KomyMirror for Aircraft Overhead Stowage Bins Surpasses 200,000 Units in Sales from First Delivery i

bcゲーム レーキバック


TOKYO, Mar 13 /Kyodo JBN/--

Komy Co., Ltd.

KomyMirror for Aircraft Overhead Stowage Bins Surpasses 200,000 Units in Sales from First Delivery in 1997

Komy Co., Ltd. has surpassed the 200,000 mark in unit sales of KomyMirrors for overhead stowage bins in aircraft since first delivering the product in 1997, providing services to airlines and other customers. There has not been a single complaint from any customer!

Komy Co., Ltd. is the sole manufacturer of flat, wide-angle ultra-light mirrors in the world. Most of the mirrors are installed in overhead stowage bins to prevent passengers from accidentally leaving their belongings behind and to shorten the cabin inspection time during aircraft turn-around.

The flat, wide-angle mirrors are used in cabin overhead stowage bins by major airlines such as United Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Lufthansa, Emirates, Cathay Pacific Airways, and LCCs such as Southwest Airlines, flydubai and so on. More than 60 airlines have installed the mirrors in their overhead stowage bins. KomyMirrors have been adopted as a standard item for Airbus A380 and Boeing 787.

About Komy Co., Ltd.

Headquarters: Kawaguchi, Saitama Prefecture, JAPAN

President: Sakae Komiyama

Source: Komy Co., Ltd.

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  • 名称 コミー株式会社
  • 所在地 埼玉県
  • 業種 非鉄金属
  • URL http://www.komy.jp
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