New Hato Bus Tours for Foreigners Feature Visit to Ashikaga Wisteria Park

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Hato Bus

TOKYO, Apr. 1, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Hato Bus Co., Ltd.

New Hato Bus Tours for Foreigners Feature Visit

to Ashikaga Wisteria Park

Hato Bus Co., Ltd., Tokyo, announced new bus tours on April 1, each of which is accompanied by an English- or Chinese-speaking guide, for the spring 2016 season from April to June. The Hato Bus tours, 54 tours in all, include spring-only tours to enjoy sakura blossoms, watch Japanese dances, and stay overnight.

(1) New bus tours to experience Japanese culture.

The company has been operating experience-focused bus tours for foreigners since 1954. In addition to the currently offered tea-making and craftwork experiences, the newly announced tours include a visit to Japanese-style dances for Chinese travelers, night horse races at Kawasaki Keiba racecourse for Chinese tourists, and playing games with geisha entertainment girls at traditional restaurant Mukojima Sakura-jaya for English and Chinese speakers.

(2) New bus tours to enjoy beautiful spring, the best travel season in Japan.

This year's tours feature a new tour of Ashikaga Flower Park, the first of its kind for the company, for English and Chinese speakers. Picked as one of CNN's "Dream Destinations" for 2014, Ashikaga Flower Park has a famous wisteria trellis, one of the largest in scale in Japan, which has been widely talked about on Twitter and Facebook.

Examples of new tours

* Hospitality - Japanese style - featuring a visit to traditional restaurant Sakura-jaya in Mukojima, Tokyo (for English and Chinese speakers)

Price: 10,980 yen for an adult

Dates: Designated days after April 11

Itinerary: Hamamatsucho Bus Terminal (departure: 18:00) - Tokyo Station - traditional restaurant "Sakura-jaya" in Mukojima (supper and geisha girls' dance) - Asakusa (drive through) - Tokyo Station - Ginza Capital Hotel (arrival: 21:40)

* Ashikaga Flower Park and Sano Premium Outlets (for English and Chinese speakers)

Price: 7,900 yen for an adult

Dates: Designated days after April 16

Itinerary: Hamamatsucho Bus Terminal (departure: 9:20) - Sano Soshuji Yakuyoke Daishi Temple (worship) - Eventail Golf Club (buffet lunch) - Ashikaga Flower Park (visit) - Sano Premium Outlets (shopping) - Shinjuku Station - Hamamatsucho Bus Terminal (arrival: 20:00)


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Bus tour

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Ashikaga Flower Park

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Hato Bus

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Sano Premium Outlets

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Supper at Sakura-jaya

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Geisha girl dance

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