Remembering JFK's Legacy: Bill Clinton, Caroline Kennedy and Shinzo Abe visit Waseda

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WASEDA University


Office of Information and Public Relations, Waseda University

Remembering JFK's Legacy: Bill Clinton, Caroline Kennedy and Shinzo Abe visit Waseda

Waseda hosts symposium celebrating JFK's legacy

On March 18, Waseda University, in partnership with the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, hosted an international symposium on the former U.S. President, titled "The Torch Has Been Passed: JFK's Legacy Today." Drawing on the themes of President Kennedy's iconic inaugural address challenging citizens to give back, push the boundaries of science and innovation, and seek a more peaceful world, the symposium featured speeches from former president Bill Clinton, U.S. Ambassador to Japan and the only surviving child of John F. Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, as well as Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

The event was held in Okuma Auditorium, the historic building on Waseda's campus in Tokyo where President Kennedy's brother, then-Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, delivered a speech in 1962. Following the conflict in Japan surrounding revision of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty in 1960, Robert Kennedy's visit caused controversy on and off campus. Approximately 3,000 students flooded the area around the Auditorium, including some who opposed the Attorney General's visit. One student loudly interrupted Kennedy's speech. Whenthe Attorney General invited him onto the stage, he peppered Kennedy with pointed questions. The tense atmosphere was relieved when Waseda's cheer squad began singing the University's anthem, and the whole auditorium broke out in song, including the Kennedys. It was only fitting that Okuma Auditorium, the setting for such an important episode in the history of U.S.-Japan relations, was selected to host this symposium focused on solving critical problems and bringing peace to the world.

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Ambassador Kennedy

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