Waseda-IAC International e-Government Rankings 2015

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WASEDA University

Waseda University, Tokyo, in cooperation with the International Academy of CIOs (IAC), has released its annual international e-government rankings for 2015.


Waseda University Public Relations

Waseda-IAC International e-Government Rankings 2015

Waseda University, Tokyo, in cooperation with the International Academy of CIOs (IAC), has released its annual international e-government rankings for 2015.

This publication represents the eleventh consecutive year of the global e-government survey by the team of Professor Toshio OBI, Director of the Waseda University Institute of e-Government, along with experts at 12

worldwide IAC member universities.

The 2015 survey finds Singapore in first place, followed by the United States, Denmark, the United Kingdom and Korea. Japan was 6th, Australia 7th, Estonia 8th, Canada 9th and Norway 10th.

For more information and analysis:http://www.waseda.jp/top/en-news/28775


Marshall Adams

Office of Information and Public Relations

Waseda University


Prof. Dr. Toshio OBI

Director, Institute of e-Government

Waseda University, Tokyo

Email: obi.waseda@gmail.com

Waseda University is a leading institution in Japan, founded in 1882 with three principles: academic independence, practical innovation, and building an enlightened citizenship, to provide progressive leadership for the world.

Waseda has stayed true to these ideals, educating seven prime ministers and countless other politicians, business leaders, journalists, diplomats, scholars, scientists, inventors, actors, writers and artists.

Waseda's history and tradition is to tirelessly challenge convention, in favor of progress and innovation.By its 150th anniversary in 2032, the University has committed to expanding its leadership in Asia and around the world.

Find out more athttp://www.waseda.jp/inst/whywaseda/en/

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