Waseda Summer Session begins from 2014: International education program

bcゲーム アンロック

WASEDA University

From June 21 to July 17, Waseda University will host Summer Session 2014 in Japanese Studies, designed for undergraduate students of overseas universities and Waseda students just returning from study abroad.


Waseda University

Waseda Summer Session begins from 2014: International education program takes advantage of new Quarter system

From June 21 to July 17, Waseda University will host Summer Session 2014 in Japanese Studies, designed for undergraduate students of overseas universities and Waseda students just returning from study abroad. The program, takes advantage of the summer term in the quarter system, adopted ahead of other Japanese universities in 2013, so that visiting international students can study with current Waseda students. Courses will include team teaching by faculty members from Waseda and distinguished partner institutions. This year, participating students from overseas will stay in the brand new Waseda International Student House (WISH) dormitory, opening in March near Nakano station.

# Program Overview

Participants will study over four weeks with two courses choosing from six offerings, including introduction to Japanese business, culture, history and politics. In addition, a wide variety of supplemental programs is planned to look deeper into Japan: a Short-term Japanese Program; field trips to historic sites; a Japanese Festival with tea ceremony and dress-up summer kimonos; as well as Visitor Sessions for discussion on various topics organized by the Waseda International Community Center (ICC).

## Details:

Dates: Sat, June 21 to Thu, July 17, 2014 (Including Orientation and Field Trips)

Place: Waseda Campus

Courses offered: Six (all in English)

Course load: Two (The Intensive Japanese Language class (1 credit) is optional)

Regular courses: Japanese Business, Culture, History , Politics (all introductory level)

Intensive Japanese Language class: Six levels, from beginning to intermediate; offered by Center for Japanese Language (CJL)

Eligibility (capacity) : (1) Undergraduate students of overseas universities (max. 80) / (2) Waseda students recently returned from study abroad (max. 20)

Course credits: Up to 5

Program fee: (1) JPY 402,000 (dorm fee included) / (2) JPY 60,000 (est.)

Accommodation: Waseda International Student House (WISH)

## For applications and more information:

Center for International Education

Waseda University

Building 22, 4th floor


TEL: (+81) 03-3207-1454

# Quarter System

The University adopted a four-term academic calendar in 2013, as part of the [Waseda Vision 150] (http://bit.ly/wv150)strategic plan, which sets goals to be achieved by 2032, the 150th anniversary of Waseda's founding. The Summer Session takes advantage of the new summer term created by the Quarter system.

The Quarter system promises many benefits:

Encourage participation in summer study programs (out- and in-bound)

Promote study abroad (out- and in-bound) by increasing compatibility with academic calendars of overseas universities

Enable intensive summer courses by senior faculty members invited from overseas

# Waseda International Student House (WISH)

WISH is a new dormitory for Japanese students and international students living together. It is part of the Waseda University Nakano International Community Plaza opening in March, designed as a new base for developing global leaders. As students from diverse backgrounds live and learn together, they have opportunities to build contacts which transcend nationality and specialties, and friendships for a lifetime.

# Links

Global Leadership Programhttp://www2.cie-waseda.jp/glp/

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