co.,Ltd, a textile manufacturer that has been operating for 95 years in Nagahama. As a weaving manufacturer from a small town, we have worked hard to maintain our business despite the current difficult market situation. In recent years, we have begun to actively engage in sustainable development initiatives. To be honest, the more I learn about sustainability, the more I realize how difficult it is to put it into practice. However, we have met a number of people and stakeholders who share and support our company's initiative along this journey.
We would like as many people as possible to see what a small company like ours has accomplished so far. We also hope to hear the comments and opinions of visitors.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at the exhibition in Tokyo, from October 18.
Yoshimasa Orimono Co.,Ltd.
629 Kumode-cho Nagahama, Shiga, JAPAN 
President : Kazuo Yoshida
Yoshimasa Orimono is a hamachirimen crepe manufacturer. Hamachirimen is one of the most important local industries in Nagahama City, the land of the great lake. The current president is also the chairperson of the Hamachirimen Industrial Cooperative. The company inherited the spirit of sustainability from the Omi merchants, who adhered to the principle of "sampo yoshi". It has also revived the production of "Maru tsumugi", a type of pongee with a traditional material made from lint.
サステナブルな低炭素排出シルクを「国際サステナブルファッションEXPO 秋」にて発表します /release/202110141604 Thu, 14 Oct 2021 12:30:00 +0900 湧元 2021年10月14日 有限会社湧元     長浜発、サステナブルな低炭素排出シルクを「国際サステナブルファッションEXPO 秋」(10月18日より3日間)にて発表します ~スーツ1着分あたり、二酸... 2021年10月14日
長浜発、サステナブルな低炭素排出シルクを「国際サステナブルファッションEXPO 秋」(10月18日より3日間)にて発表します
海外市場向けの営業共同体JTEXを主催する有限会社湧元は、JTEXのメンバー企業である、長浜の「浜ちりめん」を製造する有限会社吉正織物工場による「低炭素」「低水使用」をキーワードに開発したシルク素材NecoS(Nagahama Ecology Silk)を「第1回国際サステナブルファッションEXPO 秋」にて発表します。NecoSは従来の製法によるシルクと比較して、スーツ1着分あたりの二酸化炭素排出量3Kgの削減を実現させました。
― 会期: 2021年10月18日(月)~20日(水) (3日間) 10:00~17:00
― 会場: 東京ビックサイト 西展示棟 [A2-40]
― 展示品: 有限会社吉正織物工場が取り組む持続可能なシルク素材
NecoS [Nagahama Ecology Silk]非化学薬品精練 ちりめん
1回の絹の精練量である 200㎡に対し、従来の精練工程におけるソーダ灰を用いないことで
▲ 8.7Kg
▲ 93Kg
▲ 水: 2,000リットル
▲ 重油: 17リットル
▲ ソーダ灰: 22Kg
※滋賀県東北部工業技術センターが環境省 「地球温暖化対策地域推進計画ガイドライン」と「温室効果ガス排出量の算定方法および排出係数一覧」(https://ghg-santeikohyo.env.go.jp/files/calc/itiran_2020.pdf)を基に算出したデータより。
~代表取締役 吉田和生のご挨拶~
住所:滋賀県長浜市口分田町629 番地 
代表取締役: 吉田和生