Nissan Motor Releases Video of bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;X-TREME GOLF CUP 2015,bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;

Nissan Motor

TOKYO, Aug. 28 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

Nissan Motor Releases Video of bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;X-TREME GOLF CUP 2015,bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;

One of World's Toughest Competitions,

Supported by X-Trail Hybrid SUV

- Winner Completes 18 Holes with 103 over Par, Covering 6,013 Yards over 4 Days, Secures 31-Shot Lead over Runner-up -

Nissan Motor Co. released on Aug. xx video footage of bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;X-TREME GOLF CUP 2015,bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; one of the world's toughest golf competitions, held in July as a promotional event for its X-Trail Hybrid sport utility vehicle (SUV). The video shows the official results of the competition and an entire picture of the event.

In the competition, players spent four days playing on 18 holes (a total of 6,013 yards, par 72) that were set up in various areas -- including Ryugasaki Airfield in Ibaraki Prefecture, designated as the first hole, and the 18th and last hole near the Shiriyazaki lighthouse in Higashidori, Aomori Prefecture. The total distance covered was 1,934 km. Such a tough golf competition cannot be seen elsewhere in the world.

Nissan's X-Trail Hybrid SUVs were used to travel from one hole to another, and the competition was held under special rules, whereby OB and lost balls were exempted in principle under the theme bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;Struggle against nature.bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;

The organizer solicited those who wished to participate in the competition on its official website (*1), beginning in May this year, and 423 people applied to enter the competition.

The organizer selected three competitors who have won golf competitions, such as amateur tournaments, from among the applicants by evaluating their golf scores, personal history and enthusiasm about participating in the event, resulting in a heated competition.

Taiga Tazawa, who completed 18 holes shooting 175, won the championship, and received an X-Trail Hybrid vehicle and other items as prizes. You can view the entire picture of the competition in the documentary video released (*2).

(*1) Details of the competition:

(*2) Official video of the competition (YouTube):

- Digest version (2 minutes and 7 seconds)

- Longer version (10 minutes and 22 seconds)

bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;X-TREAM GOLF CUP 2015bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; results and video footage:

Taiga Tazawa won the championship in the competition. He received an X-trail Hybrid vehicle from Kentaro Tao of Nissan Motor Co. as a prize at the Shiriyazaki lighthouse.

Prizes provided by companies that supported the competition:

- Nissan Motor Co.: X-Trail Hybrid vehicles for the transportation of the competitors & one as the prize for the winner

- TaylorMade Golf Co.: TaylorMade Golf clubs, etc. & Adidas golf wear, shoes, etc. for the competitors

- Maspro Denkoh Corp.: a full bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;Kodak PIXPRO SP360bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; camera set

- Kure Engineering Ltd.: Four days' supply of bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;KURE5-56bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;

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