bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;Roppongi Art Night 2013bcゲーム 紹介コードuot; to Open in March Next Year

Roppongi Art Night Committee

TOKYO, Dec. 21 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Roppongi Art Night Executive Committee

bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;Roppongi Art Night 2013bcゲーム 紹介コードuot; to Open in March Next Year under Theme bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;TRIP - Witness Today's Transformation into Tomorrow.bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;

- Tokyo's Representative Art Event, Attracting As Many As 700,000 Visitors -

As part of the Tokyo Culture Creation Project, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture will hold the largest all-night art event in Tokyo, bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;Roppongi Art Night 2013bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;, on March 23-24, 2013.

An artistic-director system will be introduced for Roppongi Art Night 2013, and Katsuhiko Hibino, an artist, has been appointed to the post. bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;TRIP - Witness today's transformation into tomorrow.bcゲーム 紹介コードuot; has been chosen as this year's event theme.

Based on this year's event theme bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;TRIP - Witness today's transformation into tomorrow.bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;, Hibino and other artists will turn their ideas of bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;excursions of time and spacebcゲーム 紹介コードuot;, bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;elation of seeing the morning after the night beforebcゲーム 紹介コードuot;, and bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;thought for disaster-stricken regions beyond time and spacebcゲーム 紹介コードuot; into some forms as well as into some actions, and a variety of programs will be constructed for visitors to make a trip, along with the artists, around the Roppongi district.

Various places in Roppongi considered as a bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;harbor/port/terminalbcゲーム 紹介コードuot;, participants will witness and experience sailing into a one-night-only extraordinary trip. On the day, making the works of art by Hibino bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;the activistbcゲーム 紹介コードuot; -- molded out of his feelings for the Tohoku region -- a starting point, an bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;art boatbcゲーム 紹介コードuot; created by Hibino in collaboration with up-and-coming artists will be navigated through places all over Roppongi. Moreover, a program arisen from the relationship with the local community following observations of Roppongi as a bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;localbcゲーム 紹介コードuot; community as well as the works of installation art which make the most of Roppongi streets will be deployed in the streets.

bcゲーム 紹介コードuot;Roppongi Art Nightbcゲーム 紹介コードuot; has been around for five years (the fourth event) and so far received participation of more than 200 teams of artists. The event has a high profile in various circles as Tokyo's representative art event, and it attracted as many as 700,000 visitors (the total number of visitors to all programs) in 2012.

For the full text of this PRESS RELEASE, visit:www.roppongiartnight.com/en/

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