bcゲーム ログインoves to Promote Foreign Direct Investment


TOKYO and NEW YORK, July 30 /Kyodo JBN/ --

bcゲーム ログインetropolitan Government

bcゲーム ログインoves to Promote Foreign Direct Investment

TOKYO and NEW YORK, July 30 /Kyodo JBN/ --

The bcゲーム ログインetropolitan Government (TMG) on July 10 held the "Invest Tokyo Seminar in NY: Ride Tokyo's Momentum" in an aggressive move to attract foreign companies to Tokyo. Around 50 business owners and corporate CEOs/managers who have interest in advancing into Japan and people from related organizations participated in the seminar at the Nippon Club in Manhattan.

In his opening remarks, Yasuo Tatsuta, Senior Director, bcゲーム ログインetropolitan Government, and Executive Director, Japan Local Government Center New York, introduced Tokyo Governor Yoichi Masuzoe's words of welcoming all businesses to Tokyo that will be reborn as it prepares to host the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Ambassador Sumio Kusaka, Consul General of Japan in New York, remarked that in the preparations for the 2020 Games, the national government and TMG are working together to transform Tokyo into a city even more attractive to the world.

Mio Kawada, Executive Director, Business Development & Public Relations, Japan External Trade Organization in New York, presented Japan's business advantages and government initiatives to double foreign direct investment in Japan by the year 2020. She emphasized the efforts Japan is making, including deregulation, simplification of administrative procedures, and the lowering of corporate tax rates to below 30 percent.

Noriko Adachi, Director for National Strategic Special Zone, TMG, described the importance of Tokyo as a global business hub and its attractive features including its huge market, new opportunities, strong protection of intellectual property rights, premier living environment, and strong policies and support for foreign companies expanding business to Tokyo's special economic zone.

More details about TMG's support programs were presented by Shohei Mabuchi, Manager, Accenture Strategy, Accenture Japan Ltd., which has been commissioned by the TMG to implement the 2014 Invest Tokyo Program. He explained its free consulting services such as market research and analysis, and business partner identification.

Finally, Sean King, Senior Vice President, Park Strategies, stressed that Japan's economic depth, sophistication, infrastructure, rule of law, and democracy put it in an Asian class of its own. Explaining his experiences and several examples of thriving American businesses, he pointed out an array of reasons for successful business in Japan, some of which are strong intellectual property rights protection, reliable infrastructure, long-term customer loyalty, and a safe, cultural living environment.

After the session, many participants took the opportunity to have one-on-one consultations.

The TMG is working aggressively to attract foreign companies to Tokyo and has a strong menu of support ready for them. The following website provides more details about Tokyo's special economic zone and incentives.


Source: bcゲーム ログインetropolitan Government

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