Holding bcゲーム 出金he Symposium on Science, Technology and Innovation for 2020

February 12, 2016

Cabinet Office

Holding bcゲーム 出金he Symposium on Science, Technology and Innovation for 2020

Time: 1:00 - 5:30 PM, March 10 (Thurs.), 2016; Place: 2F, Keidanren Kaikan

Including a keynote speech by an expert, a panel discussion, anbcゲーム 出金n exhibition on nine projects

A venue for information-sharing and interchange with companies involved in each project

The Japanese Cabinet Office organized the Task Force of Science, Technology and Innovation for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It is the mission bcゲーム 出金his organization to engender Japanese-born science, technology and innovation capable of practical application by 2020. Under its basic philosophy that scientific and technical innovation are major forces of worldwide advancement, it is promoting nine related projects in fields such as the environment-friendly hydrogen society, next-generation transport systems applying automated driving technology, and the forecasting of and response to sudden natural disasters.

In this connection, to spread knowledge bcゲーム 出金hese projects, the Cabinet Office is going to hold the Symposium on Science, Technology and Innovation for 2020 at Keidanren Kaikan on March 10 (Thurs.), 2016.

Besides a keynote speech by an expert and a panel discussion, the Symposium is schedulebcゲーム 出金o include an exhibition profiling the technologies in the nine projects. For details on how to participate and other matters, please see the official Symposium website.

*Official websitehttp://2020tf.jp

Official website, keynote speech bcゲーム 出金anel discussion will be in JAPANESE.

If you have any inquiries in English, please email us at ( info@2020tf.jp )

Title: Symposium on Science, Technology and Innovation for 2020

Time: 1:00 - 5:30 PM, March 10 (Thurs.), 2016

Place: 2F, Keidanren Kaikan (1-3-2 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)

International Conference Hall: keynote speech bcゲーム 出金anel discussion

Keidanren Hall: technical exhibition on the nine projects

Organizer: Cabinet Office

Sponsored by: Japan Business Federation (Keidanren)/Nikkei Inc.

Program (tentative)

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- Keynote speech & panel discussion [2:15 ~ 4:30 PM]

[ Part 1 ]

12:45 PM ~ Opening bcゲーム 出金he reception counter for participation in the Symposium

2:00 PM ~ Opening bcゲーム 出金he venue

2:15 PM ~ Opening remarks by the organizer - Aiko Shimajiri, Japanese Minister of State for Science anbcゲーム 出金echnology Policy

2:20 PM ~ Keynote speech - Dr. Yoshiyuki Sankai

Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies (ImPACT) Program Manager

Professor, University bcゲーム 出金sukuba Graduate School/ Director, Center for Cybernics Research

President and CEO, CYBERDYNE Inc.

Dr. Sankai will speak about simultaneously advancing the research and development of innovative cybernic systems like the cyborg-type robot HAL, the generation of new industries, anbcゲーム 出金he cultivation of future pioneers, towarbcゲーム 出金he realization of a zero-intensive-nursing-care society, as well as about the promotion of innovations that drive a positive cycle from R&bcゲーム 出金o their application in society, anbcゲーム 出金he challenges of shifting social and industrial paradigms.

2:50 PM ~ Description bcゲーム 出金he Task Force mission - Cabinet Office representative

3:10 PM ~ Break (20 minutes)

[ Part 2 ]

3:30 ~ 4:30 PM - Panel discussion

Moderator: Morinosuke Kawaguchi

Founder & CEO, Morinosuke Co., Ltd.

Advisor, Nikkei BP Future Laboratory

Innovation & Technology Expert, Futurist

Mr. Kawaguchi provides consulting services on matters such as strategy for R&bcゲーム 出金nd product development at the invitation of governmental institutions in Japan and other Asian countries.

His book "MeGaTReNDs 2014 - 2023" has been given high ratings in various circles for its precise and wide-ranging future analyses based on forecasts elicited with a unique methodology. He is also involved in a project promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to draft a vision bcゲーム 出金omorrow's society based on the world view in this book, and the formulation of a vision in the National Vision Project Headquarters bcゲーム 出金he Liberal Democratic Party of Japan.

Panelists: project personnel, etc. (three or four tentatively scheduled)

- Exhibition on the nine projects [1:00 ~ 5:30 PM]

Outline bcゲーム 出金he technologies in each project

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[ Reference Material ]

Key points and requisite major technologies in the nine projects

[Project. 1] Hospitality Innovation 2020 / Smart Hospitality

Stress-free, people-friendly guidance accompanied by transportation of and conversation with visitors from other countries

- Points of benefit anbcゲーム 出金ppeal for society

1. Delivery of stress-free communication with even visitors from other countries, and linkage to promotion of in-bounbcゲーム 出金ourism.

2. Emergence of a society in which telecommunications devices, positioning technology, robots, and other technologies casually assist transportation and conversation

- Major technologies in each project

1. Multilingual voice translation system

2. High-precision positioning technology applying quasi-zenith satellites and indoor positioning technology

3. Platforms for regional sharing of data assisting improvement of services based on the history of customer purchase, movement, etc.

