bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot;TaxFreeShops.jpbcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot; Now Open to Assist Foreign Visitors in Enjoying Sightseeing and Shopping

bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロック


TOKYO, Aug. 3 /Kyodo JBN/ --


bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot;TaxFreeShops.jpbcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot; Now Open to Assist Foreign Visitors in Enjoying Sightseeing and Shopping with Information on Tax-Free Shops throughout Japan!

On August 1, HYOJITO Co., Ltd. launched bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot;TaxFreeShops.jp,bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot; a comprehensive information website on tax-free shops in Japan, for visitors from overseas.

Despite the upward trend in the number of foreign visitors to Japan, many visitors encounter difficulties after arrival, such as bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot;where to find tax-free shopsbcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot;, bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot;where free Wi-Fi is availablebcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot;, and bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot;easy methods for exchanging currencybcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot; (source: bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot;Consumption Trend Survey for Foreigners Visiting Japanbcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot; published by the Japan Tourism Agency). This survey also shows that some 90% of foreign visitors to Japan are bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot;strongly interested in visiting tax-free shopsbcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot; in spite of the current situation where actual tax-free shop usage remains low due to lack of information.

HYOJITO decided to respond to this demand and enhance the travel experience of foreign visitors by introducing bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot;TaxFreeShops.jp,bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックuot; a website allowing users to easily search or browse tax-free shops (containing the address, items sold, and map of the shops) online. For those seeking for a higher level of satisfaction, the website also provides special paid content that includes useful information such as shop photos, official website addresses, telephone numbers, and accepted credit cards, as well as exclusive shop-specific discount coupons.

The website features high usability as it was developed based on interviews with foreign visitors and focusing on the following two points:

-- Shop search flow built through the eyes of users

-- Linked to related content with high demand from foreign visitors not familiar with Japan

Easy & Quick Methods for Searching Tax-Free Shops:

(1) Current Location Search: Search for tax-free shops near your current location.

(2) Category Search: Search for tax-free shops according to the item you hope to buy, such as department stores, pharmacies, and electronics stores.

(3) Area Search: Narrow down your search by choosing the address of your choice.

(4) Topics Search: Find tax-free shops based on topics as tourist spots and frequently used train stations.

Linked to Providers of Relevant Content:

-- Information on free Wi-Fi spots (users directed to a dedicated app)

-- Information on ATMs accepting cash cards issued in the countries of foreign visitors (users directed to a website where they can search by location)

-- Information on tourist information centers certified by the Japan National Tourist Organization (JNTO) (users directed to websites containing addresses and telephone numbers)

We plan to actively advertise this website in foreign countries where the website's information seems effective. We will strive to create an information-sharing service (website) that plays a role in both, helping foreign visitors enjoy a better shopping experience, and also assisting Japanese tax-free shops in actively attracting customers.

Website Summary

Website name: Tax Free Shops.jp


No. of tax-free shops listed: Approx. 12,000 shops (as of August 2015)

Languages available: English, Chinese (simplified/traditional) and Korean

Compatible devices: Smartphone, Tablet and PC

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