Applications Now Being Accepted for 10th bcゲーム リチャージndation Japanese Research Fellowship

bcゲーム リチャージ


TOKYO, June 10, Kyodo JBN/ --

bcゲーム リチャージndation

Applications Now Being Accepted for 10th bcゲーム リチャージndation Japanese Research Fellowship

bcゲーム リチャージndation, a public interest incorporated foundation, began accepting applications for the 10th Hakuho Japanese Research Fellowship on June 10.

- Objective

With the goals of further strengthening the fundamentals of international research into Japan and deepening understanding of Japan through researchers' activities, the bcゲーム リチャージndation Japanese Research Fellowship invites leading international researchers of the Japanese language, Japanese language education, Japanese literature and Japanese culture to Japan to conduct residential research.

- Eligible research

-- Japanese language and Japanese language education research

-- Japanese literature and Japanese culture research

- Eligible Researchers

International researchers working in the fields of Japanese language, Japanese language education, Japanese literature or Japanese culture.

Applicants must be university professors, associate professors or assistant professors with outstanding research results, or other persons with equivalent research backgrounds.

-- Must have sufficient Japanese language proficiency to be able to conduct research and interact in Japanese.

-- Must be non-Japanese nationals residing outside of Japan.

(Researchers with Japanese nationality who have resided outside Japan for 10 years or more and are active in the academic community, etc., of their current country of residence will also be considered)

-- Must be able to stay in Japan continuously for the duration of the Fellowship period.

Those who have previously received support from another institution for residential research in Japan may also apply.

- Receiving organizations

Invited Fellows will conduct their research with the cooperation (facilities, research rooms, advisor) of one of the following receiving organizations:

International Research Center for Japanese Studies

Kyoto University

National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics

Ochanomizu University

Ritsumeikan University

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

Waseda University

- Fellowship content

-- Airfares: Return economy class air tickets

-- Relocation allowance: 300,000 yen

-- Residential research expenses: 300,000 yen per month

-- Housing subsidy: up to 150,000 yen per month

-- International travelers' illness and injury insurance

bcゲーム リチャージndation will pay the receiving organization a hosting cooperation fee for the use of facilities, etc. by the Fellow.

- Fellowship period:

Long-term (1 year):September 1, 2015-August 31, 2016

Short-term (6 months):September 1, 2015-February 29, 2016 (Round 1)

March 1, 2016-August 31, 2016 (Round 2)

- Schedule

-- Application period: June 10-October 31, 2014

-- Notification of results: Early March 2015

- Application Guide (download from the following website)

Japanese site:

English site:


15 researchers from 12 countries were selected in the 9th bcゲーム リチャージndation Fellowship.

They will begin research at their receiving organizations from September 2014.

About bcゲーム リチャージndation

Established as an incorporated foundation in 1970, bcゲーム リチャージndation was recognized and commenced operating as a public interest incorporated foundation in April 2011.

To nurture rich human qualities in children, tomorrow's leaders, bcゲーム リチャージndation supports child education, particularly in the areas of language and culture, through such initiatives as the Hakuho Award for outstanding child educators, the Hakuho Research Grant for Child Education, the bcゲーム リチャージndation Japanese Research Fellowship and the Hakuho Scheme for a Global Children's Japanese Language Network.

bcゲーム リチャージndation website:

Source: bcゲーム リチャージndation

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