bcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスuot;Careerism Is A Leprosybcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスuot;: Pope's Comment Dismays WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination

The Nippon Foundation

TOKYO, June 13 /Kyodo JBN/ --

The Nippon Foundation

bcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスuot;Careerism Is A Leprosybcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスuot;: Pope's Comment Dismays WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination

WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination and Nippon Foundation Chairman Yohei Sasakawa has written to Pope Francis, expressing his concern that the Pope's remark in a recent speech that bcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスuot;Careerism is a leprosybcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスuot; will reinforce discrimination against people affected by leprosy and their families.

bcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスuot;In South America in particular, where there are many Catholics and still quite a few people affected by leprosy, I believe what you said will have had a big impact,bcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスuot; Sasakawa wrote on June 13.

In the letter, in which he also acknowledges with gratitude the Vatican's ongoing support for eliminating leprosy and leprosy-related discrimination, he requests an audience with the Pope so that he can update him on the fight against the disease.

In a speech on June 6 at the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, which trains future Vatican diplomats, Pope Francis warned against putting personal ambition ahead of service to the Church, saying, bcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスuot;Careerism is a leprosy, a leprosy.bcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスuot; The full text of his speech is available on the Vatican website.

In January 2012, Sasakawa wrote to the producers and distributor of an animated feature, bcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスuot;The Pirates! Band of Misfits,bcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスuot; protesting over a trailer for the film in which leprosy was portrayed in a discriminatory light. The scene was subsequently modified.

Source: The Nippon Foundation

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