bcゲーム ログインできないuot;Kyoto Fanbcゲーム ログインできないuot; Event -- Maiko Spring 2012 -- Set for April 28


KYOTO, Japan, Apr. 24 / Kyodo JBN/ --


Special Event by Facebook Popular Fan Page bcゲーム ログインできないuot;Kyoto Fanbcゲーム ログインできないuot;

-- Maiko Spring 2012 -- Set for April 28

Facebook fan page bcゲーム ログインできないuot;Kyoto Fanbcゲーム ログインできないuot; (https://www.facebook.com/discoverkyoto) allows

people around the world to talk about Kyoto across distance. It will hold a real

event, bcゲーム ログインできないuot;Kyoto Fan Event,bcゲーム ログインできないuot; on April 28, 2012 (Saturday) in Kyoto's Sanjo area.

The event aims to create a space for people to go beyond exchanges on the

Internet and learn more closely the traditions and life of Kyoto.

The forthcoming event, the second in a series, will invite bcゲーム ログインできないuot;Geikobcゲーム ログインできないuot; (Geisha

girl) and bcゲーム ログインできないuot;Maikobcゲーム ログインできないuot; (apprentice Geiko) from Miyagawa-cho, Kyoto, to perform

traditional Japanese dancing and singing, and also to talk about their lives in

the hana-machi (traditional entertainment Tea House). Participants can also

experience bcゲーム ログインできないuot;ozashiki-asobibcゲーム ログインできないuot; or dinner games clients play with Geiko or Maiko.

- Kyoto Fan

Kyoto Fan started on Facebook on August 10, 2011, is an international community

page (English version) on which non-Japanese can learn and know about the

culture, traditions and life of Kyoto. As of April 2012, it has received more

than 80,000 likes. It is one of the largest fan pages about Kyoto.

Kyoto Fan was started by Ricardo Alvarado, originally from Costa Rica. After

marrying a Japanese woman, he moved to Kyoto in 2011 and now is an adviser at bcゲーム ログインできないuot;

Kyoto Design House,bcゲーム ログインできないuot; a store that sells Japanese gifts and crafts; popular

among foreign visitors. Alvarado, with his bcゲーム ログインできないuot;foreign eyesbcゲーム ログインできないuot;, visits temples,

festivals and artisan studios to report about them as well as on the beauty of

the seasons for the global audience.

- Kyoto Fan Event

The first Kyoto Fan Event was held in Tokyo in November 2011, attracting more

than 1,000 non-Japanese. The organizers plan to hold this series of events

regularly so people can know Kyoto more deeply and enjoy hands-on experience.

- Outline of Event

Date and hours:April 28, 2012 (Sat.), 12:30-17:30

Stage performance:Starting at 13:00, 14:30 and 16:00

Place:Niwaka Building, BF, 105 Fukunaga-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City


Hosted by:Kyoto Fanhttp://www.facebook.com/discoverkyoto

Sponsor:Kyoto Design Househttp://www.kyoto-dh.com

Source: Kyoto Fan

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