bcゲーム レーキバックork Times Square 2016 bcゲーム レーキバックear's Eve Celebration: 1 Billion Viewers around World Expected to...


TOKYO, Dec. 28, 2015 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Toshiba Corp.

bcゲーム レーキバックork Times Square 2016 bcゲーム レーキバックear's Eve Celebration: 1 Billion Viewers around World Expected to Watch TOSHIBA VISION in Times Square

Toshiba Corp. will liven up a global countdown event as the official sponsor for the Times Square bcゲーム レーキバックear's Eve celebration. The iconic 60-second countdown to midnight will be enhanced by audio and pyrotechnic effects on the TOSHIBA VISION screen, located directly below the world-famous Times Square bcゲーム レーキバックear's Eve Ball.

Press materials:http://www.image.net/toshiba_timessquare2016

For this year's bcゲーム レーキバックear countdown, all eyes will be on the TOSHIBA VISION screen atop One Times Square and six mobile LED screens throughout Times Square. The screens will feature bcゲーム レーキバックear's Eve content and entertainment for the more than one million-plus expected revelers, including hourly practice countdowns, musical performances from Carrie Underwood, Luke Bryan, Demi Lovato, Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth, revelers, and celebrities.

As well as the Toshiba Hourly Countdown sponsor's content every hour, Bill Nye, well known as "the Science Guy," will take to the official stage in Times Square to introduce Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision, the science and technology competition sponsored by Toshiba for school students in North America.

There will also be a "Japan Countdown" event at the main stage especially for Japanese people living in bcゲーム レーキバックork, starting at midnight on January 1, 2016, Japan time (10 a.m. EST on December 31, 2015). This event will feature a countdown animation of calligraphy by Masumi Narita on the TOSHIBA VISION screen.

Moreover, Twitter will be transmitting 60 to 120 seconds of video footage of the bcゲーム レーキバックear's Eve celebrations at the top of the hour from the respective time zones in the world. This video feed will be seen on the TOSHIBA VISION from 7:00 a.m. through 11:00 p.m. on December 31, 2015. During each hour, Twitter will also provide tweets from world leaders, celebrities and user-generated content from the respective time zones on the TOSHIBA VISION.

Related links:

TOSHIBA VISION - bcゲーム レーキバックork bcゲーム レーキバックear's Eve Countdown:


2016 bcゲーム レーキバックear's Eve live broadcast:


Times Square Ball App:


TOSHIBA VISION live streaming:


Official website of Times Square:


Source: Toshiba Corp.

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