Infoteria's bcゲーム 出金時間uot;linobcゲーム 出金時間uot; Online Sticky Note Sharing Service Arrives on Android


Infoteria's bcゲーム 出金時間uot;linobcゲーム 出金時間uot; Online Sticky Note Sharing Service Arrives on Android


Infoteria Corporation announced on May 8 to launch the Android app version of its popular free online sticky note sharing service bcゲーム 出金時間uot;linobcゲーム 出金時間uot;. The app is currently in beta release, and is available for download from Google Play.

bcゲーム 出金時間uot;linobcゲーム 出金時間uot; is a cloud-based service that provides an online canvas to post and share electronic sticky note, photos, movies and files. The service is popular not only among Japanese users, but also in more than 100 foreign countries including the U.S. Overseas users now account for over 70% of all users.

The service has already been available for PC, iPhone and iPad, and now widely available for Android smartphones and tablets.

With the Android app, user can intuitively handle, double-tap, or pinch stickies and the canvas on screen. bcゲーム 出金時間uot;linobcゲーム 出金時間uot; is fun to use in various scenes of life, such as posting an idea conceived while on the go through a smartphone, laying out stickies on the canvas with a PC at home, and sharing photos and movies of an event among friends.

* App name: lino

* Google Play URL:

* Price: Free

* Screen shot:

About Infoteria Corporation

Infoteria Corporation was founded in 1998 as the first software company in Japan dedicated to XML. Infoteria develops and markets software and services which connect various corporate computers and devices. The company's flagship software product is bcゲーム 出金時間uot;ASTERIA,bcゲーム 出金時間uot; which federates a variety of computer systems of different makes without any additional programming. It has been introduced by more than 2,700 corporations (as of the end of December 2011), primarily large and medium-sized firms. Moreover, the company's bcゲーム 出金時間uot;Handbook,bcゲーム 出金時間uot; a cloud-based service which distributes digital documents stored on a PC to iPhone, iPad and Android smartphones and tablets, is employed by many advanced corporate and public users as a standard tool for their employees to carry business documents such as sales materials, product brochures and meeting reports.

To learn more about Infoteria, please visit

About lino

bcゲーム 出金時間uot;linobcゲーム 出金時間uot; is a cloud-based service to provide the canvas to post stickies and photos, offered free of charge to users through PC browsers and iPhone, iPad and Android apps. As with temporarily attaching notes with an adhesive strip on one side, bcゲーム 出金時間uot;linobcゲーム 出金時間uot; makes it possible to attach memos, tasks, photos, videos and computer files to the canvas so that members of a group can share them later. bcゲーム 出金時間uot;linobcゲーム 出金時間uot; supports Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean languages and is used worldwide. *Note: Currently, bcゲーム 出金時間uot;linobcゲーム 出金時間uot; apps for iPhone, iPad and Android are only available in Japanese and English.

To learn more about lino, please visit

* Infoteria is the trademark of Infoteria Corporation.

* Handbook and ASTERIA are the registered trademarks of Infoteria.

* Android and Google Play are the registered trademarks of Google Inc.

* Product names which appear in this release are the trademarks and registered trademarks of respective companies.


Infoteria Corporation

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