Building a new economic order, Japan Minister and Former US Trade Negotiator to join symposium

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WASEDA University

Leaders from government and experts from academia and the private sector will come together to discuss the Transpacific Partnership (TPP), the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and building of a new economic order in the Asia Pacific region.


U.S.-Japan Research Institute

Building a new order with the TPP and AIIB

Japan Economy Minister and Former US Trade Negotiator to join symposium

Leaders from government and experts from academia and the private sector will come together to discuss the Transpacific Partnership (TPP), the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and building of a new economic order in the Asia Pacific region.

Organized by the U.S.-Japan Research Institute (USJI: Secretariat at Waseda University) with cooperation of the Yomiuri Shimbun, this symposium will dig into the economic, political and security issues facing the region and relations among Japan, the United States and China.

Please attend this rare opportunity to hear numerous thought leaders in one place on a very timely and critically important topic.

Date & Time: December 9, 2015 (Wed)

13:30-17:00 (registration from 12:45)

Place: Yasuda Auditorium, University of Tokyo


Target audience: Students, researchers and the academic community, corporate and government officials, and the general public

Free Admission (for security reasons, admission will require official identification)

Schedule and participants are subject to change

Video of the proceedings will be published on the USJI website after the event.

Simultaneous interpretation provided (Japanese/English)

MC: Miki Sugimura (Vice Chair, USJI / Vice President, Sophia University)

13:30-13:35Opening Remarks

Ken Furuya (Chair, USJI / Executive Vice President, The University of Tokyo)

13:35-14:35Keynote Speeches

*The role of Japan and the Japan-US relationship in constructing an economic order in the Asia-Pacific region

Akira Amari (Minister in charge of Economic Revitalization of Japan)

*The Role of U.S.-Japan Cooperation in TPP and Regional Trade Architecture

Wendy Cutler (Former Acting Deputy, USTR / Vice President, Asia Society Policy Institute)

14:45-16:55Panel Discussion

Japan and the United States as leaders in the political and economic international order in the Asia-Pacific region

Moderator: Fumiaki Kubo (Director, USJI / Professor, University of Tokyo)

Introduction:Ichiro Fujisaki (Former Ambassador of Japan to the U.S. / Chairman, Sophia Institute for International Relations)


Glen S. Fukushima (Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress)

Mireya Solis (Philip Knight Chair in Japan Studies, Brookings Center for East Asia Policy Studies)

Shujiro Urata (Professor, Waseda University)

Naoto Jinji (Professor, Kyoto University)

Takashi Terada (Operating Advisor, USJI / Professor, Doshisha University)

Yorizumi Watanabe (Professor, Keio University)


16:05-16:55Q&A Session & Wrap-up

16:55Closing Remarks

Katsuichi Uchida (President, USJI / Assistant to the President for Global Affairs, Waseda University)


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