bcゲーム 日本xpress Acquires Equity Interest in Traconf S.r.l. (Turning It into Subsidiary)

TOKYO, Mar. 16, 2018 /Kyodo JBN/ --

bcゲーム 日本xpress Co., Ltd.

bcゲーム 日本xpress Acquires Equity Interest

in Traconf S.r.l. (Turning It into Subsidiary)

bcゲーム 日本xpress Co., Ltd. (TSE: 9062, hereinafter the "Company") agreed with investors in Traconf S.r.l. headquartered in Verona, Italy (hereinafter "Traconf"), an apparel-related logistics service provider in the high-end fashion industry, and thereby executed a sale and purchase agreement (the "SPA") on March 6, 2018 (CET), to acquire the entire equity interest in Traconf through the subsidiary, bcゲーム 日本xpress Europe GmbH (the "Acquisition").

Purpose of the Acquisition

By providing logistics-centric supply chain solutions throughout the world, bcゲーム 日本xpress Group aims to be a "Truly Global Logistics Company" that can contribute to the global development of all kinds of customers. As one of the key strategies to achieve this goal, the Company is active in making intensive investments outside Japan to enhance its network in various regions and business areas with high growth potential. In 2013, the Company acquired Franco Vago S.p.A. (hereinafter "Franco Vago"), a Firenze-based forwarding service provider in the apparel industry mainly focused on high-end fashion brands, and as a result established a high-quality logistics platform in the apparel sector.

Traconf provides warehousing, distribution and other services for the fashion and lifestyle industries in Europe, mainly Italy, as well as the United States and China. Its key customer base comprises luxury fashion brands, like that of Franco Vago.

bcゲーム 日本ompany believes that the Acquisition will help it grow its group’s fashion logistics business dramatically. Particularly, bcゲーム 日本ombination of Traconf and Franco Vago will provide bcゲーム 日本ompany with mutual access to bcゲーム 日本ustomers of both companies, and furthermore the ability of offering each customer nonstop integrated logistics services from international transportation and product warehousing to distribution to the markets. In terms of bcゲーム 日本ompany’s geographic strategies, bcゲーム 日本omplementary interaction of the two companies and the local bases of its group will create a global network beyond the European market, allowing it to provide high-quality services to customers worldwide as a leading distributer in the fashion logistics industry.

For details, please visit



The impact of the Acquisition on bcゲーム 日本onsolidated performance of bcゲーム 日本ompany for the fiscal year ending March 2018 will be minor.

bcゲーム 日本xpress website:http://www.nipponexpress.com/

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