Usain Bolt Makes an Early Entrance at IAAF World Championships 2013 in Moscow.

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Seiko Group

TOKYO, Aug. 12 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Seiko Holdings Corporation

- Seiko Supporting Tournament as Official Timer & through Top New Technology -

At the IAAF World Championships 2013 in Moscow, the final for the men"s 100 meters took place on August 11 (Sun.). Among the competitors was world recorder-holder Usain Bolt.

Seiko Holdings Corporation (Seiko) serves as the official timer of the IAAF World Championships Moscow2013. Since our first IAAF World Championships in Rome in 1987, Seiko has been the official timer of the IAAF World Athletic Series 12 times in a row. We have supported the events by introducing a number of advanced systems to measure top athletes" times and distances accurately and to provide spectators with event information quickly.

Our newly developed systems have been introduced in this championship so that everyone can enjoy the competitions more than ever and athletes can achieve their best performances.

1,. Full-color LED panels are incorporated in the new field event board andthe system features panels on three sides, meaning the displayed information can be easily viewed from any angle in a circular spectator stand.

2,. New starting blocks are introduced in track events where the position of the built-in speakers has changed from the rear to the front, so that a starter"s voice and start sound can be heard closer to athletes" ears. Further, the length of the foot plates is 8 cm longer than our conventional models to allow athletes pushing back more forcefully at the start.

To liven up the event, Seiko has newly created a TV commercial ( the "time slice method" based on the concept of slicing together moments from various sports when Seiko was measuring the time and a visual image for sports advertisement which is based on the image of the moment when a permanent record is set with a new global slogan: TIME IS MORE THAN JUST A NUMBER.

The Seiko special website ( introduces the timing systems that Seiko actually uses at events and a pavilion that will be built near the stadium.

Source: Seiko Holdings Corporation

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