"Invest Tokyo Seminar 2016" to Be Held in London


TOKYO, May 17, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Tokyo Metropolitan Government

"Invest Tokyo Seminar 2016" to Be Held in London

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) will hold the "Invest Tokyo Seminar 2016 in London" with the support of UK Trade and Investment on May 23 at Hamilton House, London, for foreign companies interested in advancing into Japan. This seminar will provide UK companies with an opportunity to learn about the allure of Tokyo as an investment destination as well as various incentives and support for foreign companies provided by the TMG. There will be special sessions on FinTech, life sciences and IT industries.

The TMG is advancing efforts to attract foreign companies and develop a more business-friendly environment by attracting talent, information and investment from around the world to Tokyo using the special economic zone system of the national government. More than 60 foreign companies have decided to set up business in Tokyo by receiving TMG support.

Foreign companies newly establishing their regional headquarters or R&D centers in the special economic zone will be eligible to receive incentives and support such as free management consulting services, a subsidy program, preferential tax treatment and introduction of office space at reduced rates.

The TMG is providing strong support to speed up business development by gathering three facilities in one location. This includes the Tokyo One-Stop Business Establishment Center, which provides centralized support for procedures related to company incorporation, the Business Development Center Tokyo, and the Tokyo Employment Consultation Center.

Tokyo is transforming into an even more attractive city. Earthquake-resistant, high-performance office buildings are opening one after another, and preparations are underway to ensure a comfortable living environment for expats, including serviced apartments. The TMG is promoting the development of a healthcare and education environment for foreign residents, and installing multi-lingual signage on the streets and transportation facilities to turn Tokyo into a city where foreign company employees and their families can live in comfort.

There are numerous business opportunities to be found in Tokyo as it transforms in preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic/Paralympic Games. The time is right to advance into Tokyo.

Please visit the following website for details on the seminar and Tokyo's special economic zones.

Invest Tokyo Seminar 2016 in London:http://seminar.invest-tokyo.jp/

Tokyo's special economic zones:http://www.seisakukikaku.metro.tokyo.jp/invest_tokyo/index.html

E-mail: ml-office-ahq@section.metro.tokyo.jp

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