Executive Committee of bcゲーム コードuot;Discover Tomorrowbcゲーム コードuot; 1,000-km Relay to Tokyo

TOKYO, Aug. 9 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Executive Committee of bcゲーム コードuot;Discover Tomorrowbcゲーム コードuot; 1,000-km Relay to Tokyo

Executive Committee of bcゲーム コードuot;Discover Tomorrowbcゲーム コードuot; 1,000-km Relay to Tokyo

The bcゲーム コードuot;Discover Tomorrowbcゲーム コードuot; 1,000-km Relay to Tokyo concluded on Wednesday, August 7, around 5 p.m. as the relay sashes were brought to a grand goal at the bcゲーム コードuot;Deai-Bashi (Encounter Bridge)bcゲーム コードuot; at Odaiba in Tokyo. Seeking to support the ongoing disaster recovery efforts through the power of sports, the 14-day race crossed some of the regions hardest hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake, symbolically linking them to Tokyo through the runners' sashes.

Approximately 700 runners participated in this event that began on July 25 in Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture, traversing a 1,040-km course that took them mainly through the disaster-struck areas. A total of 57runners delivered the sashes that embodied the hopes of everyone over the final 1.7-km leg of the run through Odaiba from Jogport Ariake to Symbol Promenade Park, accompanied by Tokyo Governor Naoki Inose and a group of celebrity guest runners.

bcゲーム コードuot;If Tokyo's bid for the 2020 Summer Olympics is successful, Olympic torch runners will carry a torch through the disaster area. Today is August 7, so we will find out the outcome a month from now. I hope everyone will voice their support loud enough for it to be heard in Buenos Aires,bcゲーム コードuot; Governor Inose commented after the race.

bcゲーム コードuot;I was happy to be able to participate with so many people in this relay to support Tohoku's recovery. I hope it will unite the dreams everyone has for 2020,bcゲーム コードuot; said JAXA astronaut Soichi Noguchi, one of the guest runners.

Summary of Day's Events:

--Connecting us all from Michinoku. Support the reconstruction through the power of sport!

bcゲーム コードuot;Discover Tomorrowbcゲーム コードuot; 1,000-km Relay to Tokyo -- bcゲーム コードuot;Symbolic Sash of Recoverybcゲーム コードuot; joining 700 runners together finally arrives at the Grand Goal!

--57 runners joined by Tokyo Governor Inose and a host of celebrity guest runners to cover the final legs of the relay!

--Running route: From Jogport Ariake to Symbol Promenade Park (Tokyo)

--Guest runners: Soichi Noguchi (JAXA astronaut)

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bcゲーム コードuot;Discover Tomorrowbcゲーム コードuot; 1,000-km Relay to Tokyo

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  • 所在地 東京都
  • 業種 各種団体
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