9th Toyota bcゲーム ラッキースピンt Contest "Start Your Imagination": Open for Entry

TOKYO, Feb. 9 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Toyota Motor Sales & Marketing Corporation (TMSM)

9th Toyota bcゲーム ラッキースピンt Contest "Start Your Imagination": Open for Entry

Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) is making a call for entries in the 9th Toyota bcゲーム ラッキースピンt Contest.

(Images from the global campaign video:http://www.image.net/startyourimagination )

Toyota Motor Sales & Marketing Corporation (TMSM) worked with Rotor Studios which produced the promotion video for the 9th contest. In this video, playful children let their imagination run free and visualize the car of their dreams. We hope they will inspire other children to draw their own bcゲーム ラッキースピン by bringing their incredible and marvelous cars to life. With this global campaign video, Toyota calls for entries in the National Contest, to be held this year in more than 95 countries. Participants 15 years of age and younger have the chance to win great prizes locally and even may get the opportunity to visit Japan for an Award Ceremony and a short trip through Japan with their parents if they succeed in participating in the World Contest as well. Gold, silver, bronze and special award winners will be selected in three age categories in the World Contest, and the award ceremony is scheduled for August 2015.

The Toyota bcゲーム ラッキースピンt Contest, which has been conducted since 2004 as part of TMC's social contribution initiatives, attracted over 2 million entries from 95 countries worldwide thanks to growing popularity.

The Contest invites children from all corners of the globe to share ideas about the future of mobility by drawing their bcゲーム ラッキースピンs. We at Toyota believe in nurturing the creativity of the next generation of great inventors, thinkers and dreamers, and hope they will contribute to a better society by making ever better cars.

Toyota bcゲーム ラッキースピンt Contest official website:http://www.toyota-global.com/events/dream_car_art_contest/

bcゲーム ラッキースピンt Contest by country:http://www.toyota-global.com/events/dream_car_art_contest/national.html

bcゲーム ラッキースピンt Contest Gallery:http://www.toyota-insidedreams.com/en/

Source: Toyota Motor Sales & Marketing Corporation (TMSM)

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