bcゲーム 日本uot;ZombieBooth 2bcゲーム 日本uot;, Sequel to Zombie Transform App Downloaded, Is Finally Available in App Store!

bcゲーム 日本


TYFFON Inc. announced on July 3 that it will release bcゲーム 日本uot;ZombieBooth 2bcゲーム 日本uot;, as the sequel to bcゲーム 日本uot;ZombieBooth,bcゲーム 日本uot; which has been downloaded 15 million times, in the Apple App Store ( URL: http://appstore.com/zombiebooth2/ ).

TOKYO, July 3 /Kyodo JBN/ --


bcゲーム 日本uot;ZombieBooth 2bcゲーム 日本uot;, Sequel to Zombie Transform App Downloaded 15 Million Times, Is Finally Available in App Store!

TYFFON Inc. announced on July 3 that it will release bcゲーム 日本uot;ZombieBooth 2bcゲーム 日本uot;, as the sequel to bcゲーム 日本uot;ZombieBooth,bcゲーム 日本uot; which has been downloaded 15 million times, in the Apple App Store (URL: URL:http://appstore.com/zombiebooth2/ )

bcゲーム 日本uot;ZombieBooth 2bcゲーム 日本uot; is an iPhone application that turns your face into a 3D animated zombie. In collaboration with the special make-up artist JIRO, this new title offers you zombie make-up that is like what Hollywood professionals use. You can create a unique zombie by combining realistic zombie parts with hundreds of thousands of combinations.

The latest facial animation technology makes zombies behave in amazingly realistic ways. Not only will the zombie breathe or growl but also react if you touch the screen. When you drag on the screen, the zombie will follow your finger with his eyes and he will gnaw it when you touch around his mouth, while he will bend backwards when you tap his head. It provides you a truly interactive experience.

Moreover, you can share the zombified images via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LINE, or post the animated videos on YouTube and Facebook. If your friend shares zombie pictures on Facebook, you can view them within the app.

WARNING: Parental guidance is advised. bcゲーム 日本uot;ZombieBooth 2bcゲーム 日本uot; contains horror content that many will not find suitable for young children.

About bcゲーム 日本uot;ZombieBooth 2bcゲーム 日本uot;

App Title: bcゲーム 日本uot;ZombieBooth 2bcゲーム 日本uot;

Official Website:http://www.zombiebooth2.com

Price: .99

Developed By: TYFFON Inc.(http://www.tyffon.com )

App Store URL:http://appstore.com/zombiebooth2

About TYFFON Inc.

The company is headquartered in Tokyo. Its CEO is Ken Fukazawa.

Source: TYFFON Inc.

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