4. Robotics technology

[Project. 2] Disease Information Innovation 2020 / Reinforced surveillance for infectious diseases

Early detection and disclosure bcゲーム 出金he outbreak of infectious diseases, for protection of healthy living

- Points of benefit anbcゲーム 出金ppeal for society

1. Sure action against infectious diseases

2. Importance of ascertaining the trend of outbreak and constructing an information chain extending from the boarder to the general public

- Major technologies in each project

1. Research on total initiatives for infectious diseases caused by insect-borne viruses

2. Research for improvement of diagnostic capabilities for infectious diseases

[Project. 3] New Accessibility Innovation 2020 / Social participation assistance system

Supply of assistance to enable the disabled and agebcゲーム 出金o participate in society in the same way as younger people and people without disabilities

- Points of benefit anbcゲーム 出金ppeal for society

1. Delivery of support for disabled, aged, and paralympic sports, towarbcゲーム 出金he dissemination of a vibrant society attracting participation by diverse people

2. Construction bcゲーム 出金he universal healthy longevity society offering pleasant and comfortable living for all members

- Major technologies in each project

1. Support for movement & ability

2. Support for sports (including active use of support for movement anbcゲーム 出金bility by the disablebcゲーム 出金nbcゲーム 出金ged)

3. Support for communication

[Project. 4] Mobility Innovation 2020 / Advanced Rapibcゲーム 出金ransit (ART)

Provision of means bcゲーム 出金ransportation that are gentle to all and easy for all to use

- Points of benefit anbcゲーム 出金ppeal for society

1. Provision of means bcゲーム 出金ransportation that are gentle to all and easy for all to use

2. Aiming for a high-safety and security, and stress-free system

3. Packaging for expansion into regional areas and overseas

- Major technologies in each project

1. Automated driving (precision docking) control (automated pulling over, adjustment of vehicle height, and smooth acceleration/deceleration of speed)

2. Public Transportation Priority System (PTPS)

3. Control of ART vehicles using inter-vehicle & roadsite-vehicle communications, etc.

4. ART system integration

[Project. 5] Energy Innovation 2020 / Hydrogen energies system

Graduation to the next stage of cleanliness in transportation and living through new energy whose consumption entails only emission of water

- Points of benefit anbcゲーム 出金ppeal for society

1. Construction of a CO2-free hydrogen value chain

2. Contribution to the building of resilient cities with high security and low carbon emissions

- Major technologies in each project

1. Development bcゲーム 出金echnology for manufacture of hydrogen derived from renewable energy

2. Development bcゲーム 出金echnology for energy carriers (liquefied hydrogen, organic hydride, and ammonia)

3. Development bcゲーム 出金echnology for hydrogen utilization

4. Development bcゲーム 出金echnology for ammonia utilization

[Project. 6] Weather Forecast Innovation 2020 / Advance forecasting bcゲーム 出金orrential rains and tornadoes

Public notification bcゲーム 出金orrential rains before they start to fall

- Points of benefit anbcゲーム 出金ppeal for society

1. Development of sophisticated forecasting for torrential rains anbcゲーム 出金ornadoes, and provision of accurate disaster information with ample temporal margin

2. Contribution to safe and secure operation of events and guidance for evacuation of visitors

- Major technologies in each project

1. Research concerning the enhancement of forecasting information for torrential rains and tornadoes and effective use bcゲーム 出金he same, based on development and application of multi-parameter phased array radar, etc.

2. Development and input bcゲーム 出金echnology for disaster observation, analysis, and forecasting

[Project. 7] Big Data and Sensing Innovation 2020 / Movement optimization system

Use of big data for a smooth flow of people bcゲーム 出金rovision of safe bcゲーム 出金leasant hospitality

- Points of benefit anbcゲーム 出金ppeal for society

1. bcゲーム 出金tress-free monitoring

2. Optimization (streamlining) bcゲーム 出金he flow of people and placement of personnel

- Major technologies in each project

1. Data processing, analysis, and security technology needed for optimization (streamlining) of monitoring, flow of people, bcゲーム 出金lacement of personnel

2. Technologies for data storage, high-speed data processing, security, and low-power-consumption devices to construct platforms for the collection and use & application of data

[Project. 8] Global Movie Experience Innovation 2020 / New virtual experience video system

Sharing the excitement generated by high-presence video technology with people arounbcゲーム 出金he world

- Points of benefit anbcゲーム 出金ppeal for society

1. Easy sharing bcゲーム 出金he excitement of sports with the whole world, transcending space and time

2. Ability for others anywhere in the worlbcゲーム 出金o experience events exactly as if they were on the spot

3. Application in areas such as remote education and remote medicine

- Major technologies in each project

1. Spatial imaging technology overcoming the barrier of distance

2. Development bcゲーム 出金echnologies for next-generation devices that enable innovative image display

[Project. 9] Flower Innovation 2020 / Japan flower project

Application of cutting-edge technology to decorate streets with plenty of domestically grown flowers even in summer

- Points of benefit anbcゲーム 出金ppeal for society

1. Improvement of supply stability and keep (duration of freshness)

2. Improvement of international competitiveness

- Major technologies in each project

1. Technology for stable production of flowers in summertime, based on control bcゲーム 出金he cultivation environment

2. Technology to improve the keep of cut flowers

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Contact for inquiries about participation and operation

MAIL: info@2020tf.jp

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