Sony Launches 'bcゲーム twitterADIUM LIVE'


TOKYO, May 12 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Sony Corporation

Sony Launches 'bcゲーム twitter

-Unique and Innovative Fan-powered Social Network Site to Share in Excitement of 2014 FIFA World Cup(TM)-

With the kick-off of the 2014 FIFA World Cup(TM) a month away, Sony Corporation, an official FIFA partner, announced on May 12 the launch of'bcゲーム twitter, a one-of-a-kind social network site dedicated to football fans around the world ( .

'bcゲーム twitter is the latest of Sony's digital initiatives to unite football fans from around the globe to share in the excitement of the 2014 FIFA World Cup(TM), hosted on its'ONE STADIUM'portal site ( )and optimized for smartphone, tablet, and personal computers. An innovation in social media,'bcゲーム twitterbrings together football-related social media content from Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ into a single platform. Topics and posts from around the world will be organized according to people's interests and relevance, sorted to show the most popular, latest, relevant news and posts on football.'bcゲーム twitterwill serve as a unique one-stop site where all interesting conversation and news on football gathers, enabling fans to unite beyond personal connections, freeing them from individual efforts of searching online to join in on the excitement of the matches in Brazil. Now, football fans can easily and directly join in the multi-sourced discussions they care about, with millions of similarly passionate fans worldwide.

The natural language processing technology used in the tracking and analysis of the online conversations for 'bcゲーム twitterstudies and learns language patterns as opposed to monitoring key words, is the result of 14 years of research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that applies artificial intelligence and a database of 17 million facts to appropriate common sense knowledge to text mining. Contents can be further filtered by preferred languages, and the'bcゲーム twittersocial network site accommodates six languages - English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish.

'bcゲーム twitteralso provides team profiles for each of the 32 competing teams of the 2014 FIFA World Cup(TM), with squad lists and individual player profiles, as well as the tournament schedule and results, boosting supporters' expertise of their own team, whilst delivering insights into the opposition. During the matches, the 'Match Live' feature will deliver a second screen experience with a real-time, filtered stream of what all fans around the world are saying about that particular game.

Sony believes in creating a more enhanced experience for all football fans. As the world becomes more connected, the fans are an ever more important part of the FIFA World Cup(TM), whether they are in the stadium or miles away. Sony continues to lead the shift toward a united, fan-empowered football experience through the launch of 'bcゲーム twitter.

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