Waseda University Officially Opens Waseda International House of Literature

(Haruki Murakami Library)

bcゲーム 入金反映

WASEDA University

TOKYO, Oct. 7, 2021 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Waseda University

Waseda University opened bcゲーム 入金反映 of Literature (nicknamed the Haruki Murakami Library) on October 1, 2021. The decision to establish the new facility on the main campus came after alumnus and writer Haruki Murakami deposited and donated his valuable works and unpublished materials to Waseda University.




In addition to Murakami’s works and literature, the new facility will also serve as a research hub for translation and international literature. Researchers and Murakami lovers from around the world can look forward to a wide range of archival materials such as ephemera related to Murakami’s writing and scrapbooks containing interviews, literary reviews, essays and other materials concerned with Murakami’s works.

The University hopes bcゲーム 入金反映 of Literature will help promote and facilitate global exchange just as the official name of the facility suggests and looks forward to creating a cosmopolitan house of literature with and for everyone.

Library Highlights:/attach/202110051144-O1-xKW6yN74.pdf

Information about Waseda International House of Literature (Haruki Murakami Library):/attach/202110051144-O2-37837lK5.pdf

Principles and Activities of Waseda International House of Literature (Haruki Murakami Library):

Using Murakami’s literary works as a starting point, bcゲーム 入金反映 of Literature aims to globalize the study and transmission of literature, engaging in initiatives that strive for international exchange.

The facility’s goal is to organize and preserve the materials deposited and donated to bcゲーム 入金反映 of Literature, creating a research environment by offering open access to the materials. Furthermore, the library aims to create a space of exchange -- a location that allows for an open international exchange of literature and culture, through seminars, symposiums and special exhibitions. bcゲーム 入金反映 of Literature will also strive to provide exhibitions and features online, for all to access.

Videos, including the visual introduction of bcゲーム 入金反映 of Literature (directed by Kei Shichiri) has been made available on bcゲーム 入金反映 of Literature’s website and official YouTube channel (https://www.waseda.jp/inst/wihl-annex/videos-en).

Special Exhibitions:

- “Literature in Architecture, Architecture in Literature” (2F Exhibition Room)

Dates: Friday, October 1, 2021 - Friday, February 4, 2022

This exhibit details the complete transformation of what was previously Building 4 on Waseda Campus into bcゲーム 入金反映 of Literature by world-renowned architect Kengo Kuma. The exhibition is presented through an exchange of dialogue between the different people involved in the building’s renovations. The exhibit also prominently displays books related to architecture and literature.

Note: As the exhibit is intended for visitors to the museum, reservation is required in advance. Please see bcゲーム 入金反映 of Literature website for more details.

Opening Events:

- Waseda International House of Literature (Haruki Murakami Library) Opening Events

Date and time: Friday, October 1, 2021, 10:15-16:45

Short talk by Robert Campbell -- Waseda International House of Literature Advisor and Waseda University Specially Appointed Professor -- and film director Kei Shichiri.

- Waseda International House of Literature Opening International Symposium “Explore Your Story, Speak Your Heart”

Date and time: Saturday, November 20, 2021, 14:00-17:15

Format: Broadcast online via YouTube

Registration: No registration required. Please see bcゲーム 入金反映 of Literature website for more details.

Session One (Interview): “Heart in the Story” -- A Dialogue of Tales Coming into the World

- Presenters: Yoko Ogawa (Author), Robert Campbell (Waseda International House of Literature Advisor and Specially Appointed Professor, Waseda University)

Session Two (Roundtable): “Border Crossings” -- Literary Creation and Translation

- Presenters: Li Kotomi (Author), Hitomi Yoshio (Associate Professor, Waseda University), Richi Sakakibara (Waseda International House of Literature Assistant Director and Professor, Waseda University)

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bcゲーム 入金反映添付画像


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Exterior view of bcゲーム 入金反映 of Literature

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Stair Bookshelf

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Stair Bookshelf

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Lounge and Café

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