Theorizing Anime: Invention of Concepts and Conditions of Their Possibility

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WASEDA University

November 11, 2019

This symposium reassesses critically what anime studies has accomplished in and outside Japan since the beginning of the 2000s. It attempts to explore the possibility of emerging new topics and methodologies, focusing on: various subfields in anime studies, for instance, anime as a form of thought experiment; politics of anime studies discourse in a global context to promote a more transnational interaction and cooperation; and the relationship between anime studies and various relevant disciplines such as film and visual studies.

During the symposium on November 16, there will be a special event with Takashi Otsuka, the director of the animated film “One Piece: Stampede.”

We invite all interested media representatives and the general public to join.

This symposium will be held duringWASEDA International Weeks, a newly-started initiative to celebrate its international community as well as provide even more opportunities for domestic and international students to interact with one another and foster their global mindset. A series of events will last through late November, and during this period, more than 60 events such as the Haruki Murakami Symposium will be taking place.

Event details

Date: November 16 (Sat) - 17 (Sun), 2019

*Please find the PDF file attached for detailed schedule

Venue: International Conference Center, Waseda University


Language: English

Open to students, faculty, staff and the general public

Organized by Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies, Waseda University


For more information on the event,

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