Seminar to Attract Foreign Companies


April 3, 2014

Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Seminar to Attract Foreign Companies

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is advancing efforts to attract foreign companies with the aim to introduce further growth by boosting Tokyo's international competitiveness.

Many initiatives have been implemented to date to attract foreign companies to Tokyo including PR activities at seminars and other events held in Japan and abroad, establishment of a subsidy program, free consulting services, and support by the Business Development Center Tokyo with bilingual staff providing one-stop services for business and living advice.

Such efforts resulted in achievement of the fiscal 2013 goal of attracting 10 companies to establish their regional headquarters or R&D centers. Tokyo will enrich its support menu even more from this fiscal year to further promote the advancement of further companies to Tokyo.

A seminar introducing the many forms of support available will be held as follows for foreign companies and other relevant organizations.

Invest Tokyo Seminar

Participants: Foreign companies, foreign embassies and chambers of commerce in Japan, and other relevant organizations.

Date/Time:Monday, April 21, 2014, from 1:30 to 3:45 p.m.

Venue:Jiji Press Hall (5-15-8 Ginza, Chuo-ku)

Language:Japanese and English (simultaneous interpretation)

Contents:Opening remarks by the Governor of Tokyo, talk session by foreign companies receiving support to advance into Tokyo's Special Zone for Asian Headquarters, introduction of support provided by Tokyo for foreign companies, etc.

Tokyo's Special Zone for Asian Headquarters website:


Main Forms of Support Provided to Foreign Companies Advancing into Tokyo

(1) Consulting services (expansion of companies eligible)

Free consultation for establishment of a regional headquarters or R&D center within the special zone, such as assistance in formulating corporate growth strategies, analyzing market surveys, and finding business partners, will be provided up until the company makes its decision to set up business in Tokyo.

*This service has been commissioned to Accenture Japan Ltd.

(2) Subsidy (expansion of companies eligible)

In the establishment of a regional headquarters or R&D center within the special zone, a subsidy will be granted to cover one-half of expenses incurred (maximum limit of 5 million yen per company) in obtaining"status of residence,"recruiting, and registration of regional headquarters/R&D center establishment and other relevant filing fees.

(3) Preferential tax treatment (scheduled for continuation)

Newly established Japanese subsidiaries in the special zone that are regional headquarters or R&D centers and fulfill a specific set of conditions will be eligible to receive one of the following national tax benefits (corporate tax) as well as metropolitan tax exemptions.

- 20% reduction of taxable income and exemption of corporate enterprise tax.

- Special depreciation or investment tax allowance for acquisition of machinery and buildings, etc., and exemption of metropolitan fixed assets tax, city planning tax, and real estate acquisition tax.

(4) Business Development Center Tokyo (expansion of companies eligible)

At the Business Development Center Tokyo, full-time bilingual staff members provide one-stop consultation services and support for all kinds of matters concerning business in Tokyo. This includes market entry and business match-up support when the company is working to develop sales channels, as well as providing consultation and answering inquiries to make life in Tokyo more comfortable.

*This service has been commissioned to Medical Associa Inc.

Business Development Center Tokyo

JP Tower KITTE, B1, 2-7-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku

Phone: 03-6269-9981

(Integrates the functions of the Tokyo Business Entry Point, Tokyo's former consultation desk for foreign companies)


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