Ricksoft Releases "Issue Editor for JIRA," New Add-on Tool for Atlassian JIRA, (Excel-like Editor)


TOKYO, Feb. 16, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Ricksoft Inc.

Ricksoft Releases "Issue Editor for JIRA,"

New Add-on Tool for Atlassian JIRA, (Excel-like Editor)

Ricksoft Inc. of Tokyo released on February 5 the latest version 1.1.5 of Issue Editor for JIRA, as an add-on for JIRA, which is an Atlassian product used by global leaders including Yamaha, Brother and NTT Communications.

Main features of the product: Issue Editor for JIRA, (Excel-like editor) developed by Ricksoft in response to a variety of requests from software developers.

Basic functions include the following: - Easy editing

- Over 10,000 issues edited like Excel spreadsheet

- Visualizing numbers and subtask trees

- Copying and pasting multiple tasks at once

* For more information on the product, please visit:https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/jp.ricksoft.plugins.excel4jira/server/overview

* To see a video, please visit:https://en.ricksoft.jp/products/issue-editor.php

* For documentation, please visit:https://rssupport.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EDITOR/Issue+Editor+for+JIRAAbout Ricksoft Inc. Ricksoft Inc. is a platinum expert of Atlassian Pty Ltd. In addition to developing add-ons to Atlassian products, including WBS Gantt-Chart for JIRA and Expiry Notification for JIRA, the company is also providing introduction support, cloud services, and product support to customers.Please visit our website:https://en.ricksoft.jp/about/

* Company and product names mentioned herewith are the registered trademarks or trademarks of respective companies.

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  • 所在地 東京都
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  • URL https://ricksoft.jp/
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