Invest Tokyo Seminar: Introducing Tokyo's Initiatives to Attract Foreign Companies


TOKYO, May 8 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Invest Tokyo Seminar: Introducing Tokyo's Initiatives to Attract Foreign Companies

On April 21, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) held the Invest Tokyo Seminar as a part of its initiatives to attract foreign companies with the aim to create a global business city. Around 120 people from foreign companies with operations in Japan, foreign embassies and chambers of commerce in Japan participated in the seminar.

In his opening remarks Governor Yoichi Masuzoe touched on the fact that Tokyo was selected as one of the National Strategic Economic Growth Areas, and mentioned new projects to be implemented within this special economic zone including the creation of a more comfortable international business environment, the formation of a hub for healthcare and drug development innovation, and the creation of an accommodating international city.

Governor Masuzoe said that through these efforts the TMG will dramatically transform Tokyo into a business and innovation center that will be even more attractive to companies around the world by making Tokyo a global business hub open to the world. He said he is looking forward to welcoming many foreign companies to a Tokyo that will be reborn as it prepares for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Following this, a talk session was conducted by Mr. William Mallard, Deputy Bureau Chief, Japan, Reuters, and the representatives of foreign companies receiving TMG's support in their advance into Tokyo's Special Zone for Asian Headquarters (program established in 2011). They exchanged opinions on matters such as the free tailor-made consulting services provided by the TMG and the allure of Tokyo including its wealth of business partners and human resources, efforts to protect intellectual property, transportation convenience and clean living environment, as well as business opportunities provided by Tokyo 2020 Games.

Representatives from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, TMG and Accenture Japan Ltd., commissioned to implement the Invest Tokyo program by the TMG, talked about the various incentives and support for foreign companies expanding business to the Special Zone, including subsidies, tax incentives, deregulation, one-stop consultation services for business and living matters, provision of office space at half price and free consulting services.

Please visit the following websites for more details on Tokyo's special zones and incentives.

National Strategic Economic Growth Areas:

Special Zone for Asian Headquarters:

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Opening remarks by Governor Yoichi Masuzoe

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Talk session

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