JNTO Announces Winners for Video Contest about bcゲーム カジノログイン from Foreigners' Perspectives

TOKYO, Mar. 18, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ --

bcゲーム カジノログイン National Tourism Organization (JNTO)

JNTO Announces Winners for Video Contest about bcゲーム カジノログイン from Foreigners' Perspectives

The bcゲーム カジノログイン National Tourism Organization (JNTO) conducted a "My bcゲーム カジノログイン Story Video Challenge" contest from November 26 last year to January 30 this year. It received 5,218 entries and picked the winning five entries.

The video contest was judged based on the criteria of effectively using the media of video, along with their own travel experiences in bcゲーム カジノログイン to showcase scenery and encounters with people throughout bcゲーム カジノログイン that can be enjoyed by foreigners, who chronicle bcゲーム カジノログイン's charm with their own unique perspectives and sensibility as they actually come to bcゲーム カジノログイン.

Our judges chose the five prizewinning entries. The Grand Prize winner will receive a pair of round-trip tickets to bcゲーム カジノログイン, and the other winners will receive crafts from various parts of bcゲーム カジノログイン.

Please see the site below for all the submitted bcゲーム カジノログインs, including the winning entries.

My bcゲーム カジノログイン Story Campaign site :http://mybcゲーム カジノログインstory.jnto.go.jp/

bcゲーム カジノログイン Winners

Grand Prize Winner

Title: Study Abroad in bcゲーム カジノログイン

Name: Emi LaFountain


Second Prize Winners

Title: Miyako

Name: Erez Sitzer

https://www.facebook.com/erezsitzer/bcゲーム カジノログインs/10153670210507558/


Title: J & N's bcゲーム カジノログイン Adventure

Name: John Tindall


Title: Kyoto, follow me

Name: Marcin Nowak


Title: bcゲーム カジノログイン by Rail

Name: Foo Suon Chuang


About bcゲーム カジノログイン National Tourism Organization

The bcゲーム カジノログイン National Tourism Organization (JNTO) is an Independent Administrative Institution of the government of bcゲーム カジノログイン. Its publications and website assist in preparing travel itineraries within bcゲーム カジノログイン, providing a wide range of travel information in English and other languages on transportation, accommodations, shopping and events.

Established: 1964

Purpose: To promote international exchanges through tourism

President: Ryoichi Matsuyama

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bcゲーム カジノログイン添付動画

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