The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)’s Exploration and Development of Global Entrepreneurship for NEXT Generation (EDGE-NEXT) Program started in 2017. This program aims to train those who aspire to start new businesses and new projects based on innovative ideas or on the outcomes and challenges of research development at universities around the country, as well as to form venture ecosystem with relative personnel and institutions.
In this upcoming symposium, entrepreneurship education and entrepreneur training will be discussed not only by the MEXT’s EDGE-NEXT Consortium, but through exchanges and discussions with other entrepreneur education institutions also. The keynote speech will be delivered by Yasuhiro Yamakawa, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Babson College, who has experiences of developing new projects at large corporates as well as establishing start-ups in the electric power and communication industries.
* This symposium provides Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation
Event information
- Date & Time: March 19, 2018 (Mon), 9:30 – 18:00 (Networking event from 18:30)
- Venue: International Conference Center, Waseda University
- Registration fee: Free (2,000 yen for the networking event)
- Open to EDGE member institutions, institutions associated with entrepreneurship education and training including EDGE-NEXT member institutions, venture capitals, graduate students, young scholars, undergraduate students, and the general public
- Hosted by WASEDA-EDGE GLOBAL TALENT Human Development Program
- In cooperation with: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Osaka University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Keio University, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Okawa Dream Foundation, Japan Social Innovation Center, e.lab, Tokyo Startup Station, Loftwork Inc., and the EDGE-NEXT Consortium: “EARTH on EDGE” Entrepreneurial Action Renaissance in Tohoku and Hokkaido on Enhancing Development of Global Entrepreneur Program; “Global Tech EDGE NEXT” Global Tech EDGE NEXT based on collaboration between government, industry and university; “Tokai-EDGE(Tongali)Program” Tokai network global leading innovators; “IDEA” Innovation x Diversity x Entrepreneurship Education Alliance; EDGE NEXT: Value Co-creation Eco-system for Developing Global Entrepreneurs (Skyward EDGE)
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