AUCNET to Launch B-to-B Global Sales Portal for Overseas Secondhand Smartphone Retailers

bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナス


TOKYO, Nov. 15, 2019 /Kyodo JBN/ --


AUCNETto Launch B-to-B Global Sales Portal for Overseas Secondhand Smartphone Retailers

- Purchase Available at All Times from Small Lot with Warranty Privileges, Starting as Trial from December within USA -

AUCNET INC. ( hereinafter referred to as “AUCNET" ) will launch the Aucnet Dealer Portal (tentative name) for overseas retailers which enables them to purchase secondhand smartphones and related accessories with warranties in small lots at any time. The service will begin as a trial in the United States starting from December 2019.

(Logo:/prwfile/release/M105709/201911083280/bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスrwbcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスI2im_y2V3XC8u.png)

Background for “Aucnet Dealer Portal”

Until now, AUCNET has been selling secondhand smartphones mainly to major distributors around the globe in a lot of hundreds of units through its global auction system. Now, AUCNET is launching an online marketplace to cater for demand from retailers who want to purchase high-quality secondhand smartphones in small lots at any time, a new sales method that differs from conventional auctions. This fixed-price online marketplace is developed and launched by AUCNET DIGITAL PRODUCTS USA, LLC ( hereinafter referred to as “ADP USA” ) located in Austin, Texas, USA. ADP USA will initially conduct the trial mainly within the United States, start full-scale operations in 2020, and eventually expand beyond the United States. AUCNET will continue to expand and optimize its services to maximize the value of its distribution systems.

(Images:/prwfile/release/M105709/201911083280/bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスrwbcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスI1lg_RmR04R8O.png)

Features of “Aucnet Dealer Portal”

After the buyer selects manufacturers, models and quantities of devices they want to purchase and enter their payment method on the portal, a purchase order is automatically generated. In addition to wire transfer, other payment methods such as PayPal and credit cards will be available. Purchase information can be confirmed or managed on the buyer’s “My Page” section. Additionally, suppliers will have a dedicated page to manage their product information such as inventory availability, etc. By doing so, AUCNET will establish a system that can handle a wide range of disposal requirements from insurance companies, major manufacturers and carriers.

Overview of ADP USA


2.Main business: Processing and auctioning of secondhand digital products

3.Established: November 27, 2018

4. Location: Austin, Texas, USA

5. Shareholder: AUCNET USA (100%)

6. Executives:

- Chief Executive Officer: Katsuhiko Ichii

(Managing Executive Officer of AUCNET INC., Division Manager of Department of Digital Products Business)

- Chief Operating Officer: Greg Roberts

- Senior Vice President of Business Development: David Lundberg

Overview of AUCNET

Company name: AUCNET INC.

Headquarters: Aoyama OM Square, 2-5-8 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Representative: President & CEO Kiyotaka Fujisaki

Founded: June 29, 1985

Capital: 1,711 million yen (as of December 31, 2018)

Consolidated gross income: 19.4 billion yen (fiscal year that ended in December)

Consolidated number of employees: 677 (as of December 31, 2018)

Listed: First Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange (security code: 3964)

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