Opening of the 29th EU Executive Training Programme (ETP) in Japan operated by Waseda University

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WASEDA University


Waseda University

Opening of the 29th EU Executive Training Programme (ETP) in Japan operated by Waseda University

The Opening Ceremony and Reception for the EU Executive Training Programme (ETP) in Japan was held at the Delegation of the European Union to Japan (Tokyo) on January 15th, 2014.

The ETP is a human resource development programme, targeting EU companies and business people that are looking to enter or expand their business in the Japanese market. Established in 1979, the programme boasts a history of over 30 years. Waseda University has been entrusted by the European Union to operate this prestigious programme since 2006 (ETP25) .

For the 29th cycle of ETP, 26 business persons from 12 different countries, including Spain, Poland, Italy, and Germany are participating in the programme. These participants will undergo Japanese language studies to acquire basic communication skills necessary to navigate Japanese life and business, as well as courses in business and management that will provide a structured academic framework as well as practical knowledge that has immediate applications. Following the on-campus programme, they will engage in a 3-month internship in a Japanese company.

In his opening remarks, President Kamata greeted the participants by saying, " I sincerely hope that you will broaden your perspective through all the things that you see, hear, and experience while you are in Japan, and apply everything that you have learned during ETP in your future business, and play an active role in building bridges between the EU and Japan."

During the ceremony, speeches were also delivered by The Ambassador of the European Union to Japan, H.E. Mr. Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, Mr. Yoshimitsu Kobayashi, Co-Chairman, Committee on Europe at Keidanren, and Mr. Michael Loefflad, ETP alumnus and Representative Director and President of Wuerth Japan Co., Ltd.

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