Silicon Studio Launches Multiplatform Advanced Optical Effects Middleware bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;YEBIS 3bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;

Silicon Studio

TOKYO, Sept. 19 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Silicon Studio Corporation

Silicon Studio Launches Multiplatform Advanced Optical Effects Middleware bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;YEBIS 3bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;;

New Functions Produce Real Movie-Like Blur Effects

Silicon Studio Corp., serving the entertainment industry with digital technologies and products, announced on September 19 the launch of bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;YEBIS 3,bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot; the brand new version of a post-processing effect middleware capable of making advanced optical expressions.About the new function of bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;YEBIS 3bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot; YEBIS 3 has new major built-in functions for motion-blur effects, achieved with simulated aperture blade positioning and simulated lens aberration/compensation, high-quality screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO), and input/output color space conversion. By simulating aperture blade positioning and lens aberration/compensation, bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;YEBIS 3bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot; is capable of generating motion-blur effects like photography that were never before available. bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;YEBIS 3bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot; can express a whole variety of real-looking motion blurs such as color fringing that varies around the focal point depending on the combination of the number of aperture blades and rounded aperture as well as lens configuration.

For more information about the new functions, please visit the officialbcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;YEBIS 3bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot; website.Official website:

Platforms ready for bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;YEBIS 3bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;

PlayStation(R)4, PlayStation( R)3, PlayStation(R)Vita, Xbox One, Xbox360(R), Windows(R), iOS, Android, Linux, OS X, other embedded devicesAPIs ready for bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;YEBIS 3bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;OpenGL, OpenGL ES 2.0, OpenGL ES 3.0, DirectX 9/10/11, other drawing APIs peculiar to a plat form

About Silicon Studio

Established in 2000, Silicon Studio is an international company based in Tokyo, Japan, that delivers leading innovation in digital entertainment technology and content. Silicon Studio provides cutting-edge solutions in rendering technology, research and development methods, game content, post processing effects and online game solutions.

From fundamental development to integration and implementation, Silicon Studio provides seamless support to all aspects of a client's digital content needs and contributing to their success in creating groundbreaking and award winning interactive entertainment for current and next generation platforms.

CEO: Takehiko Terada

Head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot;YEBIS 3bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法uot; is a trademark of Silicon Studio Corporation.

Other companies and product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners and are used for the benefit of those owners.

Source: Silicon Studio Corporation

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