Major Taiwanese DMS Company Pegatron Establishes New PCB Design Flow through Technical Cooperation

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YOKOHAMA, Japan, Sept. 17 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Zuken Inc.

Major Taiwanese DMS Company Pegatron Establishes

New PCB Design Flow through

Technical Cooperation with Zuken

- Pegatron Ready for Design and Manufacturing Orders Using CR-8000 Data -

Zuken Inc. has announced that Pegatron Corp., a major Taiwanese Design and Manufacturing Services (DMS) company has built a new design environment centering on CR-8000 ( )

Design Force ( )based on a technical partnership with Zuken.

Pegatron adopted Zuken's CR-8000 in 2012, and through technical cooperation with Zuken, it integrated advanced automated design functions into CR-8000 Design Force based on design, verification and manufacturing know-how cultivated through many years of experience. As a result, remarkable achievements have already been made in terms of shortened project lead times and quality improvements. Based on these results, Pegatron has determined that its new PCB design flow based on CR-8000 shows a performance far superior to that of other existing design systems and, moving forward, the company plans to further accelerate full-scale deployment efforts.

Pegatron is now offering contracted design and manufacturing services to its customers through direct utilization of CR-8000 and CR-5000 ( )data. The company will exchange design data directly with its customers in CR-5000/8000 data format. CR-5000 is Zuken's scalable single board design with CR-8000 compatibility. In addition to circuit board patterns, the use of CR-8000 and CR-5000 data enables the direct transfer of design constraints specified by Pegatron customers, and details such as circuit board technical information to achieve advantages like significantly increased design and manufacturing quality, and a reduction in iteration which causes design changes. This has enabled Pegatron to offer customers even higher quality as well as faster design and manufacturing services in pursuit of greater numbers of orders from major electronics companies which use Zuken's CR-8000 and CR-5000 in Japan and other parts of Asia, the Americas, and Europe.

We received the following comment from Mr. Steven Huang, Senior Director RD Center-EA, SIM & CAE Division of Pegatron: "Previous CAD architecture had already become dated and we were encountering limitations in our ability to respond to new circuit board technologies, and in keeping up with the latest software technologies. We have nothing but high praise for the Zuken development team, which produced results through active efforts under Pegatron proprietary technical requirements, and the outstanding flexibility of CR-8000, which has enabled us to pursue expanded functionality on our own. We are confident that utilizing this data and transferring design data will help us to expand our company's business."

Moving forward, Zuken will continue to serve as a technical partner to Pegatron by contributing toward further expansion of its contracted design and manufacturing service operations .

The accomplishments at Pegatron are scheduled to be announced at Zuken Innovation World 2014 , which will be held on October 16 and 17 at The Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu, Yokohama, Japan.

Source: Zuken Inc.

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