DOKE Launches ViMeCa, Video Message Card for Recording and Replaying Videos for Sale on


OSAKA, Japan, June 22 /Kyodo JBN/ --

DOKE Co., Ltd.

DOKE Launches ViMeCa, Video Message Card for Recording and Replaying Videos at Touch of Button for Sale on

DOKE Co., Ltd. has launched "ViMeCa" for sale on ViMeCa is a video message card that enables anyone to easily record and replay video messages without the need for a computer or smartphone.

Easy-To-Create Video Message Card ViMeCa:

Product Specifications

ViMeCa is a never-before-seen video message card of photo frame size, with dimensions equivalent to A5-size paper (about half the size of A4) and a thickness of 8 mm. It is equipped with a camera, a 4.3-inch LCD display and a speaker. Usage is very simple -- videos can be effortlessly recorded or replayed with the touch of a single button, without the need to use a computer. ViMeCa is completely hassle-free with no other operations required.

ViMeCa video message cards are capable of recording videos of over four minutes long, which replay automatically as soon as the card is opened. The cover itself is white, so ViMeCa can be personally decorated before sending by, for instance, writing a desired message, attaching an illustration, or attaching a picture. Your video message card will send the most personalized and unique message in the world, and be a welcome surprise to that special somebody on almost any occasion including weddings, celebrations, graduations and more.

Examples of use

The recorded message in ViMeCa replays automatically as soon as the special someone you gift it to opens it, making for an absolutely unforgettable moment for him or her. As a welcome surprise at weddings, celebrations, graduations, Christmas and more, and complete with heartfelt illustrations and messages, why not send an important person in your life this card with the most unique message in the world tailored just for him/her?

DOKE has a vision to change values, and to create fresh ones for society through its business efforts. DOKE is engaged in a variety of services including marketing and consulting, as well as the planning, creation, operation and management of websites.

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  • 所在地 大阪府
  • 業種 ソフトウエア・SI
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