Yamaha Motor Releases Entertaining bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;RevTranslatorbcゲーム 入金 銀行uot; App of English Version

IWATA, Japan, Sept. 1 /Kyodo JBN/ --

bcゲーム 入金 銀行or Co., Ltd.

Yamaha Motor Releases Entertaining bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;RevTranslatorbcゲーム 入金 銀行uot; App of English Version

- App Enables Engines to bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;Talkbcゲーム 入金 銀行uot; with Owners -

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 7272) announced on September 1 the release of the English-language version of RevTranslator, a smartphone app that analyzes sounds and operating environments to enable engines to bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;speakbcゲーム 入金 銀行uot; to their owners. The app is now available at App Store and Google Play for free (data charges may apply).

Visit the special site:http://global.yamaha-motor.com/about/brand/apps

RevTranslator analyzes engine sounds and then converts them into computer-generated speeches using a database of over 100 million phrases. Using additional factors such as time of day and weather, as well as engine sounds, it assesses operational status to convey the engine's bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;feelings.bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;

Example phrases include: bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;Running is my happiness,bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot; bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;Give me a break, will you?bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot; and bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;Let me go along with you until the end of the world.bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;

bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;RevTranslator enables customers to take a fresh view of their engines,bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot; said Yusuke Tsunemoto, who led the app development team for Yamaha. bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;Although the app is meant to be entertaining, customers can use it to better understand the condition of their Yamaha motorcycles, sport boats, snowmobiles and generators.bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;

The app was inspired by the brand slogan, bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot;Revs your Heart,bcゲーム 入金 銀行uot; which expresses Yamaha Motor's desire to provide customers with joyful and exciting experiences.

While using the app, users accumulate points that can be used to unlock digital mascots and other exclusive content related to Yamaha products worldwide.

The Japanese version of RevTranslator was released on July 23 and created a buzz in cyberspace amongmotorcycle enthusiasts and other parties.

App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc.

Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc.

If you are interested in further information about bcゲーム 入金 銀行or, please send an e-mail to Mariko Saito (saitoumar@yamaha-motor.co.jp) to put you onthe bcゲーム 入金 銀行or media list.

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