Entry Applications for 5th Osaka Marathon, One of Japan's Largest, to Be Accepted from April 6


OSAKA, Japan, Apr. 6 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Osaka Marathon Organizing Committee

Entry Applications for 5th Osaka Marathon, One of Japan's Largest, to Be Accepted from April 6

The Osaka Marathon Organizing Committee will start accepting entry applications for the 5th Osaka Marathon to be held on Oct. 25, 2015 from 10 a.m. on April 6.

Osaka Marathon is the second biggest after Tokyo Marathon and an urban marathon which attracted about 32,000 runners from Japan and abroad and drew as many as 1.3 million spectators for its scenic course featuring Osaka Castle, Dotonbori entertainment district and Midosuji Street.

As a charity-oriented marathon, Osaka Marathon showcases growing numbers of charity-related programs. The Osaka Marathon Expo, one of the largest of its kind in Japan, will be held ahead of the marathon and attracts about 50,000 visitors every year.

Osaka Marathon has drawn growing attention from abroad and over 3,000 foreign runners entered the 4th marathon last year. The organizing committee has set up foreign desks to attract more foreign entrants in the 5th marathon.

The marathon is not the only attraction Osaka can offer. Foreign runners and visitors can enjoy the exquisite soul foods of Osaka, shopping and globally famous amusement facilities.

The following is an outline of Osaka Marathon and websites for entry applications in four languages and entry desks set up abroad. We hope you can join us in Osaka.

- An outline of entry applications

Entry Applications: From 10 a.m. on April 6, 2015

Races, maximum number of participants and participation fees

(1)Marathon (42.195 km), 29,000 people, 13,000 yen

(2)Challenge Run (8.8 km), 2,000 people, 6,500 yen

*Charity donation of at least 2 units, 500 yen per unit, will be requested in addition to a handling fee of 540 yen.

- Websites for entry applications in four languages.

(Official entry websites)



Chinese (Traditional Chinese):


(Local entry websites)

Thailand (Thai):http://www.goadventureasia.com/eventreg.htm

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