OMRON Healthcare's Presence at bcゲーム 初回入金ボーナス 2024 in the U.S.

bcゲーム 初回入金ボーナス


KYOTO, Japan, May 17, 2024 /Kyodo JBN/ --

OMRON Healthcare Co., Ltd.

OMRON Healthcare Co., Ltd. based in Muko, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, announced its presence at bcゲーム 初回入金ボーナス 2024, the Annual Meeting of the bcゲーム 初回入金ボーナス Society (HRS) in the U.S. At bcゲーム 初回入金ボーナス 2024, the Company will showcase its upper-arm blood pressure monitor with ECG technology, Complete, and a series of home-use blood pressure monitors. In addition, OMRON will support a CME (Continuing Medical Education)-accredited breakfast symposium (*1) discussing early detection of atrial fibrillation (AFib) and the management of hypertensive patients. The result of a clinical trial utilizing new technology to detect the AFib using OMRON blood pressure monitors will be also presented at the symposium.


bcゲーム 初回入金ボーナス 2024 is organized by the bcゲーム 初回入金ボーナス Society (HRS) and provides a platform to advance the field of electrophysiology (EP) and improve patient outcomes through the exchange of groundbreaking science, cutting-edge technologies, and life-saving therapies. At the CME Breakfast Symposium at bcゲーム 初回入金ボーナス 2024, Dr. Vivek Reddy, Director of Cardiac Arrhythmia Services at the Mount Sinai Hospital and the Mount Sinai Health System, will moderate it under the theme of and discuss AFib detection among hypertensive patients and the clinical significance of the early detection of AFib by using cutting-edge technology with other prominent experts.

(*1) This program is not part of the bcゲーム 初回入金ボーナス 2024 Official Scientific Sessions as planned by the bcゲーム 初回入金ボーナス Society Scientific Sessions Program Committee. The event is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the bcゲーム 初回入金ボーナス Society.

"Going for Zero" is the vision of OMRON's cardiovascular domain: Reducing the incidence of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases to zero and one of its goals is to provide a solution for the early detection of AFib. Early AFib detection can help prevent serious complications such as heart attack or stroke. However, the challenge is that about 40% of patients are asymptomatic, making early detection difficult. Study shows that hypertensive patients develop AFib three times higher than individuals with a normal range of blood pressure (*2). Since 2019, the Company has been expanding devices and services globally including upper arm blood pressure monitors with built-in ECG technology and a home-use portable ECG that quickly detects the possibility of AFib. The Company actively participates in academic conference activities and clinical studies held in various countries around the world and has been working on advancing the early detection technology of AFib in collaboration with healthcare professionals and researchers. The Company will continue to promote academic activities globally, develop devices and services, and contribute to empowering people worldwide to live life to the fullest.

(*2) Senoo K, Yukawa A, Ohkura T, et al., Screening for untreated atrial fibrillation in the elderly population: A community-based study. Pizzi C, ed. PLoS ONE. 2022;17(6):e0269506.

Symposium Overview

Date: Saturday, May 18, 2024

Location: Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Room: 205ABC


5:30 - 6:10 AM Check-In and Breakfast Buffet

6:10 - 6:15 AM Welcome and Introductions/ Vivek Reddy, MD

6:15 - 6:30 AM AF and Hypertension: Dangerous Bedfellows/ Ben Freedman, MBBS, PhD

6:30 - 6:45 AM Advanced AI in a Blood Pressure Monitor to Enhance AF Detection at Home/ Matt Janik, MD, FACC

6:45 - 7:00 AM AF Screening in Patients with Hypertension: A Nationwide Decentralized Clinical Trial/ Keitaro Senoo, MD

7:00 - 7:30 AM Panel Discussion with Q&A Session




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