Afghanistan Tokyo CSO Conference: Voices from Afghan Civil Society

Afghanistan Tokyo CSO Conference: Voices from Afghan Civil Society


The Japan Civil Society Steering Committee for the Afghanistan Tokyo Conference announced on June 18 that it will hold the Afghanistan Tokyo CSO Conference to have a direct dialog between representatives from Japan and Afghanistan who are involved in international cooperative efforts. This three-day event will take place at the United Nations University from July 6 to 9, 2012.

July 6Pre-event (Invitation only)

July 7Symposium and panel discussion (Application Required)

July 9Follow-up event (Invitation only)

The international Bonn Conference on Afghanistan took place in December, 2011, where the international community renewed their commitment to provide continuous support during the "decade of change" starting from the end of 2014, when ISAF withdraws, to 2025. At the Chicago NATO Summit this May, there was further discussion on maintaining public order in Afghanistan, and now, on July 8, 2012, the Tokyo Conference will be held by the Governments of Japan and Afghanistan to identify ways to continue sustainable support for Afghanistan.

This is the first large-scale international Tokyo conference on Afghanistan in a decade. To highlight this milestone event, the Japan Civil Society Steering Committee for the Afghanistan Tokyo Conference is welcoming 30 practitioners from the Afghan Civil Society to the Afghanistan Tokyo CSO Conference for comprehensive discussions.

At a preliminary event on July 6, the 30 practitioners will be divided into five groups to give presentations, which will be followed by more in-depth discussions, regarding good governance, sustainable development, and human rights, in order to discuss how the international community should support Afghanistan after 2014.

On July 7, a symposium and a panel discussion will be held as an open event.

At a follow-up event on July 9, the Afghan practitioners will review the Afghanistan Tokyo Conference, and discuss its results and future issues. All venues are conference halls at the United Nations University.

*Japan Civil Society Steering Committee for Afghanistan Tokyo Conference consists of fifteen Japanese NGOs.

-- Organized by Japan Civil Society Steering Committee for Afghanistan Tokyo Conference and Civil Society-Joint Working Group Afghanistan

-- Cosponsored by Japan Platform and Asia Foundation

-- Supported by United Nations University and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan


Japan Civil Society Steering Committee for Afghanistan Tokyo Conference

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