New Tea Ceremony Room bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot;GINZA CHAZENbcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot; to Open on Oct. 8 for Foreign Tourists

bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナス


TOKYO, Oct. 5, 2015 /Kyodo JBN/ --


New Tea Ceremony Room bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot;GINZA CHAZENbcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot;

to Open on Oct. 8 for Foreign Tourists

CHAZEN & Co. will open a new tea ceremony room bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot;GINZA CHAZENbcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot; especially designed for foreign tourists who wish to experience traditional Japanese culture.

Opening Date: Thursday, October 8, 2015

Address: 5F Ginzaishikawa Bldg. 4-12-17 Ginza, Chuo Ward, Tokyo 104-0061, JAPAN

After stepping into the bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot;GINZA CHAZEN,bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot; a special space far away from the hustle and bustle of the metropolitan area, you can experience the ultimate in hospitality through Japanese tea ceremony.


From our many years of experience giving tea ceremony demonstrations overseas, we now offer the foreign tourists an authentic tea ceremony experience.

The program includes:

1. The Master's lecture.

2. Grind green tea leaves into bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot;Matchabcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot; powder.

3. The Master's demonstration.

4. Seasonal Japanese Matcha flavored sweets

5. Make your own Matcha

6. Receive your own certificate

(Tea ceremony experience)

Watch an authentic tea ceremony demonstrated by tea master, RIE TAKEDA.

Ms. Takeda has over 30 years of experience performing tea ceremony.

You will not only enjoy Japanese tea, but will also make tea through the bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot;Chahikibcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot; process of grinding tea leaves

Open hours: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Duration: 45 minutes.

Participation Fee: 3,500 Japanese yen / Person

Reservation: by 6 p.m. , one day before the program.

(Japanese tea ceremony & Japanese culture experience)

Enjoy Japanese culture through a variety of combination programs:

- Stroll through Ginza wearing a kimono

- bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot;Sushibcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot; chef serves special bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot;Sushi,bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot; prepared JUST FOR YOU in the tearoom.

- Samurai Ninja experience.

(Corporate Group and Individual rates)


You can freely join us during a break from shopping, eating out and watching bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot;Kabukibcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot; play with your family and friends.

Please feel free to contact us for more details.

bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot;One bowl of Matcha gives you a sense of peace and fills the world with warmth and smiles.bcゲーム カジノ 入金不要ボーナスuot;

President: RIE TAKEDA

Company website:

Company website (Japanese):


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