Amanda Seyfried Visits Korea for Shiseido's bcゲーム カジノu Beaute Press Events

bcゲーム カジノ


TOKYO, Dec. 5 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Shiseido Co., Ltd.

Amanda Seyfried Visits Korea for Shiseido's bcゲーム カジノu Beaute Press Events

bcゲーム カジノu Beaute invited American actress Amanda Seyfried for bcゲーム カジノu Beaute press events in South Korea. On December 4, Seyfried (bcゲーム カジノu Beaute Muse), accompanied by Yoshiaki Okabe (General Manager for bcゲーム カジノu Beaute), attended a "bcゲーム カジノu Beaute Gala Dinner" including donation events such as a charity auction, wish tree and donation ceremony with a child for a 'make-a-wish' foundation, granting the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich their human experience with hope, strength and joy. Seyfried donated her personal belonging to be auctioned. Okabe said, "I am very delighted and happy to be able to share this moment with you all here in this energetic and dynamic country. Korea attracts the cosmetic world's attention because of your high sense of beauty. That's why I am very proud of our success in Korea."

(Photo: )

Seyfried also talked about her impression of Korea. "I came here as a Muse for bcゲーム カジノu Beaute and I can continue supporting my action for the child. My first impression of Korea was extremely dynamic and full of liveliness just as what I have heard. I was also impressed especially by authentic Korean women. I felt that they are so much of their outer beauty as well as their inner beauty. It is the woman what bcゲーム カジノu Beaute is seeking for." At the end of the event, there was a surprise party for her 28th birthday.

Source: Shiseido Co., Ltd.

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