Yamagata Prefecture Produces PR Video “Japan Heritage - Dewa Sanzan - A Journey to Rebirth -”

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Yamagata Prefectural

YAMAGATA, Japan, Sept. 21, 2018 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Yamagata Prefectural Government

Yamagata Prefecture Produces PR Video “Japan Heritage - Dewa Sanzan - A Journey to Rebirth -”

he Yamagata Prefectural Government has produced a promotion video of a story titled “Dewa Sanzan - A Journey to Rebirth -” that depicts a group of three mountains recognized as a Japan Heritage site.

Prefectural Government officials hope that people all over Japan and the world will visit Dewa Sanzan to refresh their body and mind so as to be full of strength for what tomorrow may bring.

1. About “Three Mountains of Dewa - A Journey to Rebirth”

Shugendo is a school of Japanese asceticism that was born amid the vast wilderness of the Three Mountains of Dewa called “Dewa Sanzan,” located in the center of Yamagata Prefecture, northwestern Japan. In Shugendo, it is believed that the three mountains have unique powers: Mt. Haguro is the Mountain of the Present that fulfills the worldly needs of present-day people; Mt. Gassan is the Mountain of the Past where ancestral spirits are able to settle peacefully within its natural grace; and Mt. Yudono is the Mountain of the Future, where hot springs gush forth from between its red boulders, symbolizing the birth of new life.

During the Edo period (1603-1867), a trip to Dewa Sanzan was popularized as “the journey to rebirth” due to the beautiful and sacred nature of the mountains.

The tradition is continued to this day thanks to efforts by the local community to preserve this ancient Japanese practice of mountain and nature worship.

The journey begins with 2446 stone steps from the base of Mt. Haguro, surrounded by cedar trees that are over 300 years old. The setting allows visitors to experience a sense of reverence and awe for nature, and to recharge their spirits.

2. Promotion video website


About Japan Heritage

Japanese tangible and intangible cultural properties/assets, i.e. regional histories, traditions and customs, are passed down for generations through narratives. These stories, telling of the legacy of our culture and histories, have been designated as “Japan Heritage” by the Agency of Cultural Affairs.

